Choosing Time Series Range

Choose range in a query

Specify range:

  • Provide 'from' & 'to' DateTime values to the time series query to retrieve entries only from that range (inclusive).
    Omitting these parameters will retrieve the entire series.

  • The provided DateTime values are handled by the server as UTC.
    The client does Not perform any conversion to UTC prior to sending the request to the server.

  • In this example, we specify a 10-minute range from which we retrieve UK employees "HeartRates" entries.

from "Employees" as employee
where employee.Address.Country == "UK"
select timeseries(
    from employee.HeartRates
    between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000"
    and "2020-05-17T00:10:00.0000000"
    offset "03:00"

Retrieve first or last entries:

  • Use first to specify the time frame from the start of the time series.
    Use last to specify the time frame from the end of the time series.
    A query function can use either first or last, but not both.

  • In this example, we select only entries in the last 30 minutes of the "HeartRates" time series.

from "Employees" as e 
select timeseries(
    from e.HeartRates
    last 30 min
    offset "03:00"

Choose range - RQL syntax

between and and:

  • Use the between and and keywords to retrieve time series entries from the specified range (inclusive).
    Provide the timestamps in UTC format. E.g.:

    from "Employees"
    where Address.Country == "UK"
    select timeseries(
        from HeartRates
        between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000Z" // start of range
        and "2020-05-17T01:00:00.0000000Z"     // end of range
    // Results will include only time series entries within the specified range for employees from UK.
    declare timeseries getHeartRates(employee)
        from HeartRates
        between "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000Z" // start of range
        and "2020-05-17T01:00:00.0000000Z"     // end of range
    from "Employees" as e
    where e.Address.Country == "UK"
    select getHeartRates(e) 
    // Results will include only time series entries within the specified range for employees from UK.
  • RQL queries can be executed from Studio's query view.
    Using Studio, you can apply parameters as follows for a clearer query.

    $from = "2020-05-17T00:00:00.0000000Z"
    $to = "2020-05-17T01:00:00.0000000Z"
    from "Employees"
    where Address.Country == "UK"
    select timeseries(
        from HeartRates
        between $from and $to  // using parameters

first and last:

  • Use first to specify the time frame from the start of the time series.
    Use last to specify the time frame from the end of the time series.
    A query function can use either first or last, but not both. E.g. -

    // Retrieve all entries from the last day, starting from the end of time series "HeartRates"
    from "Employees"
    select timeseries(
        from HeartRates
        last 1 day

    // Retrieve the first 10 minutes of entries from the beginning of time series "HeartRates"
    from "Employees"
    select timeseries(
        from HeartRates
        first 10 min
  • The range is specified using a whole number of one of the following units.

    • seconds ( seconds/ second / s )
    • minutes ( minutes / minute / min )
    • hours ( hours / hour / h )
    • days ( days / day / d )
    • months ( months / month / mon / mo )
    • quarters ( quarters / quarter / q )
    • years ( years / year / y )
    • Note: milliseconds are currently not supported by 'first' and 'last' in a time series query.