Commands: StartsWith

The GET method with the startsWith parameter can be used to retrieve multiple file headers for the specified prefix name.


curl \
    &start={start}&pageSize={pageSize}  \


Query parameter Required Description
startsWith Yes The prefix that the returned files need to match
matches No Pipe ('|') separated values for which file name (after 'prefix') should be matched ('?' any single character; '*' any characters)
start No The number of files that will be skipped
pageSize No The maximum number of file headers that will be retrieved


Status code Description
200 OK
Return Value Description
Array The response consists of array of file headers


The execution below command will return headers of files which names start with /movies and end with .jpg

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/fs/NorthwindFS/files?startsWith=/movies&matches=*.avi"

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    "Version":4                    9155,
                    "Version":4                    9155,
        "HumaneTotalSize":"1.31 KBytes"