Indexing Polymorphic Data

Polymorphic Data

Let's assume, for example, that we have the following inheritance hierarchy:

Figure 1: Polymorphic indexes

When saving a Cat document, it will be assigned to the "Cats" collection,
while a Dog document will be placed in the "Dogs" collection.

If we intend to create a simple Map-index for Cat documents based on their names, we would write:

from cat in docs.Cats
select new { cat.Name }

And for dogs:

from dog in docs.Dogs
select new { dog.Name }

The challenge

Querying each index results in documents only from the specific collection the index was defined for.
However, what if we need to query across ALL animal collections?

Multi-Map Indexes

The easiest way to do this is by writing a multi-map index such as:

class Animals_ByName(AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        self._add_map("from c in docs.Cats select new { }")
        self._add_map("from d in docs.Dogs select new { }")
class Animals_ByName(AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        self.maps = {
            "map('cats', function (c){ return {Name: c.Name}})",
            "map('dogs', function (d){ return {Name: d.Name}})",

And query it like this:

results = list(session.query_index_type(Animals_ByName, Animal).where_equals("name", "Mitzy"))
from index 'Animals/ByName'
where Name = 'Mitzy'

Other Options

Another option would be to modify the way we generate the Collection for subclasses of Animal:

store = DocumentStore()

def _custom_find_collection_name(object_type: Type) -> str:
    if issubclass(object_type, Animal):
        return "Animals"
    return DocumentConventions.default_get_collection_name(object_type)

store.conventions.find_collection_name = _custom_find_collection_name

Using this method, we can now index on all animals using:

from animal in docs.Animals
select new { animal.Name }

But what happens when you don't want to modify the entity name of an entity itself?

You can create a polymorphic index using:

from animal in docs.WhereEntityIs("Cats", "Dogs")
select new { animal.Name }

It will generate an index that matches both Cats and Dogs.