Disable Entity Tracking

Disable tracking for a specific entity in a session

  • Tracking can be disabled for a specific entity in the session.
  • Once tracking is disabled for the entity -
    • Any changes made to this entity will be ignored for saveChanges.
    • Performing another load for this entity will Not generate another call to the server.


// Load a product entity, the session will track its changes
/** @var Product $product */
$product = $session->load(Product::class, "products/1-A");

// Disable tracking for the loaded product entity

// The following change will be ignored for SaveChanges
$product->setUnitsInStock($product->getUnitsInStock() + 1);


Disable tracking for all entities in a session

  • Tracking can be disabled for all entities in the session's options.
  • When tracking is disabled for the session:
    • Method store will Not be available (an exception will be thrown if used).
    • Calling load or query will generate a call to the server and create new entities instances.

$sessionOptions = new SessionOptions();
// Disable tracking for all entities in the session's options

$session = $store->openSession($sessionOptions);
try {
    // Load any entity, it will Not be tracked by the session
    /** @var Employee $employee1 */
    $employee1 = $session->load(Employee::class, "employees/1-A");

    // Loading again from same document will result in a new entity instance
    $employee2 = $session->load(Employee::class, "employees/1-A");

    // Entities instances are not the same
    $this->assertNotEquals($employee1, $employee2);
} finally {

Disable tracking for query results

  • Tracking can be disabled for all entities resulting from a query.

$session = $store->openSession();
try {
    // Define a query
    /** @var array<Employee> $employeesResults */
    $employeesResults = $session->query(Employee::class)
        // Set NoTracking, all resulting entities will not be tracked
        ->whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")

    // The following modification will not be tracked for SaveChanges
    $firstEmployee = $employeesResults[0];

    // Change to 'firstEmployee' will not be persisted
} finally {
$session = $store->openSession();
try {
    // Define a query
    /** @var array<Employee> $employeesResults */
    $employeesResults = $session->advanced()->documentQuery(Employee::class)
        // Set NoTracking, all resulting entities will not be tracked
        ->whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")

    // The following modification will not be tracked for SaveChanges
    $firstEmployee = $employeesResults[0];

    // Change to 'firstEmployee' will not be persisted
} finally {

Customize tracking in conventions

  • You can further customize and fine-tune which entities will not be tracked
    by configuring the ShouldIgnoreEntityChanges convention method on the document store.
  • This customization will apply to all sessions opened for this document store.
  • Use the setShouldIgnoreEntityChanges method to do so.


// Define the 'ignore' convention on your document store
$conventions = new DocumentConventions();
// Define for which entities tracking should be disabled
// Tracking will be disabled ONLY for entities of type Employee whose FirstName is Bob
    function ($session, $entity, $id) {
        return $entity instanceof Employee && $entity->getFirstName() == "Bob";

$store = new DocumentStore();
try {
    $session = $store->openSession();
    try {
        $employee1 = new Employee();

        $employee2 = new Employee();

        $session->store($employee1);      // This entity will be tracked
        $session->store($employee2);      // Changes to this entity will be ignored

        $session->saveChanges();          // Only employee1 will be persisted

        $employee1->setFirstName("Bob");  // Changes to this entity will now be ignored
        $employee2->setFirstName("Alice");// This entity will now be tracked

        $session->saveChanges();          // Only employee2 is persisted
    } finally {
} finally {