Encryption: Database Encryption
In RavenDB you can create encrypted databases. Each encrypted database will have its own secret key which is used to encrypt and decrypt data.
Creating An Encrypted Database Using The Studio
When creating an encrypted database using the Studio, you will receive a secret key which will
allow you to recover the encrypted data in case of a disaster, and when restoring from backup. During normal operations there is no need to supply the secret key to RavenDB.
See Secret Key Management for more information.

Download, print, or copy and save the secret key in a safe place. It will NOT be available again!
Creating An Encrypted Database Using The REST API And The Client API
Before creating the database, a secret key must be generated. Generating and storing secret keys is restricted to Operator
or ClusterAdmin
Security Clearances.
RavenDB uses a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator and
it is recommended that you use it. If you must use your own secret key, please make sure it is 256 bits long and cryptographically secure.
You must use a client certificate to make the request because the server is using authentication.
Windows Example
Load the client certificate in PowerShell:
$cert = Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath C:\secrets\admin.client.certificate.example.pfx
Make sure to use TLS 1.2 (or 1.3):
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Ask RavenDB to generate a key for you:
$response = Invoke-WebRequest https://your-server-url/admin/secrets/generate -Certificate $cert
Then send the key to the RavenDB server on which the database will be created. Note that the database doesn't exist yet, but you will still need to supply its name. Make the following POST request to assign the secret key to a specific database:
$payload = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($response.Content)
Invoke-WebRequest https://your-server-url/admin/secrets?name=MyEncryptedDatabase -Certificate $cert -Method POST -Body $payload
Finally, create the encrypted database using the Client API:
store.Maintenance.Server.Send(new CreateDatabaseOperation(new DatabaseRecord("MyEncryptedDatabase")
Encrypted = true
await store.Maintenance.Server.SendAsync(new CreateDatabaseOperation(new DatabaseRecord("MyEncryptedDatabase")
Encrypted = true
Linux Example
When generating a client certificate using RavenDB, you will receive a Zip file containing an admin client certificate (.pfx, .crt, .key).
First we will create a .pem certificate file from the .crt and .key files:
cat admin.client.certificate.example.crt admin.client.certificate.example.key > clientCert.pem
Ask RavenDB to generate a key for you:
key=$(curl --cert clientCert.pem https://your-server-url/admin/secrets/generate)
Then send the key to the RavenDB server on which the database will be created. Note that the database doesn't exist yet, but you will still need to supply its name. Make the following POST request to assign the secret key to a specific database:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data $key --cert clientCert.pem https://your-server-url/admin/secrets?name=MyEncryptedDatabase
Finally, create the encrypted database using the Client API:
store.Maintenance.Server.Send(new CreateDatabaseOperation(new DatabaseRecord("MyEncryptedDatabase")
Encrypted = true
await store.Maintenance.Server.SendAsync(new CreateDatabaseOperation(new DatabaseRecord("MyEncryptedDatabase")
Encrypted = true
Database encryption must be enabled when creating the database. If you wish to use encryption in an existing database, it must be exported and then imported back into a new encrypted database.
Indexing transaction size
Indexing is most efficient when it is performed in the largest transactions possible. However, using encryption is very memory intensive, and if memory
runs out before the transaction completes, the entire transaction will fail. To avoid this, you can limit the size of indexing batches in encrypted
databases using Indexing.Encrypted.TransactionSizeLimitInMb.