Changes API: How to Subscribe to Operation Changes

The following methods allow you to subscribe to operation changes:


Operation changes for one operation can be observed using the ForOperationId method.

Please note that from RavenDB 6.2 on, operation changes can be tracked only on a specific node.
The purpose of this change is to improve results consistency, as an operation may behave very differently on different nodes and cross-cluster tracking of an operation may become confusing and ineffective if the operation fails over from one node to another.
Tracking operations will therefore be possible only if the Changes API was opened using a method that limits tracking to a single node: store.Changes(dbName, nodeTag)


IChangesObservable<OperationStatusChange> ForOperationId(long operationId);
operationId long ID of an operation for which notifications will be processed.
Return value
IChangesObservable<OperationStatusChange> Observable that allows you to add subscriptions to notifications for an operation with a given ID.


IDisposable subscription = store
    .Changes(dbName, nodeTag)
        change =>
            switch (change.State.Status)
                case OperationStatus.InProgress:
                    //Do Something
                case OperationStatus.Completed:
                    //Do Something
                case OperationStatus.Faulted:
                    //Do Something
                case OperationStatus.Canceled:
                    //Do Something
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();


Operations changes for all Operations can be observed using the ForAllOperations method.

Please note that from RavenDB 6.2 on, operation changes can be tracked only on a specific node.
The purpose of this change is to improve results consistency, as an operation may behave very differently on different nodes and cross-cluster tracking of an operation may become confusing and ineffective if the operation fails over from one node to another.
Tracking operations will therefore be possible only if the Changes API was opened using a method that limits tracking to a single node: store.Changes(dbName, nodeTag)

Return Value
IChangesObservable<OperationStatusChange> Observable that allows to add subscriptions to notifications for all operations.


IChangesObservable<OperationStatusChange> ForAllOperations();


IDisposable subscription = store
    .Changes(dbName, nodeTag)
    .Subscribe(change => Console.WriteLine("Operation #{1} reports progress: {0}", change.State.Progress.ToJson(), change.OperationId));



Name Type Description
State OperationState Operation state
OperationId long Operation ID



Name Type Description
Result IOperationResult Operation result
Progress IOperationProgress Instance of IOperationProgress (json representation of the progress)
Status OperationStatus Operation status



Name Type Description
Message string Operation message
ShouldPersist bool determine whether or not the result should be saved in the storage


OperationStatus (enum)

Name Description
InProgress Indicates that the operation made progress
Completed Indicates that the operation has completed
Faulted Indicates that the operation is faulted
Canceled Indicates that the operation has been Canceled


To get more method overloads, especially ones supporting delegates, please add the System.Reactive.Core package to your project.