Querying Time Series Indexes

  • Time series index:

    • STATIC-time-series-indexes can be defined from the Client API or using Studio.
      Such an index can be queried in the same way as a regular index that indexes documents.
      (See Querying an index).

    • AUTO-time-series-indexes are Not generated automatically by the server when making a time series query.

  • The contents of the query results:

    • Unlike a document index, where the source data are your JSON documents,
      the source data for a time series index are the time series entries within the documents.

    • When querying a document index:
      the resulting objects are the document entities (unless results are projected).

    • When querying a time series index:
      each item in the results is of the type defined by the index-entry in the index definition,
      (unless results are projected). The documents themselves are not returned.

  • In this page:

Sample Index

  • The following is a time series map-index that will be used in the query examples throughout this article.

  • Each index-entry consists of:

    • Three index-fields obtained from the "HeartRates" time series entries: BPM, Date, and Tag.
    • One index-field obtained from the time series segment header: EmployeeID.
    • One index-field obtained from the loaded employee document: EmployeeName.
  • When querying this time series index:

    • The resulting items correspond to the time series entries that match the query predicate.
    • Each item in the results will be of type TsIndex.IndexEntry, which is the index-entry.
      Different result types may be returned when the query projects the results.

class TsIndex(AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask):
    # The index-entry:
    # ===============
    class IndexEntry:
        def __init__(
            bpm: float = None,
            date: datetime = None,
            tag: str = None,
            employee_id: str = None,
            employee_name: str = None,
            # The index-fields:
            # =================
            self.bpm = bpm
            self.date = date
            self.tag = tag
            self.employee_id = employee_id
            self.employee_name = employee_name

    def __init__(self):
        self.map = """
        from ts in timeSeries.Employees.HeartRates
        from entry in ts.Entries
        let employee = LoadDocument(ts.DocumentId, "Employees")
        select new 
            bpm = entry.Values[0],
            date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
            tag = entry.Tag,
            employee_id = ts.DocumentId,
            employee_name = employee.FirstName + ' ' + employee.LastName

Querying the index

Query all time series entries:

No filtering is applied in this query.
Results will include ALL entries from time series "HeartRates".

with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(session.query_index_type(self.TsIndex, self.TsIndex.IndexEntry))

    # Access results:
    entry_result = results[0]
    employee_name = entry_result.employee_name
    bmp = entry_result.bpm
with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(session.advanced.raw_query("from index 'TsIndex'", self.TsIndex.IndexEntry))
from index "TsIndex"

Filter query results:

In this example, time series entries are filtered by the query.
The query predicate is applied to the index-fields.

with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(
        session.query_index_type(self.TsIndex, self.TsIndex.IndexEntry)
        .where_equals("employee_name", "Robert King")
        .where_greater_than("bpm", 85)
with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(
            "from index 'TsIndex' where employee_name == 'Robert King' and bpm > 85.0",
from index "TsIndex"
where EmployeeName == "Robert King" and BPM > 85.0

Order query results:

Results can be ordered by any of the index-fields.

with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(
        session.query_index_type(self.TsIndex, self.TsIndex.IndexEntry)
        .where_less_than("bpm", 58)
with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(
            "from index 'TsIndex' where bpm < 58.0 order by date desc",
from index "TsIndex"
where BPM < 58.0
order by Date desc

Project results:

  • Instead of returning the entire TsIndex.IndexEntry object for each result item,
    you can return only partial fields.

  • In this example, we query for time series entries with a very high BPM value.
    We retrieve entries with BPM value > 100 but return only the EmployeeID for each entry.

with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(
        session.query_index_type(self.TsIndex, self.TsIndex.IndexEntry)
        .where_greater_than("bpm", 100)
        .select_fields(self.EmployeeDetails, "employee_id")
# This class is used when projecting index-fields via DocumentQuery
class EmployeeDetails:
    def __init__(self, employee_name: str = None, employee_id: str = None):
        self.employee_name = employee_name
        self.employee_id = employee_id
with store.open_session() as session:
    results = list(
            "from index 'TsIndex' where bpm > 100.0 select distinct employee_id",
from index "TsIndex"
where BPM > 100.0
select distinct EmployeeID


  • query

    def query(
        self, source: Optional[Query] = None, object_type: Optional[Type[_T]] = None
        ) -> DocumentQuery[_T]:
  • document_query

    def document_query(
        index_name: str = None,
        collection_name: str = None,
        object_type: Type[_T] = None,
        is_map_reduce: bool = False,
        ) -> DocumentQuery[_T]: