Get Compare Exchange Values Operation


Get cmpXchg items for specified keys:

// Save some new compare-exchange items
await documentStore.operations.send(
    new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation("employees/1-A", "someValue1", 0));
await documentStore.operations.send(
    new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation("employees/2-A", "someValue2", 0));
await documentStore.operations.send(
    new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation("employees/3-A", "someValue3", 0));

// Get multiple compare-exchange items by specifying keys:
// =======================================================

// Define the get compare-exchange operation,
// Specify the keys of the items to get 
const getCmpXchgOp = new GetCompareExchangeValuesOperation({
    keys: ["employees/1-A", "employees/3-A"]

// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send
const items = await documentStore.operations.send(getCmpXchgOp);

// Access the returned items:
assert.equal(Object.keys(items).length, 2);
assert.equal(items["employees/1-A"].value, "someValue1");
assert.equal(items["employees/3-A"].value, "someValue3");

Get cmpXchg items for keys with common prefix:

// Get multiple compare-exchange items with common key prefix:
// ===========================================================

// Define the get compare-exchange operation, specify:
// * startWith: The common key prefix
// * pageSize:  Max items to get (this is optional)
// * start:     The start position (this is optional)
const getCmpXchgOp = new GetCompareExchangeValuesOperation({
    startWith: "employees",
    pageSize: 10,
    start: 0

// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send
const items = await documentStore.operations.send(getCmpXchgOp);

// Results will include only cmpXchg items with keys that start with "employees" 


const getCmpXchgOp = new GetCompareExchangeValuesOperation(parameters);

// the parameters object:
    // Keys of the items to retrieve 
    keys?; // string[]

    // The common key prefix of the items to retrieve
    startWith?; // string
    // The number of items that should be skipped
    start?; // number
    // The maximum number of values that will be retrieved
    pageSize?; // number
    // When the item's value is a class, you can specify its type in this parameter
    clazz?; // object
Return value Description
Dictionary<string, CompareExchangeValue> A Dictionary with a compare-exchange value per key

class CompareExchangeValue {