How to Check for Session Changes

Check for session changes

  • The session's advanced property hasChanges indicates whether any entities were added, modified, or deleted within the session.

  • Note: The hasChanges property is cleared after calling saveChanges().

const session = store.openSession();

// No changes made yet - 'hasChanges' will be FALSE

// Store a new entity within the session
const employee = new Employee();
employee.firstName = "John";
employee.lastName = "Doe";


// 'hasChanges' will now be TRUE

// 'hasChanges' will reset to FALSE after saving changes 
await session.saveChanges();

Get session changes

  • Use the session's advanced method whatChanged() to get all changes made to all the entities tracked by the session.

  • For each entity that was modified, the details will include:

    • The name and path of the changed field
    • Its old and new values
    • The type of change
  • Note: whatChanged() reports changes made prior to calling saveChanges().
    Calling it immediately after saveChanges will return no results, as the changes are cleared.

Example I

const session = store.openSession();

// Store (add) new entities, they will be tracked by the session
const employee1 = new Employee();
employee1.firstName = "John";
employee1.lastName = "Doe";

const employee2 = new Employee();
employee2.firstName = "Jane";
employee2.lastName = "Doe";

await, "employees/1-A");
await, "employees/2-A");

// Call 'WhatChanged' to get all changes in the session
const changes = session.advanced.whatChanged();
assert.equal(Object.keys(changes).length, 2);  // 2 entities were added

// Get the change details for an entity, specify the entity ID
const changesForEmployee = changes["employees/1-A"];
assert.equal(Object.keys(changesForEmployee).length, 1); // a single change for this entity (adding)

// Get the change type
const changeType = changesForEmployee[0].change;
assert.equal(changeType, "DocumentAdded");

await session.saveChanges();
Example II

const session = store.openSession();

// Load the entities, they will be tracked by the session
const employee1 = await session.load("employees/1-A");
const employee2 = await session.load("employees/2-A");

// Modify entities
employee1.firstName = "Jim";
employee1.lastName = "Brown";
employee2.lastName = "Smith";

// Delete an entity

// Call 'WhatChanged' to get all changes in the session
const changes = session.advanced.whatChanged();

// Get the change details for an entity, specify the entity ID
let changesForEmployee = changes["employees/1-A"];

assert.equal(changesForEmployee[0].fieldName, "firstName");  // Field name
assert.equal(changesForEmployee[0].fieldNewValue, "Jim");    // New value
assert.equal(changesForEmployee[0].change, "FieldChanged");  // Change type

assert.equal(changesForEmployee[1].fieldName, "lastName");
assert.equal(changesForEmployee[1].fieldNewValue, "Brown");
assert.equal(changesForEmployee[1].change, "FieldChanged");

// Note: for employee2 - even though the LastName was changed to 'Smith',
// the only reported change is the latest modification, which is the delete action. 
changesForEmployee = changes["employees/2-A"];
assert.equal(changesForEmployee[0].change, "DocumentDeleted");

await session.saveChanges();


// HasChanges
// WhatChanged
Return value
Record<string, DocumentsChanges> Dictionary containing list of changes per document ID
DocumentsChanges Type Description
fieldOldValue object Previous field value
fieldNewValue object Current field value
change string Type of change that occurred. Can be:
"DocumentDeleted", "DocumentAdded","FieldChanged", "NewField", "RemovedField", "ArrayValueChanged", "ArrayValueAdded", "ArrayValueRemoved"
fieldName string Name of field on which the change occurred
fieldPath string Path of field on which the change occurred
fieldFullName string Path + Name of field on which the change occurred