Filtering Time Series Queries
In addition to limiting time series query results by specifying the range of entries to retrieve, you can filter the time series entries by their values, tag, or by the contents of a document referenced in the tag.
For an overview of the available time series queries, please refer to Time series querying.
In this page:
Filter by value
A time series entry can have up to 32 values.
A time series query can filter entries based on these values.
// For example, in the "HeartRates" time series,
// retrieve only entries where the value exceeds 75 BPM
const tsQueryText = `
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the "where Value" clause to filter entries by the value
where Value > 75`;
const query = session.query({ collection: "employees" })
.selectTimeSeries(b => b.raw(tsQueryText), TimeSeriesRawResult);
const results = await query.all();
// For example, in the "HeartRates" time series,
// retrieve only entries where the value exceeds 75 BPM
const rql = `
from Employees
select timeseries (
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the 'where Value' clause to filter by the value
where Value > 75
const query = session.advanced.rawQuery(rql, TimeSeriesRawResult);
const result = await query.all();
from Employees
select timeseries (
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the "where Value" clause to filter entries by the value
where Value > 75
Filter by tag
A time series entry can have an optional tag.
A time series query can filter entries based on this tag.
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is "watches/fitbit"
const tsQueryText = `
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the "where Tag" clause to filter entries by the tag string content
where Tag == "watches/fitbit"`;
const query = session.query({ collection: "employees" })
.selectTimeSeries(b => b.raw(tsQueryText), TimeSeriesRawResult);
const results = await query.all();
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is "watches/fitbit"
const rql = `
from Employees
select timeseries (
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the 'where Tag' clause to filter entries by the tag string content
where Tag == 'watches/fitbit'
const query = session.advanced.rawQuery(rql, TimeSeriesRawResult);
const result = await query.all();
from Employees
select timeseries (
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the "where Tag" clause to filter entries by the tag string content
where Tag == "watches/fitbit"
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is one of several options
const tsQueryText = `
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the "where Tag in" clause to filter by various tag options
where Tag in ("watches/apple", "watches/samsung", "watches/xiaomi")`;
const query = session.query({ collection: "employees" })
.selectTimeSeries(b => b.raw(tsQueryText), TimeSeriesRawResult);
const results = await query.all();
// Retrieve only entries where the tag string content is one of several options
const optionalTags = ["watches/apple", "watches/samsung", "watches/xiaomi"];
const rql = `
from Employees
select timeseries (
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the 'where Tag in' clause to filter by various tag options
where Tag in ($optionalTags)
const query = session.advanced.rawQuery(rql, TimeSeriesRawResult)
.addParameter("optionalTags", optionalTags);
const result = await query.all();
from Employees
select timeseries (
from HeartRates
between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
// Use the "where Tag in" clause to filter by various tag options
where Tag in ("watches/apple", "watches/samsung", "watches/xiaomi")
Filter by referenced document
A time series entry's tag can contain the ID of a document.
A time series query can filter entries based on the contents of this referenced document.
The referenced document is loaded, and entries are filtered by its properties.
// Retrieve entries that reference a document that has "Sales Manager" in its 'Title' property
const tsQueryText = `
from StockPrices
// Use 'load Tag' to load the employee document referenced in the tag
load Tag as employeeDoc
// Use 'where <property>' to filter entries by the properties of the loaded document
where employeeDoc.Title == "Sales Manager"`;
const query = session.query({ collection: "companies" })
.whereEquals("Address.Country", "USA")
.selectTimeSeries(b => b.raw(tsQueryText), TimeSeriesRawResult);
const results = await query.all();
// Retrieve entries that reference a document that has "Sales Manager" in its 'Title' property
const rql = `
from Companies
where Address.Country == 'USA'
select timeseries (
from StockPrices
// Use 'load Tag' to load the employee document referenced in the tag
load Tag as employeeDoc
// Use 'where <property>' to filter entries by the properties of the loaded document
where employeeDoc.Title == 'Sales Manager'
const query = session.advanced.rawQuery(rql, TimeSeriesRawResult);
const result = await query.all();
from Companies
where Address.Country == "USA"
select timeseries (
from StockPrices
// Use 'load Tag' to load the employee document referenced in the tag
load Tag as employeeDoc
// Use 'where <property>' to filter entries by the properties of the loaded document
where employeeDoc.Title == "Sales Manager"