Include Query Timings

  • When making a query,
    you can request to get detailed stats of the time spent by RavenDB on each part of the query.
    E.g. duration of search, loading documents, transforming results, total duration, etc.

  • By default, the timings stats are Not included in the query results, to avoid the measuring overhead.

  • To include the query timings in the query results:
    add a call to the timings() method in your query code, or add include timings() to an RQL query.
    See examples below.

  • In this page:

Include timings in a query

$timings = new QueryTimings();

/** @var array<Product> $resultsWithTimings */
$resultsWithTimings = $session->advanced()->documentQuery(Product::class)
    ->search("Name", "Syrup")

/** @var array<QueryTimings> $timingsMap */
$timingsMap = $timings->getTimings();
from "Products"
where search(Name, "Syrup") or search(Name, "Lager")
include timings()

View timings

  • The detailed timings can be viewed from Studio's Query view.

  • Running an RQL query with include timings() will show an additional Timings Tab
    with a graphical representation of the time spent in each query part.

Figure 1. Include timings graphical results

Include timings results


function timings(QueryTimings &$timings): DocumentQueryInterface;
Parameter Type Description
&$timings QueryTimings A callback function (action) that takes QueryTimings as an argument. It will be called by the client with the resulting QueryTimings. You can interact with the resulting QueryTimings inside your callback.

Timings in a sharded database