Filter Query Results

Where - equals

// Basic filtering using "whereEquals":
// ====================================

const filteredEmployees = await session
     // Query an index 
    .query({ indexName: "Employees/ByFirstAndLastName" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")
     // By default AND is applied between both 'where' predicates
    .whereEquals("LastName", "King")
     // Execute the query, send it to the server for processing

// Results will include all Employee documents 
// with FirstName equals to 'Robert' AND LastName equal to 'King'
class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {
        super();"employees", employee => {
            return {
                FirstName: employee.FirstName,
                LastName: employee.LastName
from index "Employees/ByFirstAndLastName"
where FirstName == "Robert" and LastName == "King"

Where - numeric Property

// Filter with "whereGreaterThan":
// ===============================

const filteredProducts = await session
     // Query an index 
    .query({ indexName: "Products/ByUnitsInStock" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .whereGreaterThan("UnitsInStock", 20)

// Results will include all Product documents having 'UnitsInStock' > 20
class Products_ByUnitsInStock extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {
        super();"products", product => {
            return {
                UnitsInStock: product.UnitsInStock
from index "Products/ByUnitsInStock"
where UnitsInStock > 20

// Filter with "whereLessThan":
// ============================

const filteredProducts = await session
     // Query an index 
    .query({ indexName: "Products/ByUnitsInStock" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .whereLessThan("UnitsInStock", 20)

// Results will include all Product documents having 'UnitsInStock'< 20
class Products_ByUnitsInStock extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {
        super();"products", product => {
            return {
                UnitsInStock: product.UnitsInStock
from index "Products/ByUnitsInStock"
where UnitsInStock < 20

Where - nested property

// Filter by a nested property:
// ============================

const filteredOrders = await session
     // Query a collection
    .query({ collection: "Orders" })
     // Filter by the nested property 'ShipTo.City' from the Order document
    .whereEquals("ShipTo.City", "Albuquerque")

// * Results will include all Order documents with an order that ships to 'Albuquerque'
// * An auto-index will be created
from "Orders"
where ShipTo.City == "Albuquerque"

Where - multiple values

// Filter by multiple values:
// ==========================

const filteredOrders = await session
     // Query an index 
    .query({ indexName: "Orders/ByProductNamesPerOrderLine" })
     // Filter by multiple values 
    .whereEquals("ProductName", "Teatime Chocolate Biscuits")

// Results will include all Order documents that contain ALL values in "Teatime Chocolate Biscuits"
class Orders_ByProductNamesPerOrderLine extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {
        super();"orders", order => {
            return {
                // Index field 'ProductNames' will contain the product names per Order Line
                ProductNames: => x.ProductName)
from index "Orders/ByProductNamesPerOrderLine"
where ProductNames == "Teatime Chocolate Biscuits"

Where - in

Use whereIn when you want to filter by a single value out of multiple given values.

// Filter with "whereIn":
// ======================

const filteredEmployees = await session
     // Query an index 
    .query({ indexName: "Employees/ByFirstAndLastName" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .whereIn("FirstName", [ "Robert", "Nancy" ]) 

// Results will include all Employee documents that have either 'Robert' OR 'Nancy' in their 'FirstName' field
class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {
        super();"employees", employee => {
            return {
                FirstName: employee.FirstName,
                LastName: employee.LastName
from index "Employees/ByFirstAndLastName"
where FirstName in ("Robert", "Nancy")

Where - containsAny

Use containsAny to check if an enumeration contains any of the values from the specified list.

// Filter with "containsAny":
// ==========================

const filteredOrders = await session
     // Query an index 
    .query({ indexName: "Orders/ByProductNames" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .containsAny("ProductNames", ["Ravioli", "Coffee"])

// Results will include all Order documents that have either 'Ravioli' OR 'Coffee' in their order
class Orders_ByProductNames extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {
        super();"orders", order => {
            return {
                // Index field 'ProductNames' will contain a list of all product names
                ProductNames: order.Lines.flatMap(x => x.ProductName.split(" "))
from index "Orders/ByProductNames"
where ProductNames in ("ravioli", "coffee")

Where - containsAll

Use containsAll to check if an enumeration contains all of the values from the specified list.

// Filter with "containsAll":
// ==========================

const filteredOrders = await session
     // Query an index 
    .query({ indexName: "Orders/ByProductNames" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .containsAll("ProductNames", ["Ravioli", "Pepper"])

// Results will include all Order documents that have both 'Ravioli' AND 'Pepper' in their order
class Orders_ByProductNames extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {
        super();"orders", order => {
            return {
                // Index field 'ProductNames' will contain a list of all product names
                ProductNames: order.Lines.flatMap(x => x.ProductName.split(" "))
from index "Orders/ByProductNames"
where ProductNames all in ("ravioli", "pepper")

Where - startsWith

// Filter with "whereStartsWith":
// ==============================

const filteredProducts = await session
     // Query a collection
    .query({ collection: "Products" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .whereStartsWith("Name", "ch")

// * Results will include all Product documents with a name that starts with 'ch'
// * An auto-index will be created
from "Products" 
where startsWith(Name, "ch")

Where - endsWith

// Filter with "whereEndsWith":
// ===========================

const filteredProducts = await session
     // Query a collection
    .query({ collection: "Products" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .whereEndsWith("Name", "es")

// * Results will include all Product documents with a name that ends with 'es'
// * An auto-index will be created
from Products 
where endsWith(Name, 'ra')

Where - exists

Where - filter by ID

  • Once the property used in the whereEquals clause is recognized as an identity property of a given entity type,
    and there aren't any other fields involved in the query predicate, then this query is considered a "Collection Query".

  • Such collection queries that ask about documents with given IDs, or where identifiers start with a given prefix and don't require any additional handling like ordering, full-text searching, etc, are handled directly by the storage engine.

  • This means that querying by ID doesn't create an auto-index and has no extra cost.
    In terms of efficiency, it is the same as loading documents with session.load usage.

// Filter by id:
// =============

const order = await session
     // Query a collection
    .query({ collection: "Orders" })
     // The filtering predicate
    .whereEquals("id", "orders/1-A")

// * Results will include the Order document having ID 'orders/1-A'
// * An auto-index is NOT created
from "Orders"
where id() == "orders/1-A"

// Filter by whereStartsWith id:
// =============================

const filteredOrders = await session
    // Query a collection
    .query({ collection: "Orders" })
    // The filtering predicate
    .whereStartsWith("id", "orders/1")

// * Results will include all Order documents having ID that starts with 'orders/1'
// * An auto-index is NOT created
from "Orders"
where startsWith(id(), "orders/1")