Get Query Statistics

  • Detailed query statistics can be retrieved for every executed query using the statistics method.

  • Stats such as query duration, number of results, index name used in the query, and more,
    are returned in the QueryStatistics object.

  • In This Page:

Get query statistics

def __statistics_callback(statistics: QueryStatistics) -> None:
    # Read and interact with QueryStatistics here
    total_results = statistics.total_results
    duration_milliseconds = statistics.duration_in_ms

employees = list(
    .where_equals("first_name", "Robert")
from "Employees" where FirstName == "Anne"


def statistics(self, stats_callback: Callable[[QueryStatistics], None]) -> DocumentQuery[_T]: ...

with self.embedded_server.get_document_store("QueryStatistics") as store:
    with store.open_session() as session:
        # region stats_2
        def __statistics_callback(statistics: QueryStatistics) -> None:
            # Read and interact with QueryStatistics here
            total_results = statistics.total_results
            duration_milliseconds = statistics.duration_in_ms

        employees = list(
            .where_equals("first_name", "Robert")
Parameter Type Description
stats_callback Callable[[QueryStatistics], None] An action that will be called with query statistics object
Property Type Description
is_stale bool Are the results returned by the query potentially stale
duration_in_ms int Query duration on the server side in Milliseconds
total_results int The total count of results that matched the query
Matching query results can also be counted using count.
skipped_results int The number of results skipped by the server.
Learn more in paging through tampered results.
timestamp datetime The time when the query results were unstale
index_name str The name of the queried index
index_timestamp IndexTimestamp The timestamp of the queried index
last_query_time datetime The timestamp of the last time the index was queried
result_etag int Results Etag
node_tag str Tag of the cluster node that responded to the query