Processing invoices using Data Subscriptions in RavenDB

by Egor Shamanaev

In this article we will tackle the problem of processing invoices in asynchronous manner using the RavenDB Data subscriptions feature.

We will create a data subscription on Orders collection, and use a Subscription Worker to process the newly added Orders documents, in this particular article we are going to process in an ongoing fashion, but since Subscriptions state are persisted, it can be a process that runs in a timely fashion, like overnight or weekend.

In the subscription batch processing we will calculate the overall product cost, prepare the invoice PDF file and store it as an Attachment to the Invoices document.

Additional subscription can be defined for processing the Invoices documents, and sending an email with an Attachment that was created.

Processing invoice – intro

Typically after paying for your goods on an online store you would get the confirmation right away, but the invoice will be sent as a separate email afterwards. Did you ever wonder why it works this way? The reason is that the store wants to confirm the purchase immediately, and do the actual processing of the order in the background, so you can return to the shop homepage and possibly purchase even more stuff.

That’s from the business point of view, but what about the user experience point of view?

In case we would do the invoice processing in a sync manner it will likely bring to online store website responsiveness, long response time. Think about waiting a few minutes for order confirmation, it may make the customer refresh or even close the page, which will cancel the order.

Processing invoice – breakdown

After a customer added a new order, and got confirmation with some order identifier, we would want to start the invoice processing.

Lets break down the invoice processing into steps:

  1. Get & start processing newly added Order document
  2. Load the list of ordered products
  3. Calculate order total sum
  4. Generate PDF and save it to memory stream
  5. Mark the Order document with InvoiceCreated=true (so it will get processed only once)
  6. Add the PDF stream as attachment to the order document
  7. Save changes to the RavenDB database

Processing invoice – Document model

We will have Orders, Products and Invoices collections.

public class Order
          public string Id { get; set; }
          public List<LineItem> LineItems { get; set; }
          public string Address { get; set; }
          public DateTime OrderDateUtc { get; set; }
          public bool InvoiceCreated { get; set; }
          public string InvoiceId { get; set; }

      public class LineItem
          public string ProductId { get; set; }
          public decimal TotalPrice { get; set; }
          public int Quantity { get; set; }

      public class Product
          public string Id { get; set; }
          public string Name { get; set; }
          public string Description { get; set; }
          public decimal Price { get; set; }

      public class Invoice
          public string Id { get; set; }
          public string OrderId { get; set; }
          public bool EmailSent { get; set; }

Processing invoice – Subscription

The subscription task definition will be on Orders collection on documents that have InvoiceCreated = false.

await DocumentStore.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions
                  Name = _subsName,
                  Query = "from Orders where InvoiceCreated = false"

The subscription worker (subscription.Run() method) will receive a batch of Orders documents each time, inside this batch we will process each Orders document, and prepare an invoice pdf, please see the full code below.


await using var subscription = DocumentStore.Subscriptions.GetSubscriptionWorker<Order>(_subsName);
              await subscription.Run(async batch =>
                  var streams = new List<Stream>();
                      var session = batch.OpenAsyncSession();

                      foreach (var item in batch.Items)
                          var order = item.Result;

                          if (order.InvoiceCreated)
                              // in case of fail over we might get an already processed items, so we have to check if we already created the invoice  

                          order.InvoiceCreated = true;

                          if (order.LineItems.Count == 0)
                              // no products, we can't create an invoice, but need to save the order


                              // load products data
                              var products = await session.LoadAsync<Product>(order.LineItems.Select(x => x.ProductId));

                              var invoice = new Invoice()
                                  EmailSent = false,
                                  OrderId = order.Id

                              await session.StoreAsync(invoice);

                              var invoiceId = session.Advanced.GetDocumentId(invoice);

                              var mem = await CreateInvoiceForOrderAsync(invoiceId, order, products);

                              MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(mem);


                              session.Advanced.Attachments.Store(invoice, $"Invoice_{order.Id}_{order.OrderDateUtc}.pdf", stream, "application/pdf");
                      await session.SaveChangesAsync();
                      foreach (var stream in streams)
                          await stream.DisposeAsync();

The subscription worker is opened using default SubscriptionWorkerOptions, it means the subscription worker strategy is OpenIfFree.

The code here is simply creation of a subscription worker, an additional example can be found in Subscription Consumption Examples documentation article. There is also an example project with the full code attached (or put link to git?)

In the batch processing code, we check for order.InvoiceCreated and if it’s true we skip the item, the reason for that is in case of subscription connection failover we might get the item a second time, thus we might get Order that we already created an invoice for it.

After checking the value of order.InvoiceCreated, we open a Session and load the related Products that were ordered.

Then we set the order.InvoiceCreated value to true we have to set this property to true the reason for that is that after we add the invoice, the Order document will be updated, setting order.InvoiceCreated value to true will make sure the updated Order document won’t match the Subscription criteria.

The session in subscription is bound to the processing node, we can be sure that by editing the Order document in the subscription session we are editing the document on the same server that is processing the subscription.

Afterwards, in case there are products, we create an Invoice document, and call the CreateInvoiceForOrderAsync() method which will prepare the PDF file and return it (see the method code below), then we load the PDF file into a MemoryStream and store it as an attachment of the created Invoice document.

The last step is to call the session.SaveChangesAsync() method which will persist the changes into the database.

Processing invoice – Additions

The code of CreateInvoiceForOrderAsync() method, calculates the overall products costs, prepares the invoice PDF document and returns the PDF document byte[].

private Task<byte[]> CreateInvoiceForOrderAsync(string invoiceId, Order order, Dictionary<string, Product> products)
                  // we want to create a new pdf invoice for the order
                  // we will generate the pdf and save it as attachment to the order
                  // we will also update the order to mark that the invoice was created
                  using var memStream = new MemoryStream();
                  using var document = new Document(new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(memStream, new WriterProperties())));

                  document.Add(new Paragraph(new Text($"INVOICE '{invoiceId}':").SetBold()));
                  document.Add(new LineSeparator(new DottedLine()));
                  document.Add(new Paragraph(new Text("")));
                  document.Add(new Paragraph(new Text("ORDER").SetBold()));
                  document.Add(new Paragraph($"Order Id: {order.Id}"));
                  document.Add(new Paragraph($"Order Date: {order.OrderDateUtc}"));
                  document.Add(new LineSeparator(new DashedLine()));
                  document.Add(new Paragraph("PRODUCTS").SetBold());

                  var total = 0m;

                  foreach (var item in order.LineItems)
                      var product = products[item.ProductId];

                      document.Add(new Paragraph($"Quantity: {item.Quantity}"));
                      document.Add(new Paragraph($"Product Name: {product.Name}"));
                      document.Add(new Paragraph($"Product Description: {product.Description}"));
                      document.Add(new Paragraph($"Products Price: {item.TotalPrice}"));

                      total+= item.TotalPrice;

                  document.Add(new LineSeparator(new DashedLine()));

                  var totalParagraph = new Paragraph();

                  totalParagraph.Add(new Text("TOTAL: ").SetBold());


                  return Task.FromResult(memStream.ToArray());

Woah, already finished? 🤯

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