Put Compare Exchange Operation

Create new cmpXchg item

// Create a new CmpXchg item:
// ==========================

// Define the put compare-exchange operation. Pass:
// * KEY: a new unique identifier (e.g. a user's email)
// * VALUE: an associated value (e.g. the user's name)
// * INDEX: pass '0' to indicate that this is a new key
const putCmpXchgOp = new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation("johnDoe@gmail.com", "John Doe", 0);

// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send
const result = await documentStore.operations.send(putCmpXchgOp);

// Check results
const successful = result.successful; // Has operation succeeded
const indexForItem = result.index;    // The version number assigned to the new item

// If successful is true then a new compare-exchange item has been created
// with the unique email key and the associated value.
  • Note:
    Using 0 with a key that already exists will Not modify existing compare-exchange item.

Create new cmpXchg item with metadata

// Create a new CmpXchg item with metadata:
// ========================================

// Define the put compare-exchange operation.
// Pass a 4'th parameter with the metadata object.
const putCmpXchgOp = new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation("+48-123-456-789", "John Doe", 0,
        "Provider": "T-Mobile",
        "Network": "5G",
        "Work phone": false

// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send
const result = await documentStore.operations.send(putCmpXchgOp);

// Check results
const successful = result.successful; // Has operation succeeded
const indexForItem = result.index;    // The version number assigned to the new item

// If successful is true then a new compare-exchange item has been created
// with the unique phone number key, value, and metadata.

Update existing cmpXchg item

  • When calling PutCompareExchangeValueOperation,
    the index from the request is compared to the index that is currently stored in the server for the specified key.
  • The compare-exchange item is updated only if the two are equal.

// Modify an existing CmpXchg item:
// ================================

// Get the existing compare-exchange item
const item = await documentStore.operations.send(
    new GetCompareExchangeValueOperation("+48-123-456-789")

// Make some changes
const newValue = "Jane Doe";
const metadata = item.metadata;
metadata["Work phone"] = true;

// Update the compare-exchange item:
// The put operation will succeed only if the 'index' of the compare-exchange item
// has not changed between the read and write operations.
const result = await documentStore.operations.send(
    new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation("+48-123-456-789", newValue, item.index, metadata)

// Check results
const successful = result.successful; // Has operation succeeded
const newIndex = result.index;        // The new version number assigned to the item 

// Version has increased
assert(newIndex > item.index);


// Available overloads:
// ====================
const putCmpXchgOp = new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation(key, value, index);
const putCmpXchgOp = new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation(key, value, index, metadata);
Parameter Type Description
key string
  • A unique identifier in the database scope.
  • Can be up to 512 bytes.
    value object
    • A value to be saved for the specified key.
    • Can be any object (number, string, array, or any valid JSON object).
    index number
    • Pass 0 to create a new key.
    • When updating an existing key, pass the current number for concurrency control.
      metadata object
      • Metadata to be saved for the specified key.
      • Must be a valid JSON object.

      // Return value of store.operations.send(putCmpXchgOp)
      // ===================================================
      class CompareExchangeResult {
      Return Value Type Description
      successful boolean
      • true if the put operation has completed successfully.
      • false if the put operation has failed.
      value object
      • Upon success - the value of the compare-exchange item that was saved.
      • Upon failure - the existing value on the server.
      index number
      • The compare-exchange item's version.
      • This number increases with each successful modification of the value or metadata.
      • Upon success - the updated version of the compare-exchange item that was saved.
      • Upon failure - the existing version number in the server.