Perform a Lazy Query

Lazy query

// Define a lazy query
Lazy<IEnumerable<Employee>> lazyEmployees = session
    .Where(x => x.FirstName == "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'Lazily'

IEnumerable<Employee> employees = lazyEmployees.Value; // Query is executed here
// Define a lazy query
Lazy<Task<IEnumerable<Employee>>> lazyEmployees = asyncSession
    .Where(x => x.FirstName == "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'LazilyAsync'

IEnumerable<Employee> employees = await lazyEmployees.Value; // Query is executed here
// Define a lazy DocumentQuery
Lazy<IEnumerable<Employee>> lazyEmployees = session.Advanced
    .WhereEquals(x => x.FirstName, "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'Lazily'

IEnumerable<Employee> employees = lazyEmployees.Value; // DocumentQuery is executed here

Lazy count query

// Define a lazy count query
Lazy<int> lazyCount = session
    .Where(x => x.FirstName == "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'CountLazily'

int count = lazyCount.Value; // Query is executed here
// Define a lazy count query
Lazy<Task<int>> lazyCount = asyncSession
    .Where(x => x.FirstName == "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'CountLazilyAsync'

int count = await lazyCount.Value; // Query is executed here
// Define a lazy DocumentQuery
Lazy<int> lazyCount = session.Advanced
    .WhereEquals(x => x.FirstName, "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'CountLazily'

int count = lazyCount.Value; // DocumentQuery is executed here

Lazy suggestions query

// Define a lazy suggestion query
Lazy<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>> lazySuggestions = session
    .SuggestUsing(builder => builder.ByField(x => x.Name, "chaig"))
     // Add a call to 'ExecuteLazy'

Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult> suggest = lazySuggestions.Value; // Query is executed here
List<string> suggestions = suggest["Name"].Suggestions;
// Define a lazy suggestion query
Lazy<Task<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>>> lazySuggestions = asyncSession
    .SuggestUsing(builder => builder.ByField("Name", "chaig"))
     // Add a call to 'ExecuteLazyAsync'

Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult> suggest = await lazySuggestions.Value; // Query is executed here
List<string> suggestions = suggest["Name"].Suggestions;
// Define a lazy DocumentQuery
Lazy<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>> lazySuggestions = session.Advanced
    .SuggestUsing(builder => builder.ByField("Name", "chaig"))
     // Add a call to 'ExecuteLazy'

Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult> suggest = lazySuggestions.Value; // DocumentQuery is executed here
List<string> suggestions = suggest["FullName"].Suggestions;

Lazy facets query

// Define a lazy facets query
Lazy<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>> lazyFacets = session
    .Query<Product, Products_ByCategoryAndPrice>()
     // Add a call to 'ExecuteLazy'

Dictionary<string, FacetResult> facets = lazyFacets.Value; // Query is executed here

FacetResult categoryResults = facets["Product Category"];
FacetResult priceResults = facets["Price per Unit"];
// Define a lazy DocumentQuery
Lazy<Task<Dictionary<string,FacetResult>>> lazyFacets = asyncSession
    .Query<Product, Products_ByCategoryAndPrice>()
     // Add a call to 'ExecuteLazyAsync'

Dictionary<string, FacetResult> facets = await lazyFacets.Value; // Query is executed here

FacetResult categoryResults = facets["Product Category"];
FacetResult priceResults = facets["Price per Unit"];
// Define a lazy DocumentQuery
Lazy<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>> lazyFacets = session.Advanced
    .DocumentQuery<Product, Products_ByCategoryAndPrice>()
     // Add a call to 'ExecuteLazy'

Dictionary<string, FacetResult> facets = lazyFacets.Value; //  DocumentQuery is executed here

FacetResult categoryResults = facets["Product Category"];
FacetResult priceResults = facets["Price per Unit"];
// The facets definition used in the facets query:
List<FacetBase> facetsDefinition = new List<FacetBase>
    new Facet
        FieldName = "CategoryName",
        DisplayFieldName = "Product Category"
    new RangeFacet<Product>
        Ranges =
            product => product.PricePerUnit < 25,
            product => product.PricePerUnit >= 25 && product.PricePerUnit < 50,
            product => product.PricePerUnit >= 50 && product.PricePerUnit < 100,
            product => product.PricePerUnit >= 100
        DisplayFieldName = "Price per Unit"
// The index definition used in the facets query:
public class Products_ByCategoryAndPrice :
    AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product, Products_ByCategoryAndPrice.IndexEntry>
    // The IndexEntry class defines the index-fields
    public class IndexEntry
        public string CategoryName { get; set; }
        public decimal PricePerUnit { get; set; }
    public Products_ByCategoryAndPrice()
        // The 'Map' function defines the content of the index-fields
        Map = products => from product in products
            select new IndexEntry
                CategoryName = LoadDocument<Category>(product.Category).Name,
                PricePerUnit = product.PricePerUnit


// Lazy query overloads:
Lazy<IEnumerable<T>> Lazily<T>();
Lazy<IEnumerable<T>> Lazily<T>(Action<IEnumerable<T>> onEval);

Lazy<Task<IEnumerable<T>>> LazilyAsync<T>();
Lazy<Task<IEnumerable<T>>> LazilyAsync<T>(Action<IEnumerable<T>> onEval);
// Lazy count query overloads:
Lazy<int> CountLazily<T>();
Lazy<long> LongCountLazily<T>();

Lazy<Task<int>> CountLazilyAsync<T>(CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken));
Lazy<Task<long>> LongCountLazilyAsync<T>(CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken));
// Lazy suggestions query overloads:
Lazy<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>>
    ExecuteLazy(Action<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>> onEval = null);

Lazy<Task<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>>>
    ExecuteLazyAsync(Action<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>> onEval = null,
        CancellationToken token = default);
// Lazy facets query overloads:
Lazy<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>>
    ExecuteLazy(Action<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>> onEval = null);

Lazy<Task<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>>>
    ExecuteLazyAsync(Action<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>> onEval = null,
        CancellationToken token = default);
Parameters Type Description
onEval Action<IEnumerable<TResult>>
Action<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>>
Action<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>>
An action that will be performed on the query results
when the query is executed.
Return Value
Lazy<Dictionary<string, SuggestionResult>>
Lazy<Dictionary<string, FacetResult>>
A lazy instance that will evaluate the query only when needed.