Attachments: Copy, Move, Rename

  • Attachments can be copied, moved, or renamed using built-in session methods.

  • All of those actions are executed when saveChanges is called and take place on the server-side,
    removing the need to transfer the entire attachment binary data over the network in order to perform the action.

  • In this page:

Copy attachment

Use session.advanced.attachments.copy to copy an attachment from one document to another.

// Load entities
const employee1 = await session.load("employees/1-A");
const employee2 = await session.load("employees/2-A");

// Call method 'copy'
// Copy attachment from employee1 to employee2
session.advanced.attachments.copy(employee1, "photo.jpg", employee2, "photo-copy.jpg");

// Attachment will be copied on the server-side only when saveChanges is called
await session.saveChanges();
// Call method 'copy'
// Copy attachment from "employees/1-A" to "employees/2-A"
session.advanced.attachments.copy("employees/1-A", "photo.jpg", "employees/2-A", "photo-copy.jpg");

// Attachment will be copied on the server-side only when saveChanges is called
await session.saveChanges();

Move attachment

Use session.advanced.attachments.move to move an attachment from one document to another.

// Load entities 
const employee1 = await session.load("employees/1-A");
const employee2 = await session.load("employees/2-A");

// Call method 'move'
// Move attachment from employee1 to employee2
session.advanced.attachments.move(employee1, "photo.jpg", employee2, "photo.jpg");

// Attachment will be moved on the server-side only when saveChanges is called
await session.saveChanges();
// Call method 'move'
// Move attachment from "employees/1-A" to "employees/2-A"
session.advanced.attachments.move("employees/1-A", "photo.jpg", "employees/2-A", "photo.jpg");

// Attachment will be moved on the server-side only when saveChanges is called
await session.saveChanges();

Rename attachment

Use session.advanced.attachments.rename to rename an attachment.

// Load entity
const employee = await session.load("employees/1-A");

// Call method 'rename'
// Rename "photo.jpg"
session.advanced.attachments.rename(employee, "photo.jpg", "photo-new.jpg");

// Attachment will be renamed on the server-side only when saveChanges is called
await session.saveChanges();
// Call method 'rename'
// Rename "photo.jpg"
session.advanced.attachments.rename("employees/1-A", "photo.jpg", "photo-new.jpg");

// Attachment will be renamed on the server-side only when saveChanges is called
await session.saveChanges();


// Copy - available overloads:
// ===========================
copy(sourceEntity, sourceName, destinationEntity, destinationName);
copy(sourceDocumentId, sourceName, destinationDocumentId, destinationName);

// Move - a vailable overloads:
// ============================
move(sourceEntity, sourceName, destinationEntity, destinationName);
move(sourceDocumentId, sourceName, destinationDocumentId, destinationName);
Parameter Type Description
sourceEntity object Source entity
destinationEntity object Destination entity
sourceDocumentId string Source document Id
destinationDocumentId string Destination document Id
sourceName string Source attachment name
destinationName string Destination attachment name

// Rename - available overloads:
// =============================
rename(entity, name, newName);
rename(documentId, name, newName);
Parameter Type Description
entity object The document entity
documentId string The document Id
name string Current name of attachment
newName string The new name for the attachment