How to Get Entity Counters

  • When a document is loaded to the session, the loaded entity will include various metadata details such as ID, current change-vector, etc.

  • If the document has Counters, the document metadata will also contain its counter names.
    The counter names are available for each entity using the getCountersFor() method from the advanced session operations.

  • In this page:

Get entity counters

// Load a document
$employee = $session->load(Employee::class, "employees/1-A");

// Get counter names from the loaded entity
$counterNames = $session->advanced()->getCountersFor($employee);


public function getCountersFor(mixed $instance): ?StringList;
Parameter Type Description
$instance mixed An instance of an entity for which counter names will be returned.
Return Type Description
?StringList Returns the counter names for the specified entity, or None if the entity has no counters.
An exception is thrown if the entity is not tracked by the session.