Indexing Time Series
Static time series indexes can be created from your client application or from the Studio.
Indexing allows for fast retrieval of the indexed time series data when querying a time series.
In this page:
Time series indexes vs Document indexes
Time series index:
Dynamic time series indexes are Not created in response to queries. -
Document index:
Auto-indexes are created in response to dynamic queries.
Data source:
Time series index:
- Time series indexes process segments that contain time series entries.
The entries are indexed through the segment they are stored in, for example, using a LINQ syntax that resembles this one:
from segment in timeseries from entry in segment ...
The following items can be indexed per index-entry in a time series index:
- Values & timestamp of a time series entry
- The entry tag
- Content from a document referenced by the tag
- Properties of the containing segment (see
- Time series indexes process segments that contain time series entries.
Document index:
- The index processes fields from your JSON documents.
Documents are indexed through the collection they belong to, for example, using this LINQ syntax:
from employee in employees ...
- The index processes fields from your JSON documents.
Query results:
Time series index:
When querying a time series index, each result item corresponds to the type defined by the index-entry in the index definition, (unless results are projected). The documents themselves are not returned. -
Document index:
The resulting objects are the document entities (unless results are projected).
Ways to create a time series index
There are two main ways to create a time series index:
Create a class that inherits from one of the following abstract index creation task classes:
for map and map-reduce time series indexes.AbstractMultiMapTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask
for multi-map time series indexes.AbstractJavaScriptTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask
for static javascript indexes.
Deploy a time series index definition via PutIndexesOperation:
- Create a
directly. - Create a strongly typed index definition using
- Create a
Examples of time series indexes
Map index - index single time series from single collection:
In this index, we index data from the "StockPrices" time series entries in the "Companies" collection (
). -
In addition, we index the containing document id (
), which is obtained from the segment,
and some content from the document referenced by the entry's Tag (EmployeeName
). -
Each tab below presents one of the different ways the index can be defined.
public class StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection : AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<Company> { // The index-entry: // ================ public class IndexEntry { // The index-fields: // ================= public double TradeVolume { get; set; } public DateTime Date { get; set; } public string CompanyID { get; set; } public string EmployeeName { get; set; } } public StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection() { // Call 'AddMap', specify the time series name to be indexed AddMap("StockPrices", timeseries => from segment in timeseries from entry in segment.Entries // Can load the document referenced in the TAG: let employee = LoadDocument<Employee>(entry.Tag) // Define the content of the index-fields: // ======================================= select new IndexEntry() { // Retrieve content from the time series ENTRY: TradeVolume = entry.Values[4], Date = entry.Timestamp.Date, // Retrieve content from the SEGMENT: CompanyID = segment.DocumentId, // Retrieve content from the loaded DOCUMENT: EmployeeName = employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName }); } }
public class StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection_NonTyped : AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask { public override TimeSeriesIndexDefinition CreateIndexDefinition() { return new TimeSeriesIndexDefinition { Name = "StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection_NonTyped", Maps = { @" from segment in timeSeries.Companies.StockPrices from entry in segment.Entries let employee = LoadDocument(entry.Tag, ""Employees"") select new { TradeVolume = entry.Values[4], Date = entry.Timestamp.Date, CompanyID = segment.DocumentId, EmployeeName = employee.FirstName + ' ' + employee.LastName }" } }; } }
public class StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection_JS : AbstractJavaScriptTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask { public StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection_JS() { Maps = new HashSet<string> { @"'Companies', 'StockPrices', function (segment) { return => { let employee = load(entry.Tag, 'Employees'); return { TradeVolume: entry.Values[4], Date: new Date(entry.Timestamp.getFullYear(), entry.Timestamp.getMonth(), entry.Timestamp.getDate()), CompanyID: segment.DocumentId, EmployeeName: employee.FirstName + ' ' + employee.LastName }; }); })" }; } }
// Define the 'index definition' var indexDefinition = new TimeSeriesIndexDefinition { Name = "StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection ", Maps = { @" from segment in timeSeries.Companies.StockPrices from entry in segment.Entries let employee = LoadDocument(entry.Tag, ""Employees"") select new { TradeVolume = entry.Values[4], Date = entry.Timestamp.Date, CompanyID = segment.DocumentId, EmployeeName = employee.FirstName + ' ' + employee.LastName }" } }; // Deploy the index to the server via 'PutIndexesOperation' documentStore.Maintenance.Send(new PutIndexesOperation(indexDefinition));
// Create the index builder var TSIndexDefBuilder = new TimeSeriesIndexDefinitionBuilder<Company>("StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection "); TSIndexDefBuilder.AddMap("StockPrices", timeseries => from segment in timeseries from entry in segment.Entries // Note: // Class TimeSeriesIndexDefinitionBuilder does not support the 'LoadDocument' API method. // Use one of the other index creation methods if needed. select new { TradeVolume = entry.Values[4], Date = entry.Timestamp.Date, ComapnyID = segment.DocumentId }); // Build the index definition var indexDefinitionFromBuilder = TSIndexDefBuilder.ToIndexDefinition(documentStore.Conventions); // Deploy the index to the server via 'PutIndexesOperation' documentStore.Maintenance.Send(new PutIndexesOperation(indexDefinitionFromBuilder));
Querying this index, you can retrieve the indexed time series data while filtering by any of the index-fields.
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession()) { // Retrieve time series data for the specified company: // ==================================================== List<StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection.IndexEntry> results = session .Query<StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection.IndexEntry, StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection>() .Where(x => x.CompanyID == "Companies/91-A") .ToList(); } // Results will include data from all 'StockPrices' entries in document 'Companies/91-A'.
from index "StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection" where "CompanyID" == "Comapnies/91-A"
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession()) { // Find what companies had a very high trade volume: // ================================================== List<string> results = session .Query<StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection.IndexEntry, StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection>() .Where(x => x.TradeVolume > 150_000_000) .Select(x => x.CompanyID) .Distinct() .ToList(); } // Results will contain company "Companies/65-A" // since it is the only company with time series entries having such high trade volume.
from index "StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection" where "TradeVolume" > 150_000_000 select distinct CompanyID
Map index - index all time series from single collection:
public class AllTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection : AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<Company>
public class IndexEntry
public double Value { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public AllTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection()
// Call 'AddMapForAll' to index ALL the time series in the 'Companies' collection
// ==============================================================================
AddMapForAll(timeseries =>
from segment in timeseries
from entry in segment.Entries
select new IndexEntry()
Value = entry.Value,
Date = entry.Timestamp.Date
Map index - index all time series from all collections:
// Inherit from AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<object>
// Specify <object> as the type to index from ALL collections
// ==========================================================
public class AllTimeSeriesFromAllCollections : AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<object>
public class IndexEntry
public double Value { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string DocumentID { get; set; }
public AllTimeSeriesFromAllCollections()
AddMapForAll(timeseries =>
from segment in timeseries
from entry in segment.Entries
select new IndexEntry()
Value = entry.Value,
Date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
DocumentID = segment.DocumentId
Multi-Map index - index time series from several collections:
public class Vehicles_ByLocation : AbstractMultiMapTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask
public class IndexEntry
public double Latitude { get; set; }
public double Longitude { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string DocumentID { get; set; }
public Vehicles_ByLocation()
// Call 'AddMap' for each collection you wish to index
// ===================================================
"GPS_Coordinates",timeSeries =>
from segment in timeSeries
from entry in segment.Entries
select new IndexEntry()
Latitude = entry.Values[0],
Longitude = entry.Values[1],
Date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
DocumentID = segment.DocumentId
"GPS_Coordinates",timeSeries =>
from segment in timeSeries
from entry in segment.Entries
select new IndexEntry()
Latitude = entry.Values[0],
Longitude = entry.Values[1],
Date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
DocumentID = segment.DocumentId
Map-Reduce index:
public class TradeVolume_PerDay_ByCountry :
AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<Company, TradeVolume_PerDay_ByCountry.Result>
public class Result
public double TotalTradeVolume { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public TradeVolume_PerDay_ByCountry()
// Define the Map part:
AddMap("StockPrices", timeSeries =>
from segment in timeSeries
from entry in segment.Entries
let company = LoadDocument<Company>(segment.DocumentId)
select new Result
Date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
Country = company.Address.Country,
TotalTradeVolume = entry.Values[4]
// Define the Reduce part:
Reduce = results =>
from r in results
group r by new {r.Date, r.Country}
into g
select new Result
Date = g.Key.Date,
Country = g.Key.Country,
TotalTradeVolume = g.Sum(x => x.TotalTradeVolume)
// To define a Map index inherit from:
// ===================================
public abstract class AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<TDocument> { }
// Time series that belong to documents of the specified `TDocument` type will be indexed.
// To define a Map-Reduce index inherit from:
// ==========================================
public abstract class AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<TDocument, TReduceResult> { }
// Specify both the document type and the reduce type
// Methods available in AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask class:
// ===============================================================
// Set a map function for the specified time series
protected void AddMap(string timeSeries,
Expression<Func<IEnumerable<TimeSeriesSegment>, IEnumerable>> map);
// Set a map function for all time series
protected void AddMapForAll(
Expression<Func<IEnumerable<TimeSeriesSegment>, IEnumerable>> map);
// To define a Multi-Map index inherit from:
// =========================================
public abstract class AbstractMultiMapTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask { }
// Methods available in AbstractMultiMapTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask class:
// =======================================================================
// Set a map function for all time series with the specified name
// that belong to documents of type `TSource`
protected void AddMap<TSource>(string timeSeries,
Expression<Func<IEnumerable<TimeSeriesSegment>, IEnumerable>> map);
// Set a map function for all time series that belong to documents of type `TBase`
// or any type that inherits from `TBase`
protected void AddMapForAll<TBase>(
Expression<Func<IEnumerable<TimeSeriesSegment>,IEnumerable>> map);
// To define a JavaScript index inherit from:
// ==========================================
public abstract class AbstractJavaScriptTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask
public HashSet<string> Maps; // The set of JavaScript map functions for this index
protected string Reduce; // The JavaScript reduce function
Learn more about JavaScript indexes in JavaScript Indexes.
public class TimeSeriesIndexDefinition : IndexDefinition
While TimeSeriesIndexDefinition
is currently functionally equivalent to the regular IndexDefinition
class from which it inherits,
it is recommended to use TimeSeriesIndexDefinition
when creating a time series index definition in case additional functionality is added in future versions of RavenDB.
public class TimeSeriesIndexDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
public TimeSeriesIndexDefinitionBuilder(string indexName = null)
Currently, class
does Not support API methods from abstract classAbstractCommonApiForIndexes
, such asLoadDocument
. -
Use one of the other index creation methods if needed.
Segment properties include the entries data and aggregated values that RavenDB automatically updates in the segment's header.
The following segment properties can be indexed:
public sealed class TimeSeriesSegment { // The ID of the document this time series belongs to public string DocumentId { get; set; } // The name of the time series this segment belongs to public string Name { get; set; } // The smallest values from all entries in the segment // The first array item is the Min of all first values, etc. public double[] Min { get; set; } // The largest values from all entries in the segment // The first array item is the Max of all first values, etc. public double[] Max { get; set; } // The sum of all values from all entries in the segment // The first array item is the Sum of all first values, etc. public double[] Sum { get; set; } // The number of entries in the segment public int Count { get; set; } // The timestamp of the first entry in the segment public DateTime Start { get; set; } // The timestamp of the last entry in the segment public DateTime End { get; set; } // The segment's entries themselves public TimeSeriesEntry[] Entries { get; set; } }
These are the properties of a
which can be indexed:public class TimeSeriesEntry { public DateTime Timestamp; public string Tag; public double[] Values; // This is exactly equivalent to Values[0] public double Value; }