Get Client Configuration Operation
(for database)

  • It is recommended to first refer to the client-configuration description in the put client-configuration article.

  • Use GetClientConfigurationOperation to get the current client-configuration set on the server for the database.

  • In this page:

Get client-configuration

// Define the get client-configuration operation
$getClientConfigOp = new GetClientConfigurationOperation();

// Execute the operation by passing it to Maintenance.Send
/** @var GetClientConfigurationResult $result */
$result = $store->maintenance()->send($getClientConfigOp);

$clientConfiguration = $result->getConfiguration();


public GetClientConfigurationOperation()

// Executing the operation returns the following object:
class GetClientConfigurationResult implements ResultInterface
    private ?int $etag = null;
    private ?ClientConfiguration $configuration;

    // ... getters and setters