
The cost of timing out

4 minutes
Let’s assume that you want to make a remote call to another server. Your code looks something like this: var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("", cancellationTokenSource.Token); This is simple, and it works, until you realize that you have a problem. By default, this request will time out in 100 seconds. You can set it to a […]

On AI, GPT and the future of developers

9 minutes
When I started using GitHub Copilot, I was quite amazed at how good it was. Sessions using ChatGPT can be jaw dropping in terms of the generated content. The immediate reaction from many people is to consider what the impact of that would be on the humans who currently fill those roles. Surely, if we […]

Production postmortem: The server ate all my memory

4 minutes
A customer reported a scenario where RavenDB was using stupendous amounts of memory. In the orders of tens of GB on a system that didn’t have that much load. Our first suspicion was that this is an issue with reading the metrics, since RavenDB will try to keep as much of the data in memory, […]

Production postmortem: The big server that couldn’t handle the load

3 minutes
A user of ours called us, quite frantic. They are running a lot of systems on RavenDB, and have been for quite some time. However, very recently they started to run into severe issues. RavenDB would complain that there isn’t sufficient memory to run. The system metrics, however, said that there are still gobs of […]

Production postmortem: The heisenbug server

19 minutes
A user reported that they observed nodes in the cluster “going dark”. Basically, they would stop communicating with the rest of the cluster, but would otherwise appear functional. Both the internal and external metrics were all fine, the server would just stop responding to anything over the network. The solution for the problem was to […]

RavenDB Sharding Webinar recording

1 minutes
The recording of my webinar showing off the new Sharding feature in RavenDB 6.0 is now live. I’m showcasing the new technology preview of RavenDB 6.0 and we have a nightly build already available for it. I think the webinar was really good, and I’m super excited to discuss all the ins & out of […]