Append & Delete Time Series Operations



  • Prepare the Append and Delete operations:
    • Create an instance of TimeSeriesOperation.AppendOperation to define an Append action.
    • Create an instance of TimeSeriesOperation.DeleteOperation fo define a Delete action.
  • Create an instance of TimeSeriesOperation and pass it the the time series name.
    • Call TimeSeriesOperation.append to add the Append operation.
    • Call TimeSeriesOperation.delete to add the Delete operation.
  • Create a TimeSeriesBatchOperation instance and pass it:
    • The document ID
    • The TimeSeriesOperation object
  • Execute the TimeSeriesBatchOperation operation by calling store.operations.send


  • All the added Append and Delete operations will be executed in a single-node transaction.
  • Delete actions are executed before Append actions. As seen in this example.
  • Appending entries to a time series that doesn't yet exist yet will create the time series.
  • An exception will be thrown if the specified document does Not exist.


Append multiple entries:

In this example, we append four entries to a time series.

const baseTime = new Date();

// Define the Append operations:
let nextMinute = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000);
const appendOp1 = new AppendOperation(nextMinute, [79], "watches/fitbit");

nextMinute = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 2);
const appendOp2 = new AppendOperation(nextMinute, [82], "watches/fitbit");

nextMinute = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 3);
const appendOp3 = new AppendOperation(nextMinute, [80], "watches/fitbit");

nextMinute = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 4);
const appendOp4 = new AppendOperation(nextMinute, [78], "watches/fitbit");

// Define the 'TimeSeriesOperation':
const timeSeriesOp = new TimeSeriesOperation("HeartRates");

// Add the Append operations by calling 'append':

// Define 'TimeSeriesBatchOperation':
const timeSeriesBatchOp = new TimeSeriesBatchOperation("users/john", timeSeriesOp);

// Execute the batch operation:
await documentStore.operations.send(timeSeriesBatchOp);

Delete multiple entries:

In this example, we delete a range of two entries from a time series.

const baseTime = new Date();

const from = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 2);
const to = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 3);

// Define the Delete operation:
const deleteOp = new DeleteOperation(from, to);

// Define the 'TimeSeriesOperation':
const timeSeriesOp = new TimeSeriesOperation("HeartRates");

// Add the Delete operation by calling 'delete':

// Define the 'TimeSeriesBatchOperation':
const timeSeriesBatchOp = new TimeSeriesBatchOperation("users/john", timeSeriesOp);

// Execute the batch operation:
await documentStore.operations.send(timeSeriesBatchOp);

Append & delete entries in the same batch:

  • In this example, we append and delete entries in the same batch operation.

  • Note: the Delete actions are executed before all Append actions.

const baseTime = new Date();

// Define some Append operations:
let nextMinute = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000);
const appendOp1 = new AppendOperation(nextMinute, [79], "watches/fitbit");

nextMinute = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 2);
const appendOp2 = new AppendOperation(nextMinute, [82], "watches/fitbit");

nextMinute = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 3);
const appendOp3 = new AppendOperation(nextMinute, [80], "watches/fitbit");

const from = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 2);
const to = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 3);

// Define a Delete operation:
const deleteOp = new DeleteOperation(from, to);

// Define the 'TimeSeriesOperation':
const timeSeriesOp = new TimeSeriesOperation("HeartRates");

// Add the Append & Delete operations to the list of actions
// Note: the Delete action will be executed BEFORE all the Append actions
 //      even though it is added last

// Define the 'TimeSeriesBatchOperation':
const timeSeriesBatchOp = new TimeSeriesBatchOperation("users/john", timeSeriesOp);

// Execute the batch operation:
await documentStore.operations.send(timeSeriesBatchOp);

// Results:
// All 3 entries that were appended will exist and are not deleted.
// This is because the Delete action occurs first, before all Append actions.



TimeSeriesBatchOperation(documentId, operation)
Parameter Type Description
documentId string The ID of the document to which you want to Append/Delete time series data.
operation TimeSeriesOperation This class defines which Append/Delete actions to perform within the batch operation.


class TimeSeriesOperation {
Property Type Description
name string The time series name
append method Pass a AppendOperation object to this method to add it to the list
delete method Pass a DeleteOperation object to this method to add it to the list


class AppendOperation {
Property Type Description
timestamp Date The time series entry will be appended at this timestamp
values number[] Entry values
tag string Entry tag (optional)


class DeleteOperation {
Property Type Description
from Date Entries will be deleted starting at this timestamp (inclusive)
Default: the minimum date value
to Date Entries will be deleted up to this timestamp (inclusive)
Default: the maximum date value