How to Check for Entity Changes

Check for entity changes

  • The session's advanced property hasChanged indicates whether the specified entity was added, modified, or deleted within the session.

  • Note: The hasChanged property is cleared (reset to false) after calling saveChanges.

$session = $store->openSession();
try {
    // Store a new entity within the session
    // =====================================

    $employee = new Employee();
    $session->store($employee, "employees/1-A");

    // '$hasChanged' will be TRUE
    $hasChanged = $session->advanced()->hasChanged($employee);

    // 'HasChanged' will reset to FALSE after saving changes
    $hasChanged = $session->advanced()->hasChanged($employee);

    // Load & modify entity within the session
    // =======================================

    $employee = $session->load(Employee::class, "employees/1-A");
    $hasChanged = $session->advanced()->hasChanged($employee); // FALSE

    $hasChanged = $session->advanced()->hasChanged($employee); // TRUE

    $hasChanged = $session->advanced()->hasChanged($employee); // FALSE

} finally {

Get entity changes

  • Use the advanced session whatChangedFor method to get all changes made in the specified entity
    within the session.

  • Details will include:

    • The name and path of the changed field
    • Its old and new values
    • The type of change

Example I

$session = $store->openSession();
try {
    // Store (add) a new entity, it will be tracked by the session
    $employee = new Employee();
    $session->store($employee, "employees/1-A");

    // Get the changes for the entity in the session
    // Call 'WhatChangedFor', pass the entity object in the param
    $changesForEmployee = $session->advanced()->whatChangedFor($employee);
    $this->assertCount($changesForEmployee, 1); // a single change for this entity (adding)

    // Get the change type
    $changeType = $changesForEmployee[0]->getChange();

} finally {
Example II

$session = $store->openSession();
try {

    // Load the entity, it will be tracked by the session
    $employee = $session->load(Employee::class, "employees/1-A");

    // Modify the entity

    // Get the changes for the entity in the session
    // Call 'WhatChangedFor', pass the entity object in the param
    $changesForEmployee = $session->advanced()->whatChangedFor($employee);

    $this->assertEquals("FirstName", $changesForEmployee[0]->getFieldName());// Field name
    $this->assertEquals("Jim", $changesForEmployee[0]->getFieldNewValue());  // New value
    $this->assertTrue($changesForEmployee[0]->getChange()->isFieldChanged());         // Change type

    $this->assertEquals("LastName", $changesForEmployee[1]->getFieldName());
    $this->assertEquals("Brown", $changesForEmployee[1]->getFieldNewValue());

} finally {


public function hasChanged(?object $entity): bool;
// WhatChangedFor
public function whatChangedFor(object $entity): DocumentsChangesArray;
DocumentsChanges List of changes made in the entity (see ChangeType class below for available change types)

class DocumentsChanges
    private mixed $fieldOldValue = null;            // Previous field value
    private mixed $fieldNewValue = null;            // Current field value
    private ChangeType $change;                     // Type of change that occurred
    private ?string $fieldName = null;              // Name of field on which the change occurred
    private ?string $fieldPath = null;              // Path of field on which the change occurred

    public function getFieldFullName(): ?string;    // Path + Name of field on which the change occurred

    // ... getters and setters

class ChangeType
    public function isDocumentDeleted(): bool;
    public function isDocumentAdded(): bool;
    public function isFieldChanged(): bool;
    public function isNewField(): bool;
    public function isRemovedField(): bool;
    public function isArrayValueChanged(): bool;
    public function isArrayValueAdded(): bool;
    public function isArrayValueRemoved(): bool;
