Session: Querying: How to Use NOT Operator

IDocumentQuery contains NOT operator which can be used to negate next predicate


NOT operator cannot be used alone without succeeding predicate.

Example I

// load all entities from 'Employees' collection
// where firstName NOT equals 'Robert'
List<Employee> employees = session
    .whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")

Example II

// load all entities from 'Employees' collection
// where firstName NOT equals 'Robert'
// and lastName NOT equals 'King'
List<Employee> employees = session
    .whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")
    .whereEquals("LastName", "King")

Example III

// load all entities from 'Employees' collection
// where firstName NOT equals 'Robert'
// and lastName NOT equals 'King'
// identical to 'Example II' but 'whereNotEquals' is used
List<Employee> employees = session
    .whereNotEquals("FirstName", "Robert")
    .whereNotEquals("LastName", "King")