How to Consume a Data Subscription

SubscriptionWorker lifecycle

Create a SubscriptionWorker object by calling getSubscriptionWorker:

const worker = documentStore.subscriptions.getSubscriptionWorker({
    subscriptionName: "your subscription name"

At this stage, the worker is initialized, no connection to the server or document processing occurs yet.

To start handling documents from the subscription, you need to define a listener for the batch event.
This event is triggered whenever a new batch of documents is received.

Add an event handler using on method of the worker object to process incoming batches:

worker.on("batch", (batch, callback) => {
    try {
        // Add your logic for processing the incoming batch items here...               

        // Call 'callback' once you're done
        // The worker will send an acknowledgement to the server,
        // allowing the server to send the next batch

    } catch(err) {
        // If processing fails for a particular batch then pass the error to the callback

Once the event handler is defined, the worker will begin processing batches of documents sent by the server. Each batch must be acknowledged by calling callback() once processing is complete.

Error handling

Subscription worker connection failures

Subscription worker connection failures may occur during the routine communication between the worker and the server. When an unexpected error arises, the worker will attempt to reconnect to the server.

However, there are several conditions under which the worker will stop its operation but will Not attempt to reconnect:

  • The subscription no longer exists or has been deleted.
  • Another worker has taken control of the subscription (see connection strategy).
  • The worker is unable to connect to any of the servers.
  • The worker could not receive the node responsible for the task
    (this can happen when there is no leader in the cluster).
  • An authorization exception occurred.
  • An exception occurred during the connection establishment phase.
  • The database doesn't exist.

Batch processing execution failures

An exception may occur while processing a batch of documents in the worker. For example:

worker.on("batch", (batch, callback) => {
    try {
        throw new Error("Exception occurred");
    } catch (err) {
        callback(err); // Pass the error to the callback to signal failure

When creating a worker, the worker can be configured to handle these exceptions in either of the following ways, depending on the ignoreSubscriberErrors property in the subscription worker options:

  • Abort processing completely
    When ignoreSubscriberErrors is false (default):
    The current batch processing will be aborted, and in this case, the worker will wrap the thrown exception in a SubscriberErrorException and will rethrow it. Processing of the subscription will be terminated without acknowledging progress to the server or retrying to connect.
    As a result, the worker task will complete in an erroneous state, throwing a SubscriberErrorException.

  • Continue processing subsequent batches
    When ignoreSubscriberErrors is true:
    The current batch processing will be aborted; however, the erroneous batch will be acknowledged without retrying, and processing will continue with the next batches.


Two properties in the subscription worker options object control the behavior of a worker attempting to reconnect with the server:

  • timeToWaitBeforeConnectionRetry
    The time the worker will wait before attempting to reconnect.
    Default: 5 seconds.
  • maxErroneousPeriod
    The maximum amount of time the subscription connection can remain in an erroneous state.
    Once this period is exceeded, the worker will stop trying to reconnect.
    Default: 5 minutes.


unexpectedSubscriptionError is the event that is triggered when a connection failure occurs between the subscription worker and the server, resulting in an unexpected exception.
When this happens, the worker will automatically attempt to reconnect.
This event is useful for logging these unexpected exceptions.

Worker strategies

Subscription workers are configured with a strategy that determines whether multiple workers can connect to the subscription concurrently or if only one worker can connect at a time.

The one-worker-at-a-time strategy also determines how the workers interact with each other to resolve which will establish the subscription connection.

One worker per subscription strategies

The following three strategies allow only a single worker to connect to the subscription at any given time,
and determine what happens when one worker is connected and another tries to connect.

  • OpenIfFree
    The server will allow a worker to connect only if no other worker is currently connected.
    If there is an existing connection, the incoming worker will throw a SubscriptionInUseException.
  • WaitForFree
    If the worker cannot open the subscription because it is in use by another worker, it will wait for the currently connected worker to disconnect before establishing the connection. This is useful in worker failover scenarios, where one worker is connected while another is awaiting its turn to take its place.
  • TakeOver
    The server will allow an incoming connection to take over an existing one,
    based on the connection strategy in use by the currently connected worker:
    • If the existing connection does not have a TakeOver strategy:
      The incoming connection will take over, causing the existing connection to throw a SubscriptionInUseException.
    • If the existing connection has a TakeOver strategy:
      The incoming connection will throw a SubscriptionInUseException exception.

Multiple workers per subscription strategy

  • Concurrent
    The server allows multiple workers to connect to the same subscription concurrently.
    Read more about concurrent subscriptions here.

Determining which workers a subscription will serve

The strategy used by the first worker connecting to a subscription determines which additional workers the subscription can serve until all worker connections are dropped.

  • A subscription that serves one or more concurrent workers, can only serve other concurrent workers until all connections are dropped. If a worker with a one worker per subscription strategy attempts to connect -

    • The connection attempt will be rejected.
    • SubscriptionInUseException will be thrown.
  • A subscription that serves a worker with a one worker per subscription strategy, cannot serve concurrent workers until that worker's connection is dropped. If a concurrent worker attempts to connect -

    • The connection attempt will be rejected.
    • SubscriptionInUseException will be thrown.