Monitoring: Prometheus


Prometheus is commonly used in conjunction with services that expose numeric data via HTTP endpoints.
A Prometheus server can be used (either manually or by an application using a dedicated library) to scrape the data off an endpoint, monitor and store it, and put it to use in additional ways like raising alerts related to it or forwarding it to analysis services.

RavenDB Prometheus Endpoint

The path to the Prometheus endpoint of a RavenDB instance is: /admin/monitoring/v1/prometheus
To inspect the endpoint's output using a browser, add the endpoint path to the RavenDB server's URL.

RavenDB: Prometheus Endpoint Output

RavenDB: Prometheus Endpoint Output

  • As prometheus handles only numeric values, the endpoint outputs all values as numbers, providing legends that explain what the numbers mean.
    Metrics values are also explained in the table below.

Omit or Include Selected Metrics

To omit metrics related to selected topics from the data sent to the endpoint, set one or more of the flags listed below, in the URL line. Each flag can be set to true to omit the topic from the results, or to false to include it.

E.g., to skip indexing metrics use -
http://localhost:8080/admin/monitoring/v1/prometheus?skipIndexesMetrics=true And to skip both indexing and server metrics use -

Metrics Provided by the Prometheus Endpoint

Here is the list of metrics made available by the /admin/monitoring/v1/prometheus endpoint.

Metrics Description
archived_data_processing_behavior Archived data processing behavior + 0/1/2
0 => ExcludeArchived
1 => IncludeArchived
2 => ArchivedOnly
backup_current_number_of_running_backups Number of currently running backups
backup_max_number_of_concurrent_backups Maximum number of concurrent backups
certificate_server_certificate_expiration_left_seconds Server certificate expiration left in seconds
cluster_current_term Cluster term
cluster_index Cluster index
cluster_node_state Current node state + 0/1/2
0 => Passive
1 => Candidate
2 => Follower
3 => LeaderElect
4 => Leader
collection_documents_count Number of documents in collection
collection_documents_size_bytes Size of documents
collection_revisions_size_bytes Size of revisions
collection_tombstones_size_bytes Size of tombstones
collection_total_size_bytes Total size of collection
cpu_assigned_processor_count Number of assigned processors on the machine
cpu_machine_io_wait IO wait in %
cpu_machine_usage Machine CPU usage in %
cpu_process_usage Process CPU usage in %
cpu_processor_count Number of processors on the machine
cpu_thread_pool_available_completion_port_threads Number of available completion port threads in the thread pool
cpu_thread_pool_available_worker_threads Number of available worker threads in the thread pool
database_alerts_count Number of alerts
database_attachments_count Number of attachments
database_documents_count Number of documents
database_indexes_auto_count Number of auto indexes
database_indexes_count Number of indexes
database_indexes_errored_count Number of error indexes
database_indexes_disabled_count Number of disabled indexes
database_indexes_errors_count Number of indexing errors
database_indexes_idle_count Number of idle indexes
database_indexes_stale_count Number of stale indexes
database_indexes_static_count Number of static indexes
database_performance_hints_count Number of performance hints
database_rehabs_count Number of rehabs
database_replication_factor Database replication factor
database_revisions_count Number of revision documents
database_statistics_doc_puts_per_second Number of document puts per second (one minute rate)
database_statistics_map_index_indexes_per_second Number of indexed documents per second for map indexes (one minute rate)
database_statistics_map_reduce_index_mapped_per_second Number of maps per second for map-reduce indexes (one minute rate)
database_statistics_map_reduce_index_reduced_per_second Number of reduces per second for map-reduce indexes (one minute rate)
database_statistics_request_average_duration_seconds Average request time in seconds
database_statistics_requests_count Number of requests from database start
database_statistics_requests_per_second Number of requests per second (one minute rate)
database_storage_documents_allocated_data_file_bytes Documents storage allocated size
database_storage_documents_used_data_file_bytes Documents storage used size
database_storage_indexes_allocated_data_file_bytes Index storage allocated size
database_storage_indexes_used_data_file_bytes Index storage used size
database_storage_io_read_operations Disk IO Read operations
database_storage_io_write_operations Disk IO Write operations
database_storage_queue_length Disk Queue length
database_storage_read_throughput_bytes Disk Read Throughput
database_storage_total_allocated_storage_file_bytes Total storage size
database_storage_total_free_space_bytes Remaining storage disk space
database_storage_write_throughput_bytes Disk Write Throughput
database_time_since_last_backup_seconds Last backup
database_unique_attachments_count Number of unique attachments
database_uptime_seconds Database up-time
databases_loaded_count Number of loaded databases
databases_total_count Number of all databases
index_entries_count Number of entries in the index
index_errors Number of index errors
index_is_invalid Indicates if index is invalid
index_lock_mode Index lock mode + 0/1/2
0 => Unlock
1 => LockedIgnore
2 => LockedError
index_mapped_per_second Number of maps per second (one minute rate)
index_priority Index priority + 0/1/2
0 => Low
1 => Normal
2 => High
index_reduced_per_second Number of reduces per second (one minute rate)
index_state Index state + 0/1/2/3
0 => Normal
1 => Disabled
2 => Idle
3 => Error
index_status Index status + 0/1/2/3
0 => Running
1 => Paused
2 => Disabled
3 => Pending (for rolling indexes)
index_time_since_last_indexing_seconds Time since last indexing
index_time_since_last_query_seconds Time since last query
index_type Index type + 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7
0 => None
1 => AutoMap
2 => AutoMapReduce
3 => Map
4 => MapReduce
5 => Faulty
6 => JavaScriptMap
7 => JavaScriptMapReduce
license_expiration_left_seconds Server license expiration left
license_max_cores Server license max CPU cores
license_type Server license type + -1/0/1/2/3/4/5/6
-1 => Invalid
0 => None
1 => Community
2 => Reserved
3 => Professional
4 => Enterprise
5 => Developer
6 => Essential
license_utilized_cpu_cores Server license utilized CPU cores
memory_allocated_bytes Server allocated memory
memory_installed_bytes Installed memory
memory_low_memory_severity Server low memory flag value + 0/1/2
0 => None
1 => Low
2 => ExtremelyLow
memory_physical_bytes Physical memory
memory_total_dirty_bytes Dirty memory that is used by the scratch buffers
memory_total_swap_size_bytes Server total swap size
memory_total_swap_usage_bytes Server total swap usage
memory_working_set_swap_usage_bytes Server working set swap usage
network_concurrent_requests_count Number of concurrent requests
network_last_authorized_non_cluster_admin_request_time_in_sec Server last authorized non cluster admin request time
network_last_request_time_in_seconds Server last request time
network_requests_per_second Number of requests per second (one minute rate)
network_tcp_active_connections Number of active TCP connections
network_total_requests Total number of requests since server startup
server_disk_remaining_storage_space_percentage Remaining server storage disk space in %
server_disk_system_store_total_data_file_size_bytes Server storage total size
server_disk_system_store_used_data_file_size_bytes Server storage used size
server_info Server Info
server_process_id Server process ID
server_storage_io_read_operations Disk IO Read operations
server_storage_io_write_operations Disk IO Write operations
server_storage_queue_length Disk Queue length
server_storage_read_throughput_bytes Disk Read Throughput
server_storage_total_free_space_bytes Remaining storage disk space
server_storage_write_throughput_bytes Disk Write Throughput
server_uptime_seconds Server up-time

Using the RavenDB Endpoint by a Prometheus Server

To direct a Prometheus server to the Prometheus endpoint of a RavenDB instance add an entry to the Prometheus yml configuration file.

  • Prometheus.yml:

    - job_name: "local-raven-instance"
          # Monitor a local, non-secure RavenDB server
          metrics_path: "/admin/monitoring/v1/prometheus"
            - targets:
              - "localhost:8080"
      - job_name: "cloud-raven-instance"
          # Monitor 3 RavenDB nodes on the cloud
          scheme: https
             cert_file: 'a.client.certificate.crt'
             key_file: 'a.client.certificate.key'
          metrics_path: "/admin/monitoring/v1/prometheus"
            - targets:
              - ""  
              - ""  
              - ""
  • When you run the Prometheus server, direct it to the configuration file you want it to use.
    ./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml

  • When the Prometheus server is running, you'll be able to provide it with various RavenDB metrics.

    Prometheus: Select Metrics

    Prometheus: Select Metrics

    Prometheus: Metrics Graph

    Prometheus: Metrics Graph

    • Use the search bar to search for relevant metrics.
      Typing raven will display a list of metrics provided by the endpoint.
  • Metrics can also be found in RavenDB's enpoint output, using the browser.
    In the following screenshot, for example, we can see that the priority of one of the indexes was updated to 2 (high).

    RavenDB Endpoint Output: Index Priority

    RavenDB Endpoint Output: Index Priority

    Providing the Prometheus server with the metrics' name will display the event graphically.

    Prometheus Server: Index Priority

    Prometheus Server: Index Priority

Fetching Additional RavenDB Information

To retrieve additional information about RavenDB, including its version, HTTP and TCP URLs, and other details, pass Prometheus: ravendb_server_info

Additional Information

Additional Information