Configure Revisions Operation

  • Use ConfigureRevisionsOperation to apply the following revisions configuration to the database:

    • Default configuration - applies to all document collections.
    • Collection-specific configurations - override the default settings for these collections.
    • To apply a configuration for conflict document revisions see configure conflict revisions.
  • The configuration passed to this operation will REPLACE the current revisions configuration in the database.
    To MODIFY existing configuration, fetch the current configuration from the database record first.

  • After applying the configuration,
    revisions are created and purged for a document whenever the document is created, modified, or deleted.

  • To create a revision when there is no configuration defined (or enabled) see: force revision creation

  • By default, the operation will be applied to the default database.
    To operate on a different database see switch operations to different database.

  • In this page:

Replace configuration

  • In this example, we create a new RevisionsConfiguration for the database.
    If revisions configuration already exists in the database - it will be replaced.

// ==============================================================================
// Define default settings that will apply to ALL collections
// Note: this is optional
const defaultRevConfig = new RevisionsCollectionConfiguration();
defaultRevConfig.minimumRevisionsToKeep = 100;
defaultRevConfig.minimumRevisionAgeToKeep = TimeUtil.millisToTimeSpan(3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7) // 7 days
defaultRevConfig.maximumRevisionsToDeleteUponDocumentUpdate = 15;
defaultRevConfig.purgeOnDelete = false;
defaultRevConfig.disabled = false;

// With this configuration:
// ------------------------
// * A revision will be created anytime a document is modified or deleted.
// * Revisions of a deleted document can be accessed in the Revisions Bin view.
// * At least 100 of the latest revisions will be kept.
// * Older revisions will be removed if they exceed 7 days on next revision creation.
// * A maximum of 15 revisions will be deleted each time a document is updated,
//   until the defined '# of revisions to keep' limit is reached.

// ==============================================================================
// Define a specific configuration for the EMPLOYEES collection
// This will override the default settings
const employeesRevConfig  = new RevisionsCollectionConfiguration();
employeesRevConfig.minimumRevisionsToKeep = 50;
employeesRevConfig.minimumRevisionAgeToKeep = TimeUtil.millisToTimeSpan(3600 * 1000 * 12);  // 12 hrs
employeesRevConfig.purgeOnDelete = true;
employeesRevConfig.disabled = false;

// With this configuration:
// ------------------------
// * A revision will be created anytime an Employee document is modified.
// * When a document is deleted all its revisions will be removed.
// * At least 50 of the latest revisions will be kept.
// * Older revisions will be removed if they exceed 12 hours on next revision creation.

// ==============================================================================
// Define a specific configuration for the PRODUCTS collection
// This will override the default settings
const productsRevConfig   = new RevisionsCollectionConfiguration();
productsRevConfig.disabled = true;

// With this configuration:
// ------------------------
// No revisions will be created for the Products collection,
// even though default configuration is enabled

// ==============================================================================
// Combine all configurations in the RevisionsConfiguration object
const revisionsConfig = new RevisionsConfiguration();
revisionsConfig.defaultConfig = defaultRevConfig;
revisionsConfig.collections = new Map<string, RevisionsCollectionConfiguration>();
revisionsConfig.collections.set("Employees", employeesRevConfig);
revisionsConfig.collections.set("Products", productsRevConfig);

// ==============================================================================
// Define the configure revisions operation, pass the configuration
const configureRevisionsOp = new ConfigureRevisionsOperation(revisionsConfig);

// Execute the operation by passing it to maintenance.send
// Any existing configuration will be replaced with the new configuration passed
await store.maintenance.send(configureRevisionsOp);

Modify configuration

  • In this example, we fetch the existing revisions configuration from the database record and modify it.

// ==============================================================================
// Define the get database record operation:
const getDatabaseRecordOp = new GetDatabaseRecordOperation(documentStore.database);
// Get the current revisions configuration from the database record:
const record = await store.maintenance.server.send(getDatabaseRecordOp);
const revisionsConfig = record.revisions;

// ==============================================================================
// If no revisions configuration exists, then create a new configuration
if (!revisionsConfig) {
    const revisionsConfig = new RevisionsConfiguration();
    revisionsConfig.defaultConfig = defaultRevConfig;
    revisionsConfig.collections = new Map<string, RevisionsCollectionConfiguration>();
    revisionsConfig.collections.set("Employees", employeesRevConfig);
    revisionsConfig.collections.set("Products", productsRevConfig);

// ==============================================================================
// If a revisions configuration already exists, then modify it
else {
    revisionsConfig.defaultConfig = defaultRevConfig;
    revisionsConfig.collections.set("Employees", employeesRevConfig);
    revisionsConfig.collections.set("Products", productsRevConfig);

// ==============================================================================
// Define the configure revisions operation, pass the configuration
const configureRevisionsOp = new ConfigureRevisionsOperation(revisionsConfig);

// Execute the operation by passing it to maintenance.send
// The existing configuration will be updated
await documentStore.maintenance.send(configureRevisionsOp);


const configureRevisionsOp = new ConfigureRevisionsOperation(configuration);
Parameter Type Description
configuration RevisionsConfiguration The revisions configuration to apply

class RevisionsConfiguration
Property Type Description
defaultConfig RevisionsCollectionConfiguration Optional default settings that apply to any collection Not specified in collections.
collections Dictionary<string, RevisionsCollectionConfiguration> A Dictionary of collection-specific configurations
The keys are the collection names
The values are the corresponding configurations.
Overrides the default settings for the collections defined.

class RevisionsCollectionConfiguration

Property Type Description
minimumRevisionsToKeep number
  • This number of revisions will be kept per document.
  • Older revisions exceeding this number will be purged upon the next document modification.
  • Default : null = no limit
minimumRevisionAgeToKeep string
  • Limit the number of revisions kept per document by their age.
  • Revisions that are older than this time will be purged upon the next document modification.
  • Default : null = no age limit
    maximumRevisionsToDeleteUponDocumentUpdate number
    • The maximum number of revisions to delete upon each document modification.
    • Default : null = no limit,
      all revisions that pend purging will be deleted.
    purgeOnDelete boolean
    • false ( Default ) - Revisions of a deleted document are moved to the Revisions Bin.
    • true - When a document is deleted all its revisions are also deleted.
    disabled boolean
    • false ( Default ) - Revisions will be created and purged according to the configuration.
    • true - No revisions will be created or purged.