Get Time Series Entries

Get usage

  • Open a session.
  • Create an instance of time_series_for and pass it the following:
  • Call time_series_for.get.


Get all entries:

In this example, we retrieve all entries of the "Heartrate" time series.
The ID of the parent document is explicitly specified.

# Get all time series entries
val = session.time_series_for("users/john", "HeartRates").get(datetime.min, datetime.max)

Get range of entries:

In this example, we query for a document and get its "Heartrate" time series data.

# Query for a document with the Name property "John"
# and get its HeartRates time-series values
with store.open_session() as session:
    base_line = datetime.utcnow()

    query = session.query(object_type=User).where_equals("Name", "John")

    result = list(query)

    doc_id = session.advanced.get_document_id(result[0])

    val = session.time_series_for(doc_id, "HeartRates").get(datetime.min, datetime.max)


Get entries with multiple values:

  • Here, we check whether a stock's closing-time price is rising from day to day (over three days).
    This example is based on the sample entries that were entered in this example.

  • Since each time series entry contains multiple StockPrice values, we include a sample that uses named time series values to make the code easier to read.

going_up = False

# Use Get with a Named type
with store.open_session() as session:
    val = session.typed_time_series_for(StockPrice, "users/john").get()

    close_price_day_1 = val[0].value.close
    close_price_day_2 = val[1].value.close
    close_price_day_3 = val[2].value.close
    if close_price_day_2 > close_price_day_1 and close_price_day_3 > close_price_day_2:
        going_up = True

Include parent and tagged documents

  • When retrieving time series entries using time_series_for.get,
    you can include the series parent document and/or documents referred to by the entries tags.

  • The included documents will be cached in the session, and instantly retrieved from memory if loaded by the user.

  • Use the following syntax to include the parent or tagged documents:

# Get all time series entries
entries = session.time_series_for("users/john", "HeartRates").get_with_include(
    lambda builder: builder
    # Include documents referred-to by entry tags
    # Include Parent Document


def get(
    from_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
    to_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
    start: int = 0,
    page_size: int = int_max,
) -> Optional[List[TimeSeriesEntry]]: ...

# The strongly-typed API is used, to address time series values by name.
def get(
    from_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
    to_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
    start: int = 0,
    page_size: int = int_max,
) -> Optional[List[TypedTimeSeriesEntry[_T_TS_Values_Bindable]]]: ...
Parameter Type Description
from_date (Optional) datetime Get the range of time series entries starting from this timestamp (inclusive).
Default: datetime.min
to_date (Optional) datetime Get the range of time series entries ending at this timestamp (inclusive).
Default: datetime.max
start int Paging first entry.
E.g. 50 means the first page would start at the 50th time series entry.
Default: 0, for the first time-series entry.
page_size int Paging page-size.
E.g. set page_size to 10 to retrieve pages of 10 entries.
Default: int_max, for all time series entries.

Return Values (Optional)

  • List[TypedTimeSeriesEntry[_T_TS_Values_Bindable]] - an array of time series entry classes.

    class TimeSeriesEntry:
        def __init__(self, timestamp: datetime = None, tag: str = None, values: List[int] = None, rollup: bool = None):
            self.timestamp = timestamp
            self.tag = tag
            self.values = values
            self.rollup = rollup
        def value(self):
            if len(self.values) == 1:
                return self.values[0]
            raise ValueError("Entry has more than one value.")
        def value(self, value: int):
            if len(self.values) == 1:
                self.values[0] = value
            raise ValueError("Entry has more than one value")
  • TimeSeriesEntry<TValues>[] - Time series values that can be referred to by name.