Cloud Portal: The Products Tab

Provisioning a New Product

To provision a new product, open your Portal's Products tab and click Add Product.

"Figure 1 - Add Product"

Figure 1 - Add Product

The New Product wizard will open and walk you through the following simple stages:

A. Plan
B. Billing
C. Customize
D. Summary

A. New Product: Plan

Use the Plan page to choose your product's cloud Provider, Region and Tier.

"Figure 2 - Plan Provider Region & Tier"

Figure 2 - Plan Provider Region & Tier

  1. Cloud Provider
    Choose your cloud host. It can currently be one of three providers:
    Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

  2. Region
    Select where your equipment would be physically located.

  3. Tier
    You can raise a Free node, a Development node or a Production cluster.
    Learn more about them in the Tiers and Instances page.

B. New Product: Billing

Enter your billing details and click Next,
or click Skip Billing Information to evaluate the cloud service using a basic free product.

"Figure 3 - New Product: Billing"

Figure 3 - New Product: Billing

C. New Product: Customize

Choose your product's display name, release channel and allowed IP addresses.

"Figure 4 - New Product: Customize"

Figure 4 - New Product: Customize

The Display Name is simply the name that would appear in your Cloud Products tab.


The Allowed IPs section determines which addresses would be allowed to manage your database.
This adds an important layer to your database security on the network level. You can read more about it in the Security page.

D. New Product: Summary

The Summary stage shows you your choices and lets you edit them if you wish.

"Figure 5 - New Product: Summary"

Figure 5 - New Product: Summary

When you finish defining your product, the cloud provisioning routine will show you your new product's status until it's ready to go.

"Figure 6 - New Product: Provisioning"

Figure 6 - New Product: Provisioning

"Figure 7 - New Product: Active"

Figure 7 - New Product: Active

View the Product Metrics

"Figure 8 - Product Metrics: General View"

Figure 8 - Product Metrics: General View

This allows you to analyse your machine resources for a selected time period and cluster node. It's useful for analysing usage, instance overload and traffic.

View the Cluster Health

"Figure 9 - Cluster Health: General View"

Figure 9 - Cluster Health: General View

This allows you to analyse your cluster incidents for a selected time period, cluster node, severity and category.
In addition, Cluster Health generates suggestions for a selected cluster node based on incident trends that can help resolve cluster stability issues.
It's useful for analysing usage, instance overload and traffic.

More details can be found here.

Managing an Existing Product

To modify an existing product, find it in the Products tab and click its Manage button.

"Figure 10 - Manage Product: Manage Button"

Figure 10 - Manage Product: Manage Button

This is a general view of the product details page:

"Figure 11 - Product Details"

Figure 11 - Manage Product: Product Details

Change Instance Type and Storage

You can view your configuration and change your product's instance type and storage size here.

"Figure 12 - Manage Product tab"

Figure 12 - Manage Product: Instance Parameters

  • Change Instance Type
    Use sliders to set your desired configuration. This can be changed later as you need to scale to changing data processing needs.
"Figure 13 - Manage Product: Scale"

Figure 13 - Manage Product: Change Tier

More details can be found here.

  • Change Storage
    Use this slider to modify your product's storage.
"Figure 14 - Manage Product: Storage"

Figure 14 - Manage Product: Change Storage

More details can be found here.

Security: Your Certificate and Allowed IPs

Use the security tab to download your certificate or determine which addresses are allowed to connect your database instance.

"Figure 15 - Manage Product: Manage access"

Figure 15 - Manage Product: Access

  • Download Certificate
    Click this button to download your certificate.
    Your product will communicate only with trusted sources. Install this certificate only on trusted machines.

  • Regenerate Certificate
    Click this button to regenerate your certificate.
    If your certificate has expired, you can regenerate a new one.
    After this operation you need to download the certificate again using Download Certificate button.

The previous certificate is not going to be removed by this operation. Old certificates can be removed using RavenDB Studio Certificates view.

  • Open Studio
    Click this button to open the RavenDB Studio of node A.

  • Edit
    Click this button to edit your product's list of Allowed IPs.

"Figure 16 - Manage Product: Edit IPs"

Figure 16 - Manage Product: Edit Allowed IPs

We recommend fortifying your security by allowing access only to specific IPs

You can increase your system's security further using this in-depth security measure and restrict access to trusted sources, e.g. your application servers. More details can be found in the Security page.

Manage features

You can view features available for your product, enable, disable and configure them here.


After enabling features some of them must be configured to work properly.

"Figure 17 - Manage Features: Enable features"

Figure 17 - Manage Features: Enable features

"Figure 18 - Manage Features: Configure or disable features"

Figure 18 - Manage Features: Configure or disable features

Available features are described on Product Features page.

Maintenance and Danger Zones: Terminate and Restart your Instance

You can restart your product nodes, deploy additional tools and terminate your product here.

"Figure 19 - Manage Product: Maintenance and Termination"

Figure 19 - Manage Product: Terminate

  • Maintenance Zone
    Use this tab to restart selected node and deploy RavenDB tools.
"Figure 20 - Manage Product: Storage"

Figure 20 - Manage Product: Maintenance Zone

  • Danger Zone
    Use this tab's Terminate button to eliminate your cluster.
"Figure 21 - Manage Product: Terminate"

Figure 21 - Manage Product: Danger Zone

Terminating your instance is irreversible. Your data and cluster properties will be permanently lost.