Filter Query Results

where_equals - Where equals

results = list(  # Materialize query by sending it to server for processing
        Employees_ByFirstAndLastName, Employee
    )  # query 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName' index
    .where_equals("FirstName", "Robert")  # filtering predicates
    .where_equals("LastName", "King")
class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = "from e in docs.Employees select new {FirstName = e.FirstName, LastName = e.LastName}"
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName'
where FirstName = 'Robert' and LastName = 'King'

where_greater_than - Numeric property

results = list(  # Materialize query by sending it to server for processing
        Products_ByUnitsInStock, Product  # query 'Products/ByUnitsInStock' index
        "UnitsInStock", 50
    )  # filtering predicates
class Products_ByUnitsInStock(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = "from p in docs.Products select new {p.UnitsInStock}"
from index 'Products/ByUnitsInStock'
where UnitsInStock > 50

where_greater_than - Nested property

# return all orders that were shipped to 'Albuquerque'
results = list(session.query(object_type=Order).where_equals("ShipTo.City", "Albuquerque"))
from Orders
where ShipTo.City = 'Albuquerque'

results = list(  # Materialize query by sending it to server for processing
        Order_ByOrderLinesCount, Order  # query 'Orders/ByOrderLinesCount' index
        "Lines.Count", 50
    )  # filtering predicates
class Order_ByOrderLinesCount(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = "from o in docs.Orders select new {Lines_Count = order.Lines.Count}"
from index 'Order/ByOrderLinesCount'
where Lines.Count > 50

where_in - Single -vs- Multiple values

When you want to check a single value against multiple values, where_in can become handy.
To retrieve all employees where FirstName is either Robert or Nancy, we can issue the following query:

results = list(  # Materialize query by sending it to server for processing
        Employees_ByFirstAndLastName, Employee  # query 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName' index
        "FirstName", ["Robert", "Nancy"]
    )  # filtering predicates
class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = "from e in docs.Employees select new {FirstName = e.FirstName, LastName = e.LastName}"
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName'
where FirstName IN ('Robert', 'Nancy')

contains_any - Any value from specified collection

To check if enumeration contains any of the values from a specified collection, use the contains_any method.

For example, if you want to return all BlogPosts that contain any of the specified Tags:

results = list(  # Materialize query by sending it to server for processing
    session.query_index_type(BlogPosts_ByTags, BlogPost).contains_any(  # query 'BlogPosts/ByTags' index
        "Tags", ["Development", "Research"]
    )  # filtering predicates
class BlogPosts_ByTags(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = "from post in posts select new {post.Tags}"
from index 'BlogPosts/ByTags'
where Tags IN ('Development', 'Research')

contains_all - All values from specified collection

To check if an enumeration contains all of the values from a specified collection, use the contains_all method.

For example, if you want to return all the BlogPosts that contain all of the specified Tags:

results = list(  # Materialize query by sending it to server for processing
    session.query_index_type(BlogPosts_ByTags, BlogPost).contains_all(  # query 'BlogPosts/ByTags' index
        "Tags", ["Development", "Research"]
    )  # filtering predicates
class BlogPosts_ByTags(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = "from post in posts select new {post.Tags}"
from index 'BlogPosts/ByTags'
where Tags ALL IN ('Development', 'Research')

where_starts_with - All records with given prefix

# return all products which name starts with 'ch'
results = list(session.query(object_type=Product).where_starts_with("Name", "ch"))
from Products 
where startsWith(Name, 'ch')

where_ends_with - All records with given suffix

results = list(session.query(object_type=Product).where_ends_with("Name", "ra"))
from Products 
where endsWith(Name, 'ra')

Where - Identifier Property

Once a property used in the where_equals clause is recognized as an identity property of a given entity type (according to FindIdentityProperty convention) and there aren't any other fields involved in the query, then it is called a "collection query". Simple collection queries that ask about documents with given IDs or where identifiers start with a given prefix and don't require any additional handling like ordering, full-text searching, etc, are handled directly by the storage engine. It means that querying by ID doesn't create an auto-index and has no extra cost. In terms of efficiency, it is the same as loading documents using session.load.

order = session.query(object_type=Order).where_equals("Id", "orders/1-A").first()
from Orders
where id() = 'orders/1-A'

orders = list(session.query(object_type=Order).where_starts_with("Id", "orders/1"))
from Orders
where startsWith(id(), 'orders/1')

where_exists - Where exists or doesn't exist

To find all documents in a collection that have a specified field, see How to Filter by Field Presence.

To find all documents in a collection that don't have a specified field, see How to Filter by Non-Existing Field.