Commands: Querying: How to work with Facet query?

There are two methods that allow you to send a Facet query to a database:
- GetFacets
- GetMultiFacets


There are few overloads for the GetFacets method and the main difference between them is a source of the facets. In one facets are passed as a parameter, in the other user must provide a key to a facet setup document.


curl \
	http://{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/facets/{indexName}? \
		&facetDoc={facetSetupDoc} \
		&facetStart={start} \
		&facetPageSize={pageSize} \
		[Other indexQuery parameters] \
	-X GET 
curl \
	http://{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/facets/{indexName}? \
		&facetStart={start} \
		&facetPageSize={pageSize} \
		[Other indexQuery parameters] \
	-X POST \
	-d @facets.txt

IndexQuery parameters

This endpoint accepts IndexQuery object. All possible IndexQuery parameters are listed here


Method Description
GET serialized facets length < 1024
PUT serialized facets length > 1024 (pass facets as payload)
Facets data (for GET only)
Query parameter Required Description
indexName Yes A name of an index to query
facets Yes Serialized list of facets required to perform a facet query (mutually exclusive with facetSetupDoc).
facetSetupDoc Yes Document key that contains predefined FacetSetup (mutually exclusive with facets).
start No number of results that should be skipped.
pageSize No maximum number of results that will be retrieved.


Status code Description
200 OK
Return Value Description
FacetResults Facet query results containing query Duration and a list of Results - one entry for each term/range as specified in FacetSetup document or passed in parameters.


Sending multiple facet queries is achievable by using /facets/multisearch endpoint.


curl \
	http://{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/facets/multisearch \
	-X POST \
	-d @facets.txt


Serialized list of FacetQuery


Status code Description
200 OK
Return Value Description
Results list of FacetResults