Counters Batch Operation
CounterBatchOperation allows you to operate on multiple counters (Increment
, Get
, Delete
) of different documents in a single request.
const counterBatchOp = new CounterBatchOperation(counterBatch);
Parameter | ||
counterBatch | CounterBatch |
An object that holds a list of DocumentCountersOperation .Each element in the list describes the counter operations to perform for a specific document |
// The CounterBatch object:
// ========================
// A list of "DocumentCountersOperation" objects
// A flag indicating if results should include a dictionary of counter values per database node
// The DocumentCountersOperation object:
// =====================================
// Id of the document that holds the counters
// A list of "CounterOperation" objects to perform
// The CounterOperation object:
// ============================
// The operation type: "Increment" | "Delete" | "Get"
// The counter name
// The value to increment by
Document updates as a result of a counter operation
A document that has counters holds all its counter names in the metadata
Therefore, when creating a new counter, the parent document is modified, as the counter's name needs to be added to the metadata.
Deleting a counter also modifies the parent document, as the counter's name needs to be removed from the metadata.
Incrementing an existing counter will not modify the parent document.
Even if a DocumentCountersOperation
contains several CounterOperation
items that affect the document's metadata (create, delete),
the parent document will be modified only once, after all the CounterOperation
items in this DocumentCountersOperation
have been processed.
If DocumentCountersOperation
doesn't contain any CounterOperation
that affects the metadata, the parent document won't be modified.
Return Value
CounterBatchOperation returns a
object, which holds a list ofCounterDetail
objects. -
If the type is
, aCounterDetail
object will be added to the result.
operations will Not be included in the result.
// The CounterDetails object:
// ==========================
// A list of "CounterDetail" objects;
// The CounterDetail object:
// =========================
// ID of the document that holds the counter;
documentId; // string
// The counter name
counterName; //string
// Total counter value
totalValue; // number
// A dictionary of counter values per database node
// Etag of counter
etag?; // number;
// Change vector of counter
changeVector?; // string
Assume we have two documents, users/1
and users/2
, that hold 3 counters each -
"Likes", "Dislikes" and "Downloads" - with values 10, 20 and 30 (respectively)
Example #1 : Increment Multiple Counters in a Batch
// Define the counter actions you want to make per document:
// =========================================================
const counterActions1 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions1.documentId = "users/1";
counterActions1.operations = [
CounterOperation.create("Likes", "Increment", 5), // Increment "Likes" by 5
CounterOperation.create("Dislikes", "Increment") // No delta specified, value will stay the same
const counterActions2 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions2.documentId = "users/2";
counterActions2.operations = [
CounterOperation.create("Likes", "Increment", 100), // Increment "Likes" by 100
CounterOperation.create("Score", "Increment", 50) // Create a new counter "Score" with value 50
// Define the batch:
// =================
const batch = new CounterBatch();
batch.documents = [counterActions1, counterActions2];
// Define the counter batch operation, pass the batch:
// ===================================================
const counterBatchOp = new CounterBatchOperation(batch);
// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send:
// =======================================================
const result = await documentStore.operations.send(counterBatchOp);
const counters = result.counters;
"documentId" : "users/1",
"counterName" : "Likes",
"totalValue" : 15,
"counterValues" : null
"documentId" : "users/1",
"counterName" : "Dislikes",
"totalValue" : 20,
"counterValues" : null
"documentId" : "users/2",
"counterName" : "Likes",
"totalValue" : 110,
"counterValues" : null
"documentId" : "users/2",
"counterName" : "score",
"totalValue" : 50,
"counterValues" : null
Example #2 : Get Multiple Counters in a Batch
// Define the counter actions you want to make per document:
// =========================================================
const counterActions1 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions1.documentId = "users/1";
counterActions1.operations = [
CounterOperation.create("Likes", "Get"),
CounterOperation.create("Downloads", "Get")
const counterActions2 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions2.documentId = "users/2";
counterActions2.operations = [
CounterOperation.create("Likes", "Get"),
CounterOperation.create("Score", "Get")
// Define the batch:
// =================
const batch = new CounterBatch();
batch.documents = [counterActions1, counterActions2];
// Define the counter batch operation, pass the batch:
// ===================================================
const counterBatchOp = new CounterBatchOperation(batch);
// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send:
// =======================================================
const result = await documentStore.operations.send(counterBatchOp);
const counters = result.counters;
"documentId" : "users/1",
"counterName" : "Likes",
"totalValue" : 15,
"counterValues" : null
"documentId" : "users/1",
"counterName" : "Downloads",
"totalValue" : 30,
"counterValues" : null
"documentId" : "users/2",
"counterName" : "Likes",
"totalValue" : 110,
"counterValues" : null
"documentId" : "users/2",
"counterName" : "Score",
"totalValue" : 50,
"counterValues" : null
Example #3 : Delete Multiple Counters in a Batch
// Define the counter actions you want to make per document:
// =========================================================
const counterActions1 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions1.documentId = "users/1";
counterActions1.operations = [
// "Likes" and "Dislikes" will be removed from counter-names in "users/1" metadata
CounterOperation.create("Likes", "Delete"),
CounterOperation.create("Dislikes", "Delete")
const counterActions2 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions2.documentId = "users/2";
counterActions2.operations = [
// "Downloads" will be removed from counter-names in "users/2" metadata
CounterOperation.create("Downloads", "Delete")
// Define the batch:
// =================
const batch = new CounterBatch();
batch.documents = [counterActions1, counterActions2];
// Define the counter batch operation, pass the batch:
// ===================================================
const counterBatchOp = new CounterBatchOperation(batch);
// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send:
// =======================================================
const result = await documentStore.operations.send(counterBatchOp);
const counters = result.counters;
"counters": []
Example #4 : Mix Different Types of CounterOperations in a Batch
// Define the counter actions you want to make per document:
// =========================================================
const counterActions1 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions1.documentId = "users/1";
counterActions1.operations = [
CounterOperation.create("Likes", "Increment", 30),
// The results will include null for this 'Get'
// since we deleted the "Dislikes" counter in the previous example flow
CounterOperation.create("Dislikes", "Get"),
CounterOperation.create("Downloads", "Delete")
const counterActions2 = new DocumentCountersOperation();
counterActions2.documentId = "users/2";
counterActions2.operations = [
CounterOperation.create("Likes", "Get"),
CounterOperation.create("Dislikes", "Delete")
// Define the batch:
// =================
const batch = new CounterBatch();
batch.documents = [counterActions1, counterActions2];
// Define the counter batch operation, pass the batch:
// ===================================================
const counterBatchOp = new CounterBatchOperation(batch);
// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send:
// =======================================================
const result = await documentStore.operations.send(counterBatchOp);
const counters = result.counters;
- Note: The
operations are Not included in the result.
"documentId" : "users/1",
"counterName" : "Likes",
"totalValue" : 30,
"counterValues" : null
"documentId" : "users/2",
"counterName" : "Likes",
"totalValue" : 110,
"counterValues" : null