Compact Database Operation

  • Use The CompactDatabaseOperation compaction operation to removes empty gaps on disk that still occupy space after deletes.
    You can choose whether to compact documents and/or selected indexes.

  • During compaction the database will be offline.
    The operation is a executed asynchronously as a background operation and can be waited for using waitForCompletion().

  • The operation will compact the database on one node.
    To compact all database-group nodes, the command must be sent to each node separately.

  • Target node:
    By default, the operation will be executed on the server node that is defined by the client configuration.

  • Target database:
    The database to compact is specified in CompactSettings (see examples below).
    An exception is thrown if the specified database doesn't exist on the server node.

  • In this page:


Compact documents:

The following example will compact only documents for the specified database.

// Define the compact settings
$settings = new CompactSettings();
// Set 'Documents' to true to compact all documents in database
// Indexes are not set and will not be compacted

// Define the compact operation, pass the settings
/** @var OperationIdResult  $compactOp */
$compactOp = new CompactDatabaseOperation($settings);

// Execute compaction by passing the operation to Maintenance.Server.Send
/** @var Operation $operation */
$operation = $documentStore->maintenance()->server()->send($compactOp);

// Wait for operation to complete, during compaction the database is offline

Compact specific indexes:

The following example will compact only specific indexes.

// Define the compact settings
$settings = new CompactSettings();

// Database to compact

// Setting 'Documents' to false will compact only the specified indexes

// Specify which indexes to compact
$settings->setIndexes([ "Orders/Totals", "Orders/ByCompany" ]);

// Optimize indexes is Lucene's feature to gain disk space and efficiency
// Set whether to skip this optimization when compacting the indexes

// Define the compact operation, pass the settings
/** @var OperationIdResult $compactOp */
$compactOp = new CompactDatabaseOperation($settings);

// Execute compaction by passing the operation to Maintenance.Server.Send
/** @var Operation $operation */
$operation = $documentStore->maintenance()->server()->send($compactOp);
// Wait for operation to complete

Compact all indexes:

The following example will compact all indexes and documents.

// Get all indexes names in the database using the 'GetIndexNamesOperation' operation
// Use 'ForDatabase' if the target database is different than the default database defined on the store
/** @var StringArrayResult $allIndexNames */
$allIndexNames = $documentStore->maintenance()->forDatabase("Northwind")
        ->send(new GetIndexNamesOperation(0, PhpClient::INT_MAX_VALUE));

// Define the compact settings
$settings = new CompactSettings();
$settings->setDatabaseName("Northwind");    // Database to compact
$settings->setDocuments(true);              // Compact all documents
$settings->setIndexes($allIndexNames->getArrayCopy());      // All indexes will be compacted
$settings->setSkipOptimizeIndexes(true);    // Skip Lucene's indexes optimization

// Define the compact operation, pass the settings
/** @var OperationIdResult $compactOp */
$compactOp = new CompactDatabaseOperation($settings);

// Execute compaction by passing the operation to Maintenance.Server.Send
/** @var Operation $operation */
$operation = $documentStore->maintenance()->server()->send($compactOp);

// Wait for operation to complete

Compact on other nodes:

  • By default, an operation executes on the server node that is defined by the client configuration.
  • The following example will compact the database on all member nodes from its database-group topology.
    forNode is used to execute the operation on a specific node.

// Get all member nodes in the database-group using the 'GetDatabaseRecordOperation' operation
/** @var DatabaseRecordWithEtag $databaseRecord */
$databaseRecord = $documentStore->maintenance()->server()->send(new GetDatabaseRecordOperation("Northwind"));

$allMemberNodes = $databaseRecord->getTopology()->getMembers();

// Define the compact settings as needed
$settings = new CompactSettings();

$settings->setDocuments(true); //Compact all documents in database

// Execute the compact operation on each member node
foreach ($allMemberNodes as $nodeTag) {
    // Define the compact operation, pass the settings
    /** @var OperationIdResult $compactOp */
    $compactOp = new CompactDatabaseOperation($settings);

    // Execute the operation on a specific node
    // Use `ForNode` to specify the node to operate on
    /** @var Operation $operation */
    $operation = $documentStore->maintenance()->server()->forNode($nodeTag)->send($compactOp);
    // Wait for operation to complete

Compaction triggers compression

  • When document compression is turned on, compression is applied to the documents when:

    • New documents that are created and saved.
    • Existing documents that are modified and saved.
  • You can use the compaction operation to compress existing documents without having to modify and save them.
    Executing compaction triggers compression on ALL existing documents for the collections that are configured for compression.

  • Learn more about Compression -vs- Compaction here.

Compact from Studio

  • Compaction can be triggered from the Storage Report view in the Studio.
    The operation will compact the database only on the node being viewed (node info is in the Studio footer).

  • To compact the database on another node,
    simply trigger compaction from the Storage Report view in a browser tab opened for that other node.


public CompactDatabaseOperation(CompactSettings compactSettings)
Parameters Type Description
$compactSettings ?CompactSettings Settings for the compact operation
$compactSettings class parameters Type Description
$databaseName ?string Name of database to compact. Mandatory param.
$documents bool Indicates if documents should be compacted. Optional param.
$indexes ?StringArray List of index names to compact. Optional param.
$skipOptimizeIndexes bool true - Skip Lucene's index optimization while compacting
false - Lucene's index optimization will take place while compacting
Note: Either $documents or $indexes (or both) must be specified