Highlight Index Search Results

  • When making a Full-Text Search query, in addition to retrieving documents that contain the searched terms, you can also request to get a list of text fragments that highlight the searched terms.

  • This article provides examples of highlighting search results when querying a static-index.
    Prior to reading this article, it is recommended to take a look at the Highlight search results article for general knowledge about Highlighting and for dynamic-queries examples.

  • To search and get fragments with highlighted terms when querying a static-index,
    the index field on which you search must be configured for highlighting. See examples below.

  • In this page:

Highlight results - Map index

Configure a Map index for highlighting:

To search and get fragments with highlighted terms,
the index-field on which you search must be configured as follows:

  • Store the index-field in the index
  • Configure the index-field for Full-Text search
  • Store the index-field term vector with position and offsets

// Define a Map index:
// ===================
class Employees_ByNotes extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor () {

        this.map("employees", employee => {
            return {
                EmployeeNotes: employee.Notes[0]

        // Configure index-field 'EmployeeNotes' for highlighting:
        // =======================================================
        this.store("EmployeeNotes", "Yes");
        this.index("EmployeeNotes", "Search");
        this.termVector("EmployeeNotes", "WithPositionsAndOffsets");

Query the index with search:

// Define a param that will get the highlighted text fragments
let managerHighlights;

const employeesResults = await session
     // Query the map index
    .query({ indexName: "Employees/ByNotes" })
     // Search for documents containing the term 'manager'
    .search("EmployeeNotes", "manager")
     // Request to highlight the searched term by calling 'highlight'
        fieldName: "EmployeeNotes",
        fragmentLength: 35,
        fragmentCount: 2
    }, x => { managerHighlights = x; })
from index "Employees/ByNotes"
where search(EmployeeNotes, "manager")
include highlight(EmployeeNotes, 35, 2)

Query the index with whereEquals:

// Define a param that will get the highlighted text fragments
let managerHighlights;

const employeesResults = await session
    // Query the map index
    .query({ indexName: "Employees/ByNotes" })
    // Search for documents containing the term 'manager'
    .whereEquals("EmployeeNotes", "manager")
    // Request to highlight the searched term by calling 'highlight'
        fieldName: "EmployeeNotes",
        fragmentLength: 35,
        fragmentCount: 2
    }, x => { managerHighlights = x; })
from index "Employees/ByNotes"
where EmployeeNotes == "manager"
include highlight(EmployeeNotes, 35, 2)

Process results:

// 'employeesResults' contains all Employee DOCUMENTS that contain the term 'manager'.
// 'managerHighlights' contains the text FRAGMENTS that highlight the 'manager' term.

let fragmentsHtml = "<ul>";

employeesResults.forEach((employee) => {
    // Call 'getFragments' to get all fragments for the specified employee id
    let fragments = managerHighlights.getFragments(employee.id);
    fragments.forEach((fragment) => {
        fragmentsHtml += `<li>Doc: ${employee.id}</li>`
        fragmentsHtml += `<li>Fragment: ${fragment}</li>`;
        fragmentsHtml += `<li></li>`;

fragmentsHtml += "</ul>";

// The resulting fragmentsHtml:
// ============================

// <ul>
//   <li>Doc: employees/2-A</li>
//   <li>Fragment:  to sales <b style="background:yellow">manager</b> in January</li>
//   <li></li>
//   <li>Doc: employees/5-A</li>
//   <li>Fragment:  to sales <b style="background:yellow">manager</b> in March</li>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>

Highlight results - Map-Reduce index

Configure a Map-Reduce index for highlighting:

In order to search and get fragments with highlighted terms in a Map-Reduce index:

  • The index-field on which you search must be configured with:

    • Store the index-field in the index

    • Configure the index-field for Full-Text search

    • Store the index-field term vector with position and offsets

  • The index-field by which you group-by must be stored in the index.

// Define a Map-Reduce index:
// ==========================
class ContactDetailsPerCountry extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor () {

        // The 'map' function defines what will be indexed from each document in the collection
        this.map("companies", company => {
            return {
                Country: company.Address.Country,
                ContactDetails: company.Contact.Name + " " + company.Contact.Title

        // The 'reduce' function specifies how data is grouped and aggregated
        this.reduce(results => results.groupBy(x => x.Country).aggregate(g => {
            return {
                // Set 'Country' as the group-by key
                // 'ContactDetails' will be grouped per 'Country'
                Country: g.key,

                // Specify the aggregation
                // here we use 'join' as the aggregation function
                ContactDetails: g.values.map(x => x.ContactDetails).join(' ')

        // Configure index-field 'Country' for highlighting:
        // =================================================
        this.store("Country", "Yes");

        // Configure index-field 'ContactDetails' for highlighting:
        // =======================================================
        this.store("ContactDetails", "Yes");
        this.index("ContactDetails", "Search");
        this.termVector("ContactDetails", "WithPositionsAndOffsets");

Query the index:

// Define the key by which the resulting fragments are grouped:
// ============================================================
const options = {
    // Set 'groupKey' to be the index's group-by key
    // The resulting fragments will be grouped per 'Country'
    groupKey: "Country"

let agentHighlights;

// Query the map-reduce index:
// ===========================
const detailsPerCountry  = await session
    .query({ indexName: "ContactDetailsPerCountry" })
     // Search for results containing the term 'agent'
    .search("ContactDetails", "agent")
     // Request to highlight the searched term by calling 'highlight'
     // Pass the defined 'options'
        fieldName: "ContactDetails",
        fragmentLength: 35,
        fragmentCount: 2,
    }, x => { agentHighlights = x; })
from index "ContactDetailsPerCountry"
where search(ContactDetails, "agent")
include highlight(ContactDetails, 35, 2, $p0)

Process results:

// 'detailsPerCountry' contains the contacts details grouped per country.
// 'agentHighlights' contains the text FRAGMENTS that highlight the 'agent' term.

let fragmentsHtml = "<ul>";

employeesResults.forEach((item) => {
    // Call 'getFragments' to get all fragments for the specified country key
    let fragments = agentHighlights.getFragments(item.Country);
    fragments.forEach((fragment) => {
        fragmentsHtml += `<li>Doc: ${item.Country}</li>`
        fragmentsHtml += `<li>Fragment: ${fragment}</li>`;
        fragmentsHtml += `<li></li>`;

fragmentsHtml += "</ul>";

// The resulting fragmentsHtml:
// ============================

// <ul>
//   <li>Country: UK</li>
//   <li>Fragment: Devon Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Helen Bennett</li>
//   <li></li>
//   <li>Country: France</li>
//   <li>Fragment: Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Carine Schmit</li>
//   <li></li>
//   <li>Country: France</li>
//   <li>Fragment: Saveley Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Paul Henriot</li>
//   <li></li>
//   <li>Country: Argentina</li>
//   <li>Fragment: Simpson Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Yvonne Moncad</li>
//   <li></li>
//   <li>Country: Argentina</li>
//   <li>Fragment: Moncada Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Sergio</li>
//   <li></li>
//   <li>Country: Brazil</li>
//   <li>Fragment: Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Anabela</li>
//   <li></li>
//   <li>Country: Belgium</li>
//   <li>Fragment: Dewey Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Pascale</li>
//   <li></li>
// </ul>

Customize highlight tags

  • Default tags:

    • Please refer to Highlight tags to learn about the default html tags used to wrap the highlighted terms.
  • Customizing tags:

    • The default html tags that wrap the highlighted terms can be customized to any other tags.

    • Customizing the wrapping tags when querying an index is done exactly the same as when making
      a dynamic query where the preTags and postTags parameters are passed to the highlight method.

    • Follow the example in Highlight - customize tags.