Indexes: Indexing Related Documents

To extend indexing capabilities and simplify many scenarios, we have introduced the possibility for indexing related documents.

Example I

Let's consider a simple Product - Category scenario where you want to look for a Product by Category Name.

Without this feature, you would have to create a fairly complex multiple map-reduce index. This is why the LoadDocument function was introduced.

public static class Products_ByCategoryName extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public Products_ByCategoryName() {
        map = "docs.Products.Select(product => new { " +
            "    CategoryName = (this.LoadDocument(product.Category, \"Categories\")).Name " +
IndexDefinition indexDefinition = new IndexDefinition();
indexDefinition.setMaps(Collections.singleton("from product in products " +
    "   select new " +
    "   { " +
    "       CategoryName = LoadDocument(product.Category, \"\"Categories\"\").Name " +
    "   }"));

store.maintenance().send(new PutIndexesOperation(indexDefinition));
public static class Products_ByCategoryName extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    public Products_ByCategoryName() {
        setMaps(Sets.newHashSet("map('products', function(product ){\n" +
            "            return {\n" +
            "                CategoryName : load(product .Category, 'Categories').Name,\n" +
            "            }\n" +
            "        })"));

Now we will be able to search for products using the CategoryName as a parameter:

List<Product> results = session
    .query(Product.class, Products_ByCategoryName.class)
    .whereEquals("CategoryName", "Beverages")

Example II

Our next scenario will show us how indexing of more complex relationships is also trivial. Let's consider the following case:

public static class Book {
    private String id;
    private String name;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

public static class Author {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private List<String> bookIds;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public List<String> getBookIds() {
        return bookIds;

    public void setBookIds(List<String> bookIds) {
        this.bookIds = bookIds;

To create an index with Author Name and list of Book Names, we need do the following:

public static class Authors_ByNameAndBooks extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public Authors_ByNameAndBooks() {
        map = "docs.Authors.Select(author => new { " +
            "    name =, " +
            "    books = author.bookIds.Select(x => (this.LoadDocument(x, \"Books\")).name) " +
IndexDefinition indexDefinition = new IndexDefinition();
indexDefinition.setMaps(Collections.singleton("from author in docs.Authors " +
    "     select new " +
    "     { " +
    "         name =, " +
    "         books = author.bookIds.Select(x => LoadDocument(x, \"\"Books\"\").id) " +
    "     }"));
store.maintenance().send(new PutIndexesOperation(indexDefinition));
public static class Authors_ByNameAndBookNames extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    public Authors_ByNameAndBookNames() {
        setMaps(Sets.newHashSet("map('author', function(a){\n" +
            "            return {\n" +
            "                name:,\n" +
            "                books: a.booksIds.forEach(x => load(x, 'Book').name)\n" +
            "            }\n" +
            "        })"));

List<Author> results = session
    .query(Author.class, Authors_ByNameAndBooks.class)
    .whereEquals("name", "Andrzej Sapkowski")
    .whereEquals("books", "The Witcher")



Indexes are updated automatically when related documents change.


Using the LoadDocument adds a loaded document to the tracking list. This may cause very expensive calculations to occur, especially when multiple documents are tracking the same document.