Append & Update Time Series

  • Use time_series_for.append_single or time_series_for.append for the following actions:

    • Creating a new time series
      Appending an entry to a time series that doesn't exist yet
      will create the time series and add it the new entry.
    • Creating a new time series entry
      Appending a new entry to an existing time series
      will add the entry to the series at the specified timestamp.
    • Modifying an existing time series entry
      Use append_single or append to update the data of an existing entry with the specified timestamp.
  • Each call to append_single handles a single time series value at a single time series entry.
    Each call to append can handle multiple time series values at a single time series entry.

  • To append multiple entries in a single transaction you can:

  • In this page:



  • Open a session.
  • Create an instance of time_series_for and pass it the following:
  • Call time_series_for.append_single or time_series_for.append and pass it the time series entry details.
  • Call session.save_changes for the action to take effect on the server.


  • A DocumentDoesNotExistException exception is thrown if the specified document does not exist.


Append entries with a single value:

  • In this example, entries are appended with a single value.
  • Although a loop is used to append multiple entries,
    all entries are appended in a single transaction when save_changes is executed.

base_line = datetime.utcnow()

# Append 10 HeartRate values
with store.open_session() as session:"John"), "users/john")

    tsf = session.time_series_for("users/john", "HeartRates")

    for i in range(10):
        tsf.append_single(base_line + timedelta(seconds=i), 67.0, "watches/fitbit")


Append entries with multiple values:

  • In this example, we append multi-value StockPrice entries.
  • Notice the clarity gained by naming the values.

with store.open_session() as session:"John"), "users/john")

    session.time_series_for("users/john", "StockPrices").append(
        base_line + timedelta(days=1), [52, 54, 63.5, 51.4, 9824], "companies/kitchenAppliances"

    session.time_series_for("users/john", "StockPrices").append(
        base_line + timedelta(days=2), [54, 55, 61.5, 49.4, 8400], "companies/kitchenAppliances"

    session.time_series_for("users/john", "StockPrices").append(
        base_line + timedelta(days=3), [55, 57, 65.5, 50, 9020], "companies/kitchenAppliances"

with store.open_session() as session:"John"), "users/john")

    session.typed_time_series_for(StockPrice, "users/john").append_single(
        base_line + timedelta(days=1), StockPrice(52, 54, 63.5, 51.4, 9824), "companies/kitchenAppliances"

    session.typed_time_series_for(StockPrice, "users/john").append_single(
        base_line + timedelta(days=2), StockPrice(54, 55, 61.5, 49.4, 8400), "companies/kitchenAppliances"

    session.typed_time_series_for(StockPrice, "users/john").append_single(
        base_line + timedelta(days=3), StockPrice(55, 57, 65.5, 50, 9020), "companies/kitchenAppliances"



def append_single(self, timestamp: datetime, value: float, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ...

def append(self, timestamp: datetime, values: List[float], tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ...
Parameter Type Description
timestamp datetime Time series entry's timestamp
value float Entry's value
values List[float] Entry's values
tag (Optional) str An optional tag for the entry