Ongoing Tasks Stats: OLAP ETL Stats
- OLAP ETL is a process that reads data from a RavenDB database, transforms it, and stores it in a parquet format, ready for OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP).
Learn more about the OLAP ETL task here.
In this page:
OLAP ETL Stats Closed View

OLAP ETL Stats Closed View
- Task Type
Click the arrow or the task type to toggle Closed/Expanded View. - Task Name
- Transform Script
Click to display the ETL transform script. -
Task Bar
- Hover over the bar to display a tooltip with the task's information.
- Click the bar for the expanded view.
- Click and Drag the bar to slide the graph.
- Zoom in & out using the mouse wheel.
OLAP ETL Stats Expanded View

OLAP ETL Stats Expanded View (1)
- Total Duration
Overall ETL operation time, including the Extraction, Transformation, and Loading phases. - Batch Complete Reason
The reason the operation ended, e.g. -
"No items to process",
"Stopping the batch because maximum batch size limit was reached",
and others. - Currently Allocated
The amount of memory allocated by the server to handle this task. - Batch Size
Size of ETL batches.
- Total Duration
Extract Phase
- Duration
The time it took to extract the documents from the database. - Extracted Documents
The number of documents extracted from the database.
- Duration
Transform Phase
- Duration
The time it took to process the documents using the transform script. - Transformed Documents
The number of documents processed by the transform script. - Documents Processing Speed
Average Doc/Sec transformation speed. - Last Transformed Etag for Document
Last transformed document's identifier.
- Duration
Load Phase
- Duration
The time it took to transfer the documents to their destination. - Successfully Loaded
Documents transfer verification. - Last Loaded Etag
Last loaded document's identifier.
- Duration

OLAP ETL Stats Expanded View (2)
- Duration
The time it took to store all documents on the local storage.
The documents are stored locally before they are transferred to a remote destination.
- Duration
- Duration
The time it took to store document X on the local storage.
- Duration
- Duration
The time it took to upload all documents to the remote destination.
The Load/Upload bars will not be displayed if the destination is set to local storage only.
- Duration
The time it took to upload document X to the remote destination. -
Parquet File Name on the remote destination, constructed of -
- Upload date and time
- Document database name
- OLAP ETL task name
- ETL script name
File Upload Properties per Destintion Type, including -
- Upload State
- Upload Type
- File Size
- Upload Speed