Commands: Querying: How to query a database?

Use Query method to fetch results of a selected index according to a specified query.


public QueryResult query(String index, IndexQuery query);

public QueryResult query(String index, IndexQuery query, String[] includes);

public QueryResult query(String index, IndexQuery query, String[] includes, boolean metadataOnly);

public QueryResult query(String index, IndexQuery query, String[] includes, boolean metadataOnly, boolean indexEntriesOnly);
index String A name of an index to query
query IndexQuery A query definition containing all information required to query a specified index.
includes String[] An array of relative paths that specify related documents ids which should be included in a query result. (default: null)
metadataOnly boolean True if returned documents should include only metadata without a document body. (default: false)
indexEntriesOnly boolean True if query results should contain only index entries. (default: false)
Return Value
QueryResult Object which represents results of a specified query.

Example I

A sample Query method call that returns orders for a company specified:

result = store.getDatabaseCommands().query("Orders/Totals", new IndexQuery("Company:companies/1"));

List<RavenJObject> users = result.getResults(); // documents resulting from this query - orders

Example II

If a model of your documents is such that they reference others and you want to retrieve them together in a single query request, then you need to specify paths to properties that contain IDs of referenced documents:

result = store.getDatabaseCommands().query("Orders/Totals", new IndexQuery(), new String[] { "Company", "Employee" });

Collection<RavenJObject> referencedDocs = result.getIncludes(); // included documents - companies and employees