Compare Exchange Expiration
Compare exchange value expiration works very similar to document expiration.
Use the
field in a compare exchange value's metadata to schedule its expiration. -
In this page:
is a metadata property that holds a DateTime
value. Once the
specified date and time has passed, the compare exchange value is set for
deletion by the expiration feature. The exact time this happens depends
on the expiration frequency and other
expiration configurations.
To set a compare exchange value to expire, simply put a DateTime
(in UTC format) in the @expires
field, then to send it to the server.
Creating a new key with CreateCompareExchangeValue()
using (IAsyncDocumentSession session = store.OpenAsyncSession())
// Set a time exactly one week from now
DateTime expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7);
// Create a new compare exchange value
var cmpxchgValue = session.Advanced.ClusterTransaction.CreateCompareExchangeValue("key", "value");
// Edit Metadata
cmpxchgValue.Metadata[Constants.Documents.Metadata.Expires] = expirationTime;
// Send to server
Updating an existing key with PutCompareExchangeValueOperation<T>
// Retrieve an existing key
CompareExchangeValue<string> cmpxchgValue = store.Operations.Send(
new GetCompareExchangeValueOperation<string>("key"));
// Set time
DateTime expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7);
// Edit Metadata
cmpxchgValue.Metadata[Constants.Documents.Metadata.Expires] = expirationTime;
// Update value. Index must match the index on the server side,
// or the operation will fail.
CompareExchangeResult<string> result = store.Operations.Send(
new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation<string>(