Using Azure Queue Storage ETL to Process RavenDB Documents in a Serverless Manner

by Gracjan Sadowicz

Reduce maintenance overhead and dedicate your time to core development with RavenDB & Azures Serverless Functions.

RavenDB 6.1 has a new feature, ETL to Azure Storage Queue. In this article, we’ll discover how this new capability opens up a lot of new options for serverless computing in Azure with RavenDB.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to configure ETL processes in RavenDB to transform and push data to Azure Queue Storage
  • Creating Azure Functions, deploying them to the cloud, and setting up triggers from Azure Queue Storage. We’ll be writing in C# for this purpose.


Building systems responsive to dynamic changes in data is an important aspect of modern development. Achieving seamless communication between databases, storage solutions, and processing units requires thoughtful planning and efficient tools. This process can involve complexity by configurations, custom scripts, and continuous monitoring. We also face complexities when facing the challenge of scaling systems as data volumes increase. When building a product, it typically diverts a lot of valuable time from core development to maintenance:

  1. Complex Setup: Establishing robust data pipelines often requires extensive configuration and testing phases.
  2. Maintenance Overhead: Continuous monitoring, updates, and troubleshooting are essential but can consume significant resources.
  3. Scalability Issues: Traditional systems may struggle to scale effectively with growing data loads, requiring manual intervention and optimization.

RavenDB’s ETL feature with Azure Queue Storage and Azure Functions can ease those problems, offering a simple solution at the same time.

The idea is quite simple, involving taking existing functionality for both RavenDB and Azure Functions and simply marrying them together to give you true Serverless Computing and infinite scalability with low complexity. Let’s dive directly into what this means.

Simplified Setup

RavenDB’s ETL feature enables you to define processes that directly push documents upon data changes to Azure Queue Storage. Azure Functions are then triggered by these queue messages, facilitating real-time processing with minimal configuration overhead. This setup reduces the need for extensive custom scripting and configuration management, allowing developers to allocate more time to productive coding tasks.

Because this is a core part of RavenDB, you don’t need to build your own monitoring and management solutions, it is all built-in.

Enhanced Scaling

Azure Functions are inherently scalable, automatically adjusting resources based on incoming workload. This serverless architecture eliminates the management need for infrastructure scaling manually. As data volumes increase, the system scales seamlessly, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency without developer intervention.

Simple Event-Driven Architecture

You can achieve a simple and responsive event-driven architecture using Azure Queue Storage as an intermediate layer and Azure Functions to process queued messages. This setup enables real-time responses to business events or user actions by processing data changes captured by RavenDB’s ETL.

Step-by-Step guide

You’ll need:

  • Azure Storage Account to create queues
  • Connection String or EntraID credentials to your Storage Account
  • RavenDB with license for Queue ETL (we provide a free Developer license with this capability)

Set up an ETL

Let’s define an ETL process in RavenDB Studio to push data changes to Azure Queue Storage. It will be a much easier way to set it up in the Studio. Open your browser and type your server URL. Select your database, and go to Tasks > Ongoing Tasks. Let’s create a database task Azure Queue Storage ETL.

This opens the configuration panel where you can see all the details of your new ETL task. You can see the configuration on the left, and on the right, the transform script. For more details, visit this documentation page.

Let’s write the transform script. It will transform incoming documents and load the data to your destination queues. You can check if it’s correct by clicking Test Script.

Using the Sample Dataset as a base, we’ve written a simple script that will only send the details of particular Orders, those that contain the beer labeled as Ravenberg. We create messages from those orders and push them to the Azure Queue using the following script:

var ravenbergOrders = this.Lines.filter(function(line) {
      return line.ProductName === "Ravenberg";
  ravenbergOrders.forEach((line) => {
      var orderData = {
          Id: line.Product,
          ContractorDetails: load(this.Company), 
          ShipTo: this.ShipTo,
          ShipVia: this.ShipVia

Now we need to make sure that our documents will be sent to the right target – we need to configure the connection to the destination (Azure storage account).

There are a couple of ways to specify the destination. All require some particular credentials, which you’ll need to retrieve from your Azure Storage Account. The ETL process needs them to be authorized to enqueue new messages for you. Let’s take a look at the options we have.

By default, it’s a connection string, which is a perfect solution for your app development, as it provides a simple way to get to your Azure Storage Account without any speed bumps.

But be careful, it’s too dangerous to use further on production – a simple string may grant full access to your system, which is a no-go.
For more robust security needed at the production, select either Entra ID or Passwordless, which is the recommended authentication option by Microsoft.

The Entra ID method allows for much more granular access than the connection string, which can be controlled from the Azure level.

The last one is a passwordless option, which is a way to authorize recommended by Microsoft. Although it requires a few extra steps to authorize the machine that hosts the RavenDB server, it provides you robust security. This option authorizes a dedicated machine and can only be used in self-hosted mode. If you are running on RavenDB Cloud, you’ll need to use the EntraID or Connection String options.

You can log in to Azure through the terminal on the server-hosting machine. Passwordless authorization works only if the account on the machine has the Storage Account Queue Data Contributor role assigned. The Contributor role will be insufficient.

NOTE It’s important to know that all queues that will be created through the ETL process, follow defined rules about their naming. But if you have already created the queue in the Azure Storage Account, the ETL won’t overwrite your existing configuration. It will use it, leaving the configuration untouched.

We’ve successfully configured the ETL, specifying how documents should be transformed and where they should be loaded. As we’re here, let’s talk a bit about advanced settings.

In the Advanced section, you can configure the ETL process to delete the documents from RavenDB that have already been sent to the queues. It’s an interesting option that you may consider in your solution. To enable it, you will need to enter the Azure queue names. If the document is loaded to one of these queues, it’s deleted from RavenDB.

Let’s save the task. You’ll automatically return to the tasks view to see your task status.

(For more details about this view visit this page.)

Finally, let’s describe the database-level configuration options for the AQS ETL. We can configure a specific time to live and a visibility timeout of messages.

  • VisibilityTimeout – The period a message will be invisible after being dequeued before it becomes visible again.
  • MessageTTL – The time-to-live for messages in the queue.

To configure these options, you can go to Settings > Database Settings. And search for ETL.Queue.AzureQueueStorage options.

Those features are relevant if you are letting RavenDB create your queues. If you are creating them yourself, RavenDB will not adjust the queue settings and respect your configuration.

Final RavenDB AQS ETL notes:

  • All messages sent by Azure Queue Storage ETL follow the CloudEvent format, and are BASE64 encoded.
  • The maximum message size in Azure Queue Storage is 64KB, documents larger than this won’t be loaded.
  • There’s no need to decode the message from BASE64 at the Function level, as it’s converted to a string automatically.

Here is an example of a sample message:

 "specversion": "1.0",
 "id": "A:8885-ElIMXdAFykKJZxdovyx0xg",
 "type": "ravendb.etl.put",
 "source": "",
 "data": {
  "Id": "products/6-A",
  "ContractorDetails": {
   "ExternalId": "BONAP",
   "Name": "Bon app'",
   "Contact": {
    "Name": "Laurence Lebihan",
    "Title": "Owner"
   "Address": {
    "Line1": "12, rue des Bouchers",
    "Line2": null,
    "City": "Marseille",
    "Region": null,
    "PostalCode": "13008",
    "Country": "France",
    "Location": {
     "Latitude": 43.2611295,
     "Longitude": 5.3886613
   "Phone": "",
   "Fax": "",
   "@metadata": {
    "@collection": "Companies",
    "@timeseries": [
    "@id": "companies/9-A"
  "ShipTo": {
   "City": "Marseille",
   "Country": "France",
   "Line1": "12, rue des Bouchers",
   "Line2": null,
   "Location": {
    "Latitude": 43.2611295,
    "Longitude": 5.3886613
   "PostalCode": "13008",
   "Region": null
  "ShipVia": "shippers/2-A"

So far, we configured RavenDB to push data from RavenDB to an Azure Queue. Now we need to complete the process and configure the Azure Function that would consume the data from the queue. Let’s head to the Azure portal. We’ll write our first serverless function that will process data from RavenDB.

Write Azure Function, and connect it to the queue with a Trigger

Azure Function should be called over the queue messages from Azure Queue Storage. We need to configure the Azure Function Trigger that passes the queue messages to our function.

We can do it all at once in the Create Function panel. Select the template Azure Queue Storage trigger. This template creates a function with a trigger already set up. For more information about Azure Portal and creating Functions you can visit this page.

Configure function and queue name. The function will retrieve messages from this queue.

Now let’s write a function that will handle Ravenberg orders and schedule them to be shipped. For this example, we’ll just make a quick call to a different, fake API, for demonstration purposes, but your logic here can be as wide as you need.

You can get the code here, if you wish to follow along this post to its natural conclusion.

Finally, you can test your script by pressing Test/Run. After that, press Save to deploy your function.

And we’re all set. ETL loads documents to the queue as messages. The Function is triggered when a new message pops up in the queue. If you have a lot of changes in the system, RavenDB will push the data to the Azure Queue based on your logic. The Azure Functions runtime will spawn as many instances as it needs to handle the load, and at no point do you actually have to worry about it. It all just works for you.


We’ve successfully integrated RavenDB with Azure Queue Storage and Azure Functions cutting time spent on maintenance to a minimum, which can be used to write code instead. This approach reduces the complexity and overhead associated with traditional integration methods, offering scalability and simplicity at the same time. It’s also a handy solution for implementing an event-driven architecture.

Embrace these tools to experience enhanced efficiency and flexibility in processing data in a serverless environment, allowing more time and resources to be dedicated to core development.

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