Filtering Time Series Queries

Filter by value

  • A time series entry can have up to 32 values.

  • A time series query can filter entries based on these values.

// For example, in the "HeartRates" time series,
// retrieve only entries where the value exceeds 75 BPM 

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var query = session.Query<Employee>()
    .Select(employee => RavenQuery
        .TimeSeries(employee, "HeartRates", from, to)
        // Call 'Where' to filter entries by the value
        .Where(ts => ts.Value > 75)

var results = query.ToList();
// For example, in the "HeartRates" time series,
// retrieve only entries where the value exceeds 75 BPM

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Employee>()
    .SelectTimeSeries(builder => builder.From("HeartRates")
        .Between(from, to)
        // Call 'Where' to filter entries by the value
        .Where(ts => ts.Value > 75)

var results = query.ToList();
// For example, in the "HeartRates" time series,
// retrieve only entries where the value exceeds 75 BPM

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var query = session.Advanced.RawQuery<TimeSeriesRawResult>(@"
    from Employees
    select timeseries (
        from HeartRates
        between $from and $to
        // Use the 'where Value' clause to filter by the value
        where Value > 75
    .AddParameter("from", from)
    .AddParameter("to", to);

var results = query.ToList();
from Employees 
select timeseries (
    from HeartRates
    between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
    and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
    // Use the "where Value" clause to filter entries by the value
    where Value > 75

Filter by tag

  • A time series entry can have an optional tag.

  • A time series query can filter entries based on this tag.

// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is "watches/fitbit"

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var query = session.Query<Employee>()
    .Select(employee => RavenQuery
        .TimeSeries(employee, "HeartRates", from, to)
        // Call 'Where' to filter entries by the tag
        .Where(ts => ts.Tag == "watches/fitbit")

var results = query.ToList();
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is "watches/fitbit"

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Employee>()
    .SelectTimeSeries(builder => builder.From("HeartRates")
        .Between(from, to)
        // Call 'Where' to filter entries by the tag
        .Where(ts => ts.Tag == "watches/fitbit")

var results = query.ToList();
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is "watches/fitbit"

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var query = session.Advanced.RawQuery<TimeSeriesRawResult>(@"
    from Employees
    select timeseries (
        from HeartRates
        between $from and $to
        // Use the 'where Tag' clause to filter entries by the tag string content
        where Tag == 'watches/fitbit'
    .AddParameter("from", from)
    .AddParameter("to", to);

var results = query.ToList();
from Employees
select timeseries (
    from HeartRates
    between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
    and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
    // Use the "where Tag" clause to filter entries by the tag string content
    where Tag == "watches/fitbit"

// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is one of several options

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var optionalTags = new[] {"watches/apple", "watches/samsung", "watches/xiaomi"};

var query = session.Query<Employee>()
    .Select(employee => RavenQuery
        .TimeSeries(employee, "HeartRates", from, to)
        // Call 'Where' to filter entries by the tag
        .Where(ts =>
            ts.Tag == "watches/apple" || ts.Tag == "watches/samsung" || ts.Tag == "watches/xiaomi")

var results = query.ToList();
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is one of several options

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var optionalTags = new[] {"watches/apple", "watches/samsung", "watches/xiaomi"};

var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Employee>()
    .SelectTimeSeries(builder => builder.From("HeartRates")
        .Between(from, to)
        // Call 'Where' to filter entries by the tag
        .Where(ts =>
            ts.Tag == "watches/apple" || ts.Tag == "watches/samsung" || ts.Tag == "watches/xiaomi")

var results = query.ToList();
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is one of several options

var baseTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 17, 00, 00, 00);
var from = baseTime;
var to = baseTime.AddMinutes(10);

var optionalTags = new[] {"watches/apple", "watches/samsung", "watches/xiaomi"};

var query = session.Advanced.RawQuery<TimeSeriesRawResult>(@"
    from Employees
    select timeseries (
        from HeartRates
        between $from and $to
        // Use the 'where Tag in' clause to filter by various tag options
        where Tag in ($optionalTags)
    .AddParameter("from", from)
    .AddParameter("to", to)
    .AddParameter("optionalTags", optionalTags);

var results = query.ToList();
from Employees  
select timeseries (
    from HeartRates
    between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
    and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
    // Use the "where Tag in" clause to filter by various tag options
    where Tag in ("watches/apple", "watches/samsung", "watches/xiaomi")

Filter by referenced document

  • A time series entry's tag can contain the ID of a document.

  • A time series query can filter entries based on the contents of this referenced document.
    The referenced document is loaded, and entries are filtered by its properties.

// Retrieve entries that reference a document that has "Sales Manager" in its 'Title' property

var query = session.Query<Company>()
    // Query companies from USA
    .Where(c => c.Address.Country == "USA")
    .Select(company => RavenQuery
        .TimeSeries(company, "StockPrices")
        // Use 'LoadByTag' to load the employee document referenced in the tag
        // Use 'Where' to filter the entries by the 'Title' property of the loaded document
        .Where((ts, employeeDoc) => employeeDoc.Title == "Sales Manager")

var results = query.ToList();
// Retrieve entries that reference a document that has "Sales Manager" in its 'Title' property

var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Company>()
    // Query companies from USA
    .WhereEquals(company => company.Address.Country, "USA")
    .SelectTimeSeries(builder => builder.From("StockPrices")
        // Use 'LoadByTag' to load the employee document referenced in the tag
        // Use 'Where' to filter the entries by the 'Title' property of the loaded document
        .Where((ts, employeeDoc) => employeeDoc.Title == "Sales Manager")

var results = query.ToList();
// Retrieve entries that reference a document that has "Sales Manager" in its 'Title' property

var query = session.Advanced.RawQuery<Company>(@"
    from Companies
    where Address.Country == 'USA'
    select timeseries (
        from StockPrices
        // Use 'load Tag' to load the employee document referenced in the tag
        load Tag as employeeDoc
        // Use 'where <property>' to filter entries by the properties of the loaded document 
        where employeeDoc.Title == 'Sales Manager'

var results = query.ToList();
from Companies
where Address.Country == "USA"
select timeseries (
    from StockPrices
    // Use 'load Tag' to load the employee document referenced in the tag
    load Tag as employeeDoc
    // Use 'where <property>' to filter entries by the properties of the loaded document
    where employeeDoc.Title == "Sales Manager"