Get Statistics
Statistics can be retrieved for the database and for collections.
By default, statistics are retrieved for the database defined in the Document Store.
To get database and collection statistics for another database use ForDatabase. -
In this page:
Get collection statistics
To get collection statistics, use GetCollectionStatisticsOperation
// Pass an instance of class `GetCollectionStatisticsOperation` to the store
CollectionStatistics stats =
store.Maintenance.Send(new GetCollectionStatisticsOperation());
Statistics are returned in the CollectionStatistics
// Collection stats results:
public class CollectionStatistics
// Total # of documents in all collections
public int CountOfDocuments { get; set; }
// Total # of conflicts
public int CountOfConflicts { get; set; }
// Total # of documents per collection
public Dictionary<string, long> Collections { get; set; }
Get detailed collection statistics
To get detailed collection statistics, use GetDetailedCollectionStatisticsOperation
// Pass an instance of class `GetDetailedCollectionStatisticsOperation` to the store
DetailedCollectionStatistics stats =
store.Maintenance.Send(new GetDetailedCollectionStatisticsOperation());
Statistics are returned in the DetailedCollectionStatistics
// Detailed collection stats results:
public class DetailedCollectionStatistics
// Total # of documents in all collections
public long CountOfDocuments { get; set; }
// Total # of conflicts
public long CountOfConflicts { get; set; }
// Collection details per collection
public Dictionary<string, CollectionDetails> Collections { get; set; }
// Details per collection
public class CollectionDetails
public string Name { get; set; }
public long CountOfDocuments { get; set; }
public Size Size { get; set; }
public Size DocumentsSize { get; set; }
public Size TombstonesSize { get; set; }
public Size RevisionsSize { get; set; }
Get database statistics
To get database statistics, use GetStatisticsOperation
// Pass an instance of class `GetStatisticsOperation` to the store
DatabaseStatistics stats =
store.Maintenance.Send(new GetStatisticsOperation());
Statistics are returned in the DatabaseStatistics
// Database stats results:
public class DatabaseStatistics
public long? LastDocEtag { get; set; } // Last document etag in database
public long? LastDatabaseEtag { get; set; } // Last database etag
public int CountOfIndexes { get; set; } // Total # of indexes in database
public long CountOfDocuments { get; set; } // Total # of documents in database
public long CountOfRevisionDocuments { get; set; } // Total # of revision documents in database
public long CountOfDocumentsConflicts { get; set; } // Total # of documents conflicts in database
public long CountOfTombstones { get; set; } // Total # of tombstones in database
public long CountOfConflicts { get; set; } // Total # of conflicts in database
public long CountOfAttachments { get; set; } // Total # of attachments in database
public long CountOfUniqueAttachments { get; set; } // Total # of unique attachments in database
public long CountOfCounterEntries { get; set; } // Total # of counter-group entries in database
public long CountOfTimeSeriesSegments { get; set; } // Total # of time-series segments in database
// List of stale index names in database
public string[] StaleIndexes => Indexes?.Where(x => x.IsStale).Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
// Statistics for each index in database
public IndexInformation[] Indexes { get; set; }
public string DatabaseChangeVector { get; set; } // Global change vector of the database
public string DatabaseId { get; set; } // Database identifier
public bool Is64Bit { get; set; } // Indicates if process is 64-bit
public string Pager { get; set; } // Component handling the memory-mapped files
public DateTime? LastIndexingTime { get; set; } // Last time of indexing an item
public Size SizeOnDisk { get; set; } // Database size on disk
public Size TempBuffersSizeOnDisk { get; set; } // Temp buffers size on disk
public int NumberOfTransactionMergerQueueOperations { get; set; }
Get detailed database statistics
To get detailed database statistics, use GetDetailedStatisticsOperation
// Pass an instance of class `GetDetailedStatisticsOperation` to the store
DetailedDatabaseStatistics stats =
store.Maintenance.Send(new GetDetailedStatisticsOperation());
Statistics are returned in the DetailedDatabaseStatistics
// Detailed database stats results:
public class DetailedDatabaseStatistics : DatabaseStatistics
// Total # of identities in database
public long CountOfIdentities { get; set; }
// Total # of compare-exchange items in database
public long CountOfCompareExchange { get; set; }
// Total # of cmpXchg tombstones in database
public long CountOfCompareExchangeTombstones { get; set; }
// Total # of TS deleted ranges values in database
public long CountOfTimeSeriesDeletedRanges { get; set; }
Get statistics for another database
- By default, you get statistics for the database defined in your Document Store.
- Use
to get database and collection statistics for another database. ForDatabase
can be used with any of the above statistics options.
// Get stats for 'AnotherDatabase':
DatabaseStatistics stats =
store.Maintenance.ForDatabase("AnotherDatabase").Send(new GetStatisticsOperation());
- Learn more about switching operations to another database here.