Delete by Query Operation

  • Use DeleteByQueryOperation to delete a large number of documents that match the provided query in a single server call.

  • Dynamic behavior:
    The deletion of documents matching the specified query is performed in batches of size 1024.
    During the deletion process, documents that are added/modified after the delete operation has started
    may also be deleted if they match the query criteria.

  • Background operation:
    This operation is performed in the background on the server.

  • In this page:

Delete by dynamic query

Delete all documents in a collection:

# Define the delete by query operation, pass an RQL querying a collection
delete_by_query_op = DeleteByQueryOperation("from 'Orders'")

# Execute the operation by passing it to Operation.send_async
operation = store.operations.send_async(delete_by_query_op)

# All documents in collection 'Orders' will be deleted from the server
from "Orders"

Delete with filtering:

# Define the delete by query operation, pass an RQL querying a collection
delete_by_query_op = DeleteByQueryOperation("from 'Orders' where Freight > 30")

# Execute the operation by passing it to Operation.send_async
operation = store.operations.send_async(delete_by_query_op)

# * All documents matching the specified RQL will be deleted from the server.
# * Since the dynamic query was made with a filtering condition,
#   an auto-index is generated (if no other matching auto-index already exists).
from "Orders" where Freight > 30

Delete by index query

  • DeleteByQueryOperation can only be performed on a Map-index.
    An exception is thrown when executing the operation on a Map-Reduce index.

  • A few overloads are available, see the following examples:

A sample Map-index:

# The index definition:
# =====================
class ProductsByPrice(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
    class IndexEntry:
        def __init__(self, price: int):
            self.price = price

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = "from product in products select new {price = product.PricePerUnit}"

Delete documents via an index query:

# Define the delete by query operation, pass an RQL querying the index
delete_by_query_op = DeleteByQueryOperation("from index 'Products/ByPrice' where Price > 10")

# Execute the operation by passing it to Operation.send_async
operation = store.operations.send_async(delete_by_query_op)

# All documents with document-field PricePerUnit > 10 will be deleted from the server.
# Define the delete by query operation
delete_by_query_op = DeleteByQueryOperation(
    IndexQuery(query="from index 'Products/ByPrice' where Price > 10")

# Execute the operation by passing it to Operation.send_async
operation = store.operations.send_async(delete_by_query_op)

# All documents with document-field PricePerUnit > 10 will be deleted from the server.
from index "Products/ByPrice" where Price > 10

Delete with options:

# Define the delete by query operation
delete_by_query_op = DeleteByQueryOperation(
    # QUERY: Specify the query
    IndexQuery(query="from index 'Products/ByPrice' where Price > 10"),
    # OPTIONS: Specify the options for the operations
    # (See all other available options in the Syntax section below)
        # Allow the operation to operate even if index is stale
        # Get info in the operation result about documents that were deleted

# Execute the operation by passing it to Operations.send_async
operation = store.operations.send_async(delete_by_query_op)

# * All documents with document-field PricePerUnit > 10 will be deleted from the server

# * Details about deleted documents are available:
details = result.details
document_id_that_was_deleted = details[0]["Id"]
from index "Products/ByPrice" where Price > 10
  • Specifying QueryOperationOptions is also supported by the other overload methods, see the Syntax section below.