Highlight Index Search Results
When making a Full-Text Search query, in addition to retrieving documents that contain the searched terms, you can also request to get a list of text fragments that highlight the searched terms.
This article provides examples of highlighting search results when querying a static-index.
Prior to reading this article, please refer to Highlight search results for general knowledge about Highlighting and for dynamic-queries examples. -
To search and get fragments with highlighted terms when querying a static-index,
the index field on which you search must be configured for highlighting. See examples below. -
In this page:
Highlight results - Map index
Configure a Map index for highlighting:
To search and get fragments with highlighted terms,
the index-field on which you search must be configured as follows:
- store the field in the indexFieldIndexing.SEARCH
- allow Full-Text searchFieldTermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
- store the term's position and offsets
# Define a Map index:
# ===================
class Employees_ByNotes(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
# The IndexEntry defines index-field 'employee_notes'
class IndexEntry:
def __init__(self, employee_notes: str = None):
self.employee_notes = employee_notes
def __init__(self):
self.map = "from employee in docs.Employees select new { employee_notes = employee.notes[0] }"
# Configure index-field 'employee_notes' for highlighting:
# ========================================================
self._store("employee_notes", FieldStorage.YES)
self._index("employees_notes", FieldIndexing.SEARCH)
self._term_vector("employee_notes", FieldTermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS)
Query the index with search
# Define a callback function that takes Highlightings as an argument
# This function will be called by passing resulting Highlightings
def __highlight_callback(highlightings: Highlightings):
# Process the results here
employees_results = list(
# Query the map index
.query_index_type(Employees_ByNotes, Employees_ByNotes.IndexEntry)
# Search for documents containing the term 'manager'
.search("employee_notes", "manager")
# Request to highlight the searched term by calling 'highlight'
# Pass the callback function
.highlight("employee_notes", 35, 2, __highlight_callback).of_type(Employee)
from index "Employees/ByNotes"
where search(EmployeeNotes, "manager")
include highlight(EmployeeNotes, 35, 2)
Query the index with where_equals
manager_highlights: Optional[Highlightings] = None
# Define a callback function that takes Highlightings as an argument
# This function will be called by passing resulting Highlightings
def __manager_highlights_callback(highlightings: Highlightings):
# Process the results here or assign to nonlocal variable to access them later
# e.g. highlightings.get_fragments(...)
nonlocal manager_highlights
manager_highlights = highlightings
employees_results = list(
# Query the map index
.query_index_type(Employees_ByNotes, Employees_ByNotes.IndexEntry)
# Request to highlight the searched term by calling 'highlight'
.highlight("employees_notes", 35, 2, __manager_highlights_callback)
# Search for documents containing the term 'manager'
.where_equals("employee_notes", "manager").of_type(Employee)
from index "Employees/ByNotes"
where EmployeeNotes == "manager"
include highlight(EmployeeNotes, 35, 2)
Process results:
# 'employees_results' contains all Employee DOCUMENTS that contain the term 'manager'.
# 'manager_highlights' contains the text FRAGMENTS that highlight the 'manager' term.
builder = ["<ul>"]
for employee in employees_results:
# Call 'get_fragments' to get all fragments for the specified employee Id
fragments = manager_highlights.get_fragments(employee.Id)
for fragment in fragments:
builder.append(f"\n<li>Doc: {employee.Id}</li>")
builder.append(f"\n<li>Fragment: {fragment}</li>")
fragments_html = "".join(builder)
# The resulting fragments_html:
# =============================
# <ul>
# <li>Doc: employees/2-A</li>
# <li>Fragment: to sales <b style="background:yellow">manager</b> in January</li>
# <li>Doc: employees/5-A</li>
# <li>Fragment: to sales <b style="background:yellow">manager</b> in March</li>
# <li></li>
# </ul>
Highlight results - Map-Reduce index
Configure a Map-Reduce index for highlighting:
To search and get fragments with highlighted terms in a Map-Reduce index:
The index-field on which you search must be configured with:
- store the field in the indexFieldIndexing.SEARCH
- allow Full-Text searchFieldTermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
- store the term's position and offsets
The index-field by which you group-by must configured with:
- store the field in the index
# Define a Map-Reduce index:
# ==========================
class ContactDetailsPerCountry(AbstractIndexCreationTask):
# The IndexEntry class defines the index-fields
class IndexEntry:
def __init__(self, country: str = None, contact_details: str = None):
self.country = country
self.contact_details = contact_details
def __init__(self):
# The 'map' function defines what will be indexed from each document in the collection
self.map = "from company in docs.Companies select new { country = company.Address.Country, contact_details = company.Contact.Name + ' ' + company.Contact.Title }"
# The 'reduce' function specifies how data is grouped and aggregated
# Set 'country' as the group-by key
# 'contact_details' will be grouped per 'country'
# Specify the aggregation
# we'll use string.Join as the aggregation function
self.reduce = (
"from result in results group result by result.country into g select new { country = g.key, contact_details = string.Join("
", g.Select(x => x.contact_details) )}"
# Configure index-field 'country' for Highlighting:
# =================================================
self._store("country", FieldStorage.YES)
# Configure index-field 'contact_details' for Highlighting
self._store("contact_details", FieldStorage.YES)
self._index("contact_details", FieldIndexing.SEARCH)
self._term_vector("contact_details", FieldTermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS)
Query the index:
# Define the key by which the resulting fragments are grouped:
# ============================================================
options = HighlightingOptions(
# Set 'group_key' to be the index's group-by key
# The resulting fragments will be grouped per 'country'
# Define a callback function that takes Highlightings as an argument:
# ===================================================================
agent_highlights: Optional[Highlightings] = None
def __agent_highlights_callback(highlightings: Highlightings):
# Process the results here or assign to nonlocal variable to access them later
nonlocal agent_highlights
agent_highlights = highlightings
# Query the map-reduce index:
# ===========================
details_per_country = list(
session.query_index_type(ContactDetailsPerCountry, ContactDetailsPerCountry.IndexEntry)
# Search for results containing the term 'agent'
.search("contact_details", "agent")
# Request to highlight the searched term by calling 'highlight'
# Pass the defined 'options'
.highlight("contact_details", 35, 2, __agent_highlights_callback, options)
from index "ContactDetailsPerCountry"
where search(ContactDetails, "agent")
include highlight(ContactDetails, 35, 2, $p0)
Process results:
# 'details_per_country' contains the contacts details grouped per country.
# 'agent_highlights' contains the text FRAGMENTS that highlight the 'agent' term.
builder = ["<ul>"]
for item in details_per_country:
# Call 'get_fragments' to get all fragments for the specified country key
fragments = agent_highlights.get_fragments(item.country)
for fragment in fragments:
builder.append(f"\n<li> Country: {item.country}</li>")
builder.append(f"\n<li> Fragment: {fragment}</li>")
fragments_html = "".join(builder)
# The resulting fragmentsHtml:
# ============================
# <ul>
# <li>Country: UK</li>
# <li>Fragment: Devon Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Helen Bennett</li>
# <li></li>
# <li>Country: France</li>
# <li>Fragment: Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Carine Schmit</li>
# <li></li>
# <li>Country: France</li>
# <li>Fragment: Saveley Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Paul Henriot</li>
# <li></li>
# <li>Country: Argentina</li>
# <li>Fragment: Simpson Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Yvonne Moncad</li>
# <li></li>
# <li>Country: Argentina</li>
# <li>Fragment: Moncada Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Sergio</li>
# <li></li>
# <li>Country: Brazil</li>
# <li>Fragment: Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Anabela</li>
# <li></li>
# <li>Country: Belgium</li>
# <li>Fragment: Dewey Sales <b style="background:yellow">Agent</b> Pascale</li>
# <li></li>
# </ul>
Customize highlight tags
Default tags:
- Please refer to Highlight tags to learn about the default html tags used to wrap the highlighted terms.
Customizing tags:
The default html tags that wrap the highlighted terms can be customized to any other tags.
Customizing the wrapping tags when querying an index is done exactly the same as when making
a dynamic query where aHighlightingOptions
object is passed to theHighlight
method. -
Follow the example in Highlight - customize tags.