Put Document Command

  • Use the PutDocumentCommand to insert or update a document in the database.

  • In this page:


// Create a new entity
const category = new Category();
category.name = "My category";
category.description = "My category description";
// To be able to specify under which collection the document should be stored 
// you need to convert the entity to a json document first.

// Passing the entity as is instead of the json document
// will result in storing the documet under the "@empty" collection.

const documentInfo = new DocumentInfo();
documentInfo.collection = "categories"; // The target collection
const jsonDocument = EntityToJson.convertEntityToJson(category, documentStore.conventions, documentInfo);

// Define the Put Command
// Pass the document ID, whether to make concurrency checks, and the json document to store
const putDocCmd = new PutDocumentCommand("categories/999", null, jsonDocument);

// Send the command to the server using the RequestExecutor
await documentStore.getRequestExecutor().execute(putDocCmd);

// Can check the command's result
const result = putDocCmd.result;
assert.strictEqual(result.id, "categories/999");


PutDocumentCommand(id, changeVector, document);
Parameter Type Description
id string Unique ID under which document will be stored
changeVector string Entity changeVector, used for concurrency checks (null to skip check)
document object The document to store.

// Executing the `PutDocumentCommand` returns the following object:
    // string, the document id under which the entity was stored
    // string, the change vector assigned to the stored document