RavenDB Images


RavenDB offers official images based on Ubuntu and Windows NanoServer.

First, let's describe basic development usage of our images. We'll focus on basics, not going too deep into security, networking and storage. For detailed instructions on how to spin up your production, you can read our guides for specific container/orchestration platforms - search through our articles, or go deep with our RavenDB Containers Docs that also addresses containerized RavenDB production requirements.

To quickly try out RavenDB, you can run the following command:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 ravendb/ravendb

This will:

  1. Download the appropriate image from DockerHub (if not already cached).
  2. Run RavenDB, exposing the web interface on port 8080.
  3. Enter the container shell.
  4. Kill and remove the container at exit.

Available Tags

RavenDB images are available in the following flavors:

  • latest/latest-lts: The latest stable or latest long-term support (LTS) version of RavenDB
  • ubuntu-latest / ubuntu-latest-lts: Ubuntu floating tags
  • windows-latest, windows-latest-lts: Windows Nanoserver floating tags
  • Fixed tags like 6.2.2-ubuntu.22.04-arm32v7, 6.0.108-ubuntu.22.04-x64, 6.2.2-windows-1809, and more. Check the full tags list for details.

Runtime customization

While running your container with RavenDB inside, you may need to use some options, that either modify the container behavior, or edit Raven configuration. Here are some examples:

Option Description
-p 8080:8080 Maps the RavenDB web interface to port 8080 on the host machine.
-v /my/config:/etc/ravendb Mounts a custom configuration directory.
-v /my/data:/var/lib/ravendb/data Mounts a custom data directory for persistence.
-e RAVEN_Setup_Mode=Initial Configures the setup mode (e.g., None, Initial, LetsEncrypt).
-e RAVEN_ServerUrl= Run RavenDB on custom HTTP port.
-e RAVEN_Logs_Mode=Operations (in 7.0+: RAVEN_Logs_Min_Level) Sets the logging level.
-e RAVEN_Security_UnsecuredAccessAllowed=PublicNetwork Allows unsecured access for development purposes.
--restart unless-stopped Ensures the container restarts automatically unless explicitly stopped.

Using Environment Variables to Configure RavenDB

RavenDB's behavior can be configured through environment variables. These variables allow you to:

  • Disable the setup wizard: RAVEN_Setup_Mode=None
  • Set RavenDB License: RAVEN_License
  • Set Public Server Url: RAVEN_PublicServerUrl
  • Configure logging: RAVEN_Logs_Mode=Operations (in 7.0+: RAVEN_Logs_Min_Level=3)


docker run -p 8080:8080 \
  -e RAVEN_Setup_Mode=None \
  -e RAVEN_Security_UnsecuredAccessAllowed=PrivateNetwork \
  -e RAVEN_Logs_Min_Level=3 \

For more options, visit this page: Server Configuration

Storing data

For development purposes, you may want to persist your data. RavenDB uses the following volumes for persistence and configuration:

  • Configuration Volume: /etc/ravendb (e.g., settings.json)
  • Data Volume: /var/lib/ravendb/data

To mount these volumes, use:

docker run -v /path/to/config:/etc/ravendb \
  -v /path/to/data:/var/lib/ravendb/data \

To learn about statefullness and storing RavenDB data in a containers, or if you run into trouble, visit Containers > Requirements > Storage.

Advanced Networking

To read more on RavenDB networking containerized environment, go to Containers > Requirements > Networking.


Q: I use Docker Compose or automated installation. How do I disable the setup wizard? A: Set the Setup.Mode configuration option to None like so:


Q: How can I try RavenDB on my local development machine in unsecured mode? A: Set the environment variables:


Q: How can I pass command-line arguments through environment variables? A: By modifying the RAVEN_ARGS, which will pass the arguments to the RavenDB server:


Q: Can I view RavenDB logs using the docker logs command? A: Yes, but you need to enable console logging by setting the following environment variable:


Additionally, use RAVEN_Logs_Min_Level (7.0+) to set more specific desired logging levels.

Note that enabling logging to the console may impact performance.

Q: How do I use a custom configuration file? A: Mount the configuration file as a Docker volume and use the --config-path argument:

docker run -v /path/to/settings.json:/etc/ravendb/settings.json \
-e RAVEN_ARGS='--config-path /etc/ravendb/settings.json' \

Alternatively, pass the custom settings.json content via the RAVENDB_SETTINGS environment variable.

Q: How can I manage a server running in a container using CLI? A: Besides using the RavenDB Studio, you can connect to the RavenDB administration console using the rvn utility:

docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /var/lib/ravendb/Server/rvn admin-channel

This will connect you to the RavenDB admin console, where you can manage the server interactively.