Session: Querying: How to Perform a Faceted (Aggregated) Search
To execute facet (aggregation) query via the session query
method, use aggregate_by
, or aggregate_using
This will scope you to the aggregation query builder, where you'll be allowed to define
single or multiple facets for the query using a straightforward and fluent API.
def aggregate_by(
self, builder_or_facet: Union[Callable[[FacetBuilder], None], FacetBase]
) -> AggregationDocumentQuery[_T]: ...
def aggregate_by_facets(self, facets: List[FacetBase]) -> AggregationDocumentQuery[_T]: ...
def aggregate_using(self, facet_setup_document_id: str) -> AggregationDocumentQuery[_T]: ...
Parameters | ||
builder_or_facet | Union[Callable[[FacetBuilder], None] |
Builder with a fluent API that constructs a FacetBase instance-or- FacetBase implementation defining the scope of the facet and its options (either Facet or RangeFacet ) |
facets | List[FacetBase] |
Items containing FacetBase implementations |
facet_setup_document_id | str |
ID of a document containing FacetSetup |
Facet & RangeFacet
Facet vs RangeFacet
allows you to split the results of the calculations into several ranges, in contrast to Facet
where whole spectrum of results will be used to generate a single outcome.
class FacetBase(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self.display_field_name: Union[None, str] = None
self.options: Union[None, FacetOptions] = None
self.aggregations: Dict[FacetAggregation, Set[FacetAggregationField]] = {}
class Facet(FacetBase):
def __init__(self, field_name: str = None):
self.field_name = field_name
class RangeFacet(FacetBase):
def __init__(self, parent: Optional[FacetBase] = None):
self.ranges: List[str] = []
class FacetAggregation(enum.Enum):
NONE = "None"
MAX = "Max"
MIN = "Min"
AVERAGE = "Average"
SUM = "Sum"
def by_ranges(self, range_: RangeBuilder, *ranges: RangeBuilder) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
def by_field(self, field_name: str) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
def with_display_name(self, display_name: str) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
def with_options(self, options: FacetOptions) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
def sum_on(self, path: str, display_name: Optional[str] = None) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
def min_on(self, path: str, display_name: Optional[str] = None) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
def max_on(self, path: str, display_name: Optional[str] = None) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
def average_on(self, path: str, display_name: Optional[str] = None) -> FacetOperations[_T]: ...
Parameters | ||
*ranges | RangeBuilder |
A list of aggregated ranges |
field_name | str |
Points to the index field that should be used for operation (by_ranges , by_field ) or to document field that should be used for aggregation (sum_on , min_on , max_on , average_on ) |
display_name | str |
If set, results of a facet will be returned under this name |
options | FacetOptions |
Non-default options that should be used for operation |
path | str |
Points to the index field that should be used for operation (by_ranges , by_field ) or to document field that should be used for aggregation (sum_on , min_on , max_on , average_on ) |
def __init__(self):
self.page_size: int = constants.int_max
self.start: Union[None, int] = None
self.term_sort_mode: FacetTermSortMode = FacetTermSortMode.VALUE_ASC
self.include_remaining_terms: bool = False
Options | ||
term_sort_mode | FacetTermSortMode |
Indicates how terms should be sorted (VALUE_ASC , VALUE_DESC , COUNT_ASC , COUNT_DESC ) |
include_remaining_terms | bool |
Indicates if remaining terms should be included in results |
start | Union[None, int] |
Used to skip given number of facet results in the outcome |
page_size | int |
Used to limit facet results to the given value |
Example I
facet_options = FacetOptions.default_options()
facet_options.term_sort_mode = FacetTermSortMode.COUNT_DESC
facet_options.start = 0
facet1 = Facet("manufacturer")
facet1.options = facet_options
facet2 = RangeFacet()
facet2.ranges = [
"cost < 200",
"cost between 200 and 400",
"cost between 400 and 600",
"cost between 600 and 800",
"cost >= 800",
facet2.aggregations = {FacetAggregation.AVERAGE: {FacetAggregationField("cost")}}
facet3 = RangeFacet()
facet3.ranges = [
"megapixels < 3",
"megapixels between 3 and 7",
"megapixels between 7 and 10",
"megapixels >= 10",
facets = (
session.query_index("Camera/Costs", Camera)
from index 'Camera/Costs'
facet(cost < 200, cost >= 200 AND cost < 400, cost >= 400 AND cost < 600, cost >= 600 AND cost < 800, cost >= 800),
facet(megapixels < 3, megapixels >= 3 AND megapixels < 7, megapixels >= 7 AND megapixels < 10, megapixels >= 10)
Example II
options = FacetOptions()
options.start = 0
options.term_sort_mode = FacetTermSortMode.COUNT_DESC
cost_builder = RangeBuilder.for_path("cost")
megapixels_builder = RangeBuilder.for_path("megapixels")
facet_result = (
session.query_index("Camera/Costs", Camera)
.aggregate_by(lambda builder: builder.by_field("manufacturer").with_options(options))
lambda builder: builder.by_ranges(
lambda builder: builder.by_ranges(
from index 'Camera/Costs'
facet(cost < 200, cost >= 200 AND cost < 400, cost >= 400 AND cost < 600, cost >= 600 AND cost < 800, cost >= 800),
facet(megapixels < 3, megapixels >= 3 AND megapixels < 7, megapixels >= 7 AND megapixels < 10, megapixels >= 10)
Example III
facet_setup = FacetSetup()
facet_manufacturer = Facet()
facet_manufacturer.field_name = "manufacturer"
facet_setup.facets = [facet_manufacturer]
camera_facet = RangeFacet()
camera_facet.ranges = [
"cost < 200",
"cost between 200 and 400",
"cost between 400 and 600",
"cost between 600 and 800",
"cost >= 800",
megapixels_facet = RangeFacet()
megapixels_facet.ranges = [
"megapixels < 3",
"megapixels between 3 and 7",
"megapixels between 7 and 10",
"megapixels >= 10",
facet_setup.range_facets = [camera_facet, megapixels_facet], "facets/CameraFacets")
facets = session.query_index("Camera/Costs", Camera).aggregate_using("facets/CameraFacets").execute()
from index 'Camera/Costs'
select facet(id('facets/CameraFacets'))
only supports aggregation by a single field.
If you want to aggregate by multiple fields, emit a single field that contains all values.