Using MoreLikeThis
is available through query methods and will return similar documents according to the provided criteria and options.
Parameters |
moreLikeThis |
MoreLikeThisBase |
Defines the type of MoreLikeThis that should be executed |
builder |
function |
Builder with fluent API that constructs the MoreLikeThisBase instance |
Parameters |
documentJson |
string |
Inline JSON document that will be used as a base for operation |
builder |
(filterBuilder) => void |
Filtering expression utilized to find a document that will be used as a base for operation |
options |
object |
Non-default options that should be used for operation |
minimumTermFrequency |
number |
Ignores terms with less than this frequency in the source doc |
maximumQueryTerms |
number |
Returns a query with no more than this many terms |
maximumNumberOfTokensParsed |
number |
The maximum number of tokens to parse in each example doc field that is not stored with TermVector support |
minimumWordLength |
number |
Ignores words less than this length or, if 0, then this has no effect |
maximumWordLength |
number |
Ignores words greater than this length or if 0 then this has no effect |
minimumDocumentFrequency |
number |
Ignores words which do not occur in at least this many documents |
maximumDocumentFrequency |
number |
Ignores words which occur in more than this many documents |
maximumDocumentFrequencyPercentage |
number |
Ignores words which occur in more than this percentage of documents |
boost |
boolean |
Boost terms in query based on score |
boostFactor |
number |
Boost factor when boosting based on score |
stopWordsDocumentId |
string |
Document ID containing custom stop words |
fields |
string[] |
Fields to compare |
Example I
// Search for similar articles to 'articles/1'
// using 'Articles/MoreLikeThis' index and search only field 'body'
const options = { fields: [ "body" ] };
const articles = await session
.query({ indexName: "Articles/MoreLikeThis" })
.moreLikeThis(builder => builder
.usingDocument(x => x.whereEquals("id()", "articles/1"))
from index 'Articles/MoreLikeThis'
where morelikethis(id() = 'articles/1', '{ "Fields" : [ "body" ] }')
Example II
// Search for similar articles to 'articles/1'
// using 'Articles/MoreLikeThis' index and search only field 'body'
// where article category is 'IT'
const options = { fields: [ "body" ] };
const articles = await session
.query({ indexName: "Articles/MoreLikeThis" })
.moreLikeThis(builder => builder
.usingDocument(x => x.whereEquals("id()", "articles/1"))
.whereEquals("category", "IT")
from index 'Articles/MoreLikeThis'
where morelikethis(id() = 'articles/1', '{ "Fields" : [ "body" ] }') and category == 'IT'