Incorporating machine learning into RavenDB indexing
What you will learn
In this article you’ll find out how to use machine learning in the RavenDB indexing process.
Following examples explain step-by-step how to:
- Train your own sentiment prediction model and use it to automatically classify comments as either toxic or non-toxic.
- Use a NuGet package with an already trained model to automatically recognize the language of text.
Using self-trained model in RavenDB indexing
Let’s imagine we’re running a website where users can leave comments. We’d like to make its moderation easier by automatically detecting toxic comments. In this example we’ll train our own prediction model to handle this task.
We’ll use ML.NET library to create the model and a dataset of Wikipedia comments from machinelearning-samples GitHub repository to obtain data we can train it on.
Data model
Our training data file consists of a set of rows with the following structure.
label | rev_id | comment | year | logged_in | ns | sample | split |
0 | 75474 | Perhaps a mention of this fact should be made? | 2015 | True | article | blocked | train |
1 | 75475 | I don’t like this at all, it’s dumb and stupid. | 2016 | False | user | random | train |
0 | 75476 | Thanks for the discussion. | 2017 | False | article | random | test |
- label – defines whether the comment is toxic (value 1) or not (value 0)
- comment – text of the comment
Remaining columns are not relevant for our use case.
Our data representation in C# code consists of two classes.
Input for our prediction model, represented by the SentimentEntry class.
public class SentimentEntry
// LoadColumn annotation defines which column from
// file will be loaded to annotated property.
public bool Label { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
Output of our prediction model, represented by the SentimentPrediction class.
public class SentimentPrediction
// ColumnName attribute is used to change the column name
// from its default value, which is the name of the field.
public bool Prediction { get; set; }
// No need to specify ColumnName attribute, because the field
// name "Probability" is the column name we want.
public float Probability { get; set; }
public float Score { get; set; }
Model creation and training
First, we have to load our data and split it into two subsets – training subset containing 80% of all rows from our dataset and test subset containing remaining rows.
// Create MLContext and set the seed for repeatable results
var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
// Load data from file
IDataView dataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<SentimentEntry>(DataPath, hasHeader: true);
// Split data into train and test subset
DataOperationsCatalog.TrainTestData trainTestSplit = mlContext.Data.TrainTestSplit(dataView, testFraction: 0.2);
IDataView trainingData = trainTestSplit.TrainSet;
IDataView testData = trainTestSplit.TestSet;
Next, we have to create a pipeline defining what will happen in the training process. In our case we do two things:
- Featurize the comment values, which transforms the text into a vector of numbers.
- Perform SdcaLogisticRegression, which is a method of predicting the value of target binary variable (label in our case) based on values of other relevant variables (featurized comment in our case).
// Create a pipeline with a single step - featurizing the text
var dataProcessPipeline = mlContext.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText(outputColumnName: "Features", inputColumnName: nameof(SentimentEntry.Text));
// Create binary classifier
var trainer = mlContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.SdcaLogisticRegression(labelColumnName: "Label", featureColumnName: "Features");
// Add binary classifier to previously created pipeline
var trainingPipeline = dataProcessPipeline.Append(trainer);
After creating the pipeline, we can use it to train our model on the training dataset. When training finishes, we can use the model to predict the labels of the test dataset and evaluate its metrics, such as accuracy, on the test dataset.
// Train model using previously loaded training data
ITransformer trainedModel = trainingPipeline.Fit(trainingData);
// Create predictions for test data
var predictions = trainedModel.Transform(testData);
// Evaluate metrics (e.g. accuracy) of previously created predictions
var metrics = mlContext.BinaryClassification.Evaluate(data: predictions, labelColumnName: "Label", scoreColumnName: "Score");
Console.WriteLine($"Accuracy: {metrics.Accuracy}");
Now we can save our trained model to the file so it can be reused later. We can also check if it works on entirely new data.
// Save trained model to file so it can be reused
mlContext.Model.Save(trainedModel, trainingData.Schema, ModelPath);
Console.WriteLine($"Model saved to {ModelPath}");
// Create new input for model
SentimentEntry sampleStatement = new SentimentEntry { Text = "I love this movie!" };
// Create prediction engine
var predEngine = mlContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<SentimentEntry, SentimentPrediction>(trainedModel);
// Predict the sentiment of input
var resultPrediction = predEngine.Predict(sampleStatement);
Console.WriteLine($"Text: {sampleStatement.Text} | Prediction: {(Convert.ToBoolean(resultPrediction.Prediction) ? "Toxic" : "Non Toxic")} sentiment | Probability of being toxic: {resultPrediction.Probability} ");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
As a result, we created a file with a saved model that will be used in next steps.
Creating the RavenDB index
Let’s assume we have a collection of documents called Comments represented by the following C# class.
private class Comment
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
Our goal is to query toxic documents. In order to do this, we’ll use the previously saved model in the indexing process.
There are two ways to store the model in RavenDB:
- Storing it as a document attachment.
- Storing it as a file in the RavenDB directory (works only for RavenDB on-premise).
In this example we’ll store it as an attachment of a document from Models collection with the following structure.
private class Model
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
First, we have to create a few example comments and a single model document, then attach the model file to it using the Store method.
// Create a document we'll attach model file to
var modelDoc = new Model() { Id = "models/1", Name = "Sentiment analysis model" };
using (var modelFile = File.Open(ModelFilePath, FileMode.Open))
// Attach the model file
session.Advanced.Attachments.Store(modelDoc.Id, "", modelFile);
// Create some example comments
var comment1 = new Comment() { Text = "Perhaps a mention of this fact should be made?" };
var comment2 = new Comment() { Text = "I don't like this at all, it's dumb and stupid." };
var comment3 = new Comment() { Text = "Thanks for the discussion." };
Next, we have to create an index in the RavenDB by executing the following code.
var commentsBySentiment = new Comments_BySentiment();
// Because indexing in RavenDB is an asynchronous process, it's necessary
// to wait for it to finish in tests
// Raven Test Driver has a method to handle this called 'WaitForIndexing'
It has the following definition.
private class Comments_BySentiment : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Comment>
public class IndexEntry
public string Text { get; set; }
public bool IsToxic { get; set; }
public Comments_BySentiment()
Map = comments => from comment in comments
// We only load the model if it's not already loaded to avoid unnecessary work.
let modelStream = SentimentClassifier.IsModelLoaded == false ? LoadAttachment(LoadDocument<Model>("models/1", "Models"), "").GetContentAsStream() : Stream.Null
select new IndexEntry()
Text = comment.Text,
IsToxic = SentimentClassifier.Classify(comment.Text, modelStream)
AdditionalSources = new Dictionary<string, string>()
AdditionalAssemblies = new HashSet<AdditionalAssembly>
packageName: "Microsoft.ML",
packageVersion: "3.0.1",
usings: new HashSet<string> { "Microsoft.ML", "Microsoft.ML.Data", "System.IO" }
Every document from the Comments collection is processed by a map function that does two things:
- Loads the model from attachment using the LoadAttachment method if it hasn’t already been loaded.
- Uses the model to predict the sentiment of the Text property of currently indexed document.
To include the additional source we have to do the following steps:
- In the .csproj file we mark our file as an embedded resource and link it to the project.
<EmbeddedResource Include="SentimentAnalysis\SentimentClassifier.cs" Link="SentimentAnalysis\SentimentClassifier.cs" />
- We use ReadTextOfEmbeddedResource that takes the embedded resource name as a parameter, and returns its content as text.
An additional source containing the code of our classifier looks like this.
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
namespace Raven.Documentation.Samples.SentimentAnalysis;
public static class SentimentClassifier
public static bool IsModelLoaded;
private static PredictionEngine<SentimentEntry, SentimentPrediction> Engine;
private static void Init(Stream modelStream)
MLContext mlContext = new MLContext();
var model = mlContext.Model.Load(modelStream, out DataViewSchema _);
Engine = mlContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<SentimentEntry, SentimentPrediction>(model);
public static bool Classify(string text, Stream modelStream)
// We don't want to load the model if it's already loaded
if (IsModelLoaded == false)
IsModelLoaded = true;
// Predict the sentiment of text
var sentiment = Engine.Predict(new SentimentEntry { Text = text });
// We only want to mark comment as toxic
// if probability is at least 85%
if (sentiment.Probability < 0.85)
return false;
return sentiment.Prediction;
public class SentimentEntry
public bool Label { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public class SentimentPrediction
public bool Prediction { get; set; }
public float Probability { get; set; }
public float Score { get; set; }
Note that for model input and output we’re using the same classes that we used for the model training.
In RavenDB, each index has its own dedicated thread for indexing work. Using ThreadStatic annotation for IsModelLoaded and Engine properties ensures that we initialize the engine using Init method only once per index.
After indexing finishes we can easily query toxic comments.
var toxicComments = session.Query<Comments_BySentiment.IndexEntry, Comments_BySentiment>().Where(x => x.IsToxic).OfType<Comment>().ToList();
Using pre-trained model from NuGet package
In this example we’ll use a pre-trained prediction model from the Catalyst NuGet package in order to classify indexed documents by detected language.
Creating the index
Let’s assume we have a collection of documents called Comments represented by the following C# class.
private class Comment
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
Our goal is to index these documents by their language. In order to do this, we’ll use the pre-trained model from the Catalyst NuGet package.
First, we have to create example data. It consists of three documents in different languages.
// Japanese
var comment1 = new Comment() { Text = "今日、多言語ドキュメントを扱う必要性が高まっています。 多言語ドキュメントを言語ごとに分割できれば、コード切り替えやコード混合などの言語現象の調査と、必要に応じて各セグメントの計算処理の両方に非常に役立ちます。 したがって、特定の小さなテキストから言語を識別することは重要な問題です。 このペーパーは、小さなテキストサンプルからの言語識別に関するものです。" };
// French
var comment2 = new Comment() { Text = "De nos jours, il est de plus en plus nécessaire de traiter des documents multilingues. Si nous pouvions segmenter les documents multilingues d'un point de vue linguistique, cela serait très utile à la fois pour l'exploration de phénomènes linguistiques, tels que la commutation de code et le mélange de code, et pour le traitement informatique de chaque segment, le cas échéant. L'identification de la langue à partir d'un petit texte donné est donc un problème important. Ce document concerne l'identification de la langue à partir de petits échantillons de texte." };
// Norwegian
var comment3 = new Comment() { Text = "Det er et økende behov for å håndtere flerspråklige dokumenter i dag. Hvis vi kunne segmentere flerspråklige dokumenter språkmessig, ville det være veldig nyttig både for utforsking av språklige fenomener, for eksempel kodebytte og kodeblanding, og for beregningsbehandling av hvert segment etter behov. Identifisering av språk fra et gitt lite stykke tekst er derfor et viktig problem. Denne artikkelen handler om språkidentifikasjon fra små tekstprøver." };
Next, we have to create and execute an index.
var commentsByLanguage = new CommentsByLanguage();
Its definition looks like this.
private class CommentsByLanguage : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Comment>
public class IndexEntry
public string Text { get; set; }
public string Language { get; set; }
public CommentsByLanguage()
Map = comments => from comment in comments
select new IndexEntry()
Text = comment.Text,
Language = LanguageClassifier.Classify(comment.Text)
AdditionalSources = new Dictionary<string, string>()
"LanguageClassifier", ReadTextOfEmbeddedResource("Raven.Documentation.Samples.SentimentAnalysis.LanguageClassifier.cs")
AdditionalAssemblies = new HashSet<AdditionalAssembly>
packageName: "Catalyst",
packageVersion: "1.0.48839",
usings: new HashSet<string> { "Catalyst", "Catalyst.Models", "Mosaik.Core" }
// Use packages of relevant languages
AdditionalAssemblies = new HashSet<AdditionalAssembly>
packageName: "Catalyst.Models.French",
packageVersion: "1.0.30952",
usings: new HashSet<string> {}
packageName: "Catalyst.Models.Japanese",
packageVersion: "1.0.30952",
usings: new HashSet<string> {}
packageName: "Catalyst.Models.Norwegian",
packageVersion: "1.0.30952",
usings: new HashSet<string> {}
Every document from the Comments collection is processed by a map function that predicts its language using the Classify method from a declared additional source.
To load the additional source we used the ReadTextOfEmbeddedResource method like in the previous example.
using System;
using Catalyst;
using Catalyst.Models;
using Mosaik.Core;
using Version = Mosaik.Core.Version;
namespace Raven.Documentation.Samples.SentimentAnalysis;
public static class LanguageClassifier
public static bool IsLanguageDetectorInitialized;
private static LanguageDetector LanguageDetector;
private static void Init()
// Register relevant language models
// Mosaik package used by Catalyst requires write permission to provided directory to store the models
Storage.Current = new DiskStorage("catalyst-models");
LanguageDetector = LanguageDetector.FromStoreAsync(Language.Any, Version.Latest, "").Result;
public static string Classify(string text)
if (IsLanguageDetectorInitialized == false)
IsLanguageDetectorInitialized = true;
var document = new Document(text);
return document.Language.ToString();
Now we can easily query documents by their language.
var norwegianComments = session.Query<CommentsByLanguage.IndexEntry, CommentsByLanguage>()
.Where(x => x.Language == Language.Norwegian.ToString()).OfType<Comment>().ToList();
In this article we extended the RavenDB indexing process using two functionalities – AdditionalAssemblies and AdditionalSources. They allow you to execute custom code, which opens endless possibilities to extend your database with machine learning and multiple other features.
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