Configuration: Options

All the configuration options detailed below are defined in the section of your config file as separate values. When running RavenDB as a website (through IIS, or in Embedded mode), the config file is web.config; otherwise it is the Raven.Server.exe.config file.

Changes to the config file or additions / removal from the Plugins directory will not be picked up automatically by the RavenDB service. For your changes to be recognized you will need to restart the service. You can do so calling: Raven.Server.exe /restart.

If you are running in Embedded mode, or RavenDB is running as an IIS application, touching the web.config file will cause IIS to automatically restart RavenDB.


If a configuration value is out of the expected range, an alert will be written in the debug logs.

Sample configurations file

This is the standard app.config XML file. The appSettings section is where the global configuration options go, also for web applications which have a web.config file instead.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    <add key="Raven/Port" value="*"/> 
    <add key="Raven/DataDir/Legacy" value="~\Database\System"/> 
    <add key="Raven/DataDir" value="~\Databases\System"/> 
	<add key="Raven/AnonymousAccess" value="Admin" /> 
	<add key="Raven/Licensing/AllowAdminAnonymousAccessForCommercialUse" value="false" />
	<add key="Raven/AccessControlAllowOrigin" value="*" />
                <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/> 
                <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> 
                        <probing privatePath="Analyzers"/> 

Configuration options

Core settings

  • Raven/MaxPageSize
    The maximum page size that can be specified on this server.
    Default: 1024
    Minimum: 10

  • Raven/MemoryCacheExpiration
    The expiration value for documents in the internal document cache. Value is in seconds.
    Default: 60 minutes

  • Raven/MemoryCacheLimitMegabytes
    The max size (in megabytes) for the internal document cache inside RavenDB server.
    Default: 50% of the total system memory minus the size of the Esent cache.

  • Raven/MemoryCacheLimitPercentage
    The percentage of memory that the internal document cache inside RavenDB server will use.
    Default: 0 (auto)

  • Raven/MemoryCacheLimitCheckInterval
    The internal for checking that the internal document cache inside RavenDB server will be cleaned.
    Format: HH:MM:SS
    Default: depends on system polling interval

  • Raven/MemoryLimitForProcessing (previously Raven/MemoryLimitForIndexing)
    Maximum number of megabytes that can be used by database to control the maximum size of the processing batches. Default: 1024 or 75% percent of available memory.
    Default: 1024 or 75% percent of available memory if 1GB is not available

  • Raven/MaxSecondsForTaskToWaitForDatabaseToLoad
    If the database is being loaded for the first time, this value indicates how many seconds will task wait for load completion before throwing exception.
    Default: 5

  • Raven/DynamicLoadBalancing
    Boolean value indicating if server should tune up its resource usage based on current CPU usage.
    Default: true

  • Raven/CacheDocumentsInMemory
    Enable document caching inside storage. Will increase performance, but more memory will be used.
    Default: true

  • Raven/MaxConcurrentServerRequests
    Maximum of concurrent server requests.
    Default: 512

  • Raven/MaxConcurrentMultiGetRequests
    Maximum of multi get requests.
    Default: 192

Index settings

  • Raven/IndexStoragePath
    The path for the indexes on a disk. Useful if you want to store the indexes on another HDD for performance reasons.
    Default: ~/Data/Indexes

  • Raven/MaxIndexWritesBeforeRecreate
    The number of writes before the index writer will be recreated (to save memory).
    Default: 256 * 1024

  • Raven/MaxNumberOfParallelIndexTasks
    The number of the indexing tasks that can be run in parallel. There is usually one or two indexing tasks for each index.
    Default: the number of processors in the current machine

  • Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch or Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToProcessInSingleBatch
    The max number of items that will be indexed in a single batch. Larger batch size results in faster indexing, but higher memory usage.
    Default: 128 * 1024 for 64-bit and 16 * 1024 for 32-bit
    Minimum: 128

  • Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToReduceInSingleBatch
    The max number of items that will be indexed in a single batch. Larger batch size results in faster indexing, but higher memory usage.
    Default: 1/2 * Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch Minimum: 128

  • Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToPreFetchForIndexing
    The max number of items that will be prefetched for indexing. Larger batch size results in faster indexing, but higher memory usage.
    Default: 128 * 1024 for 64-bit and 16 * 1024 for 32-bit
    Minimum: 128

  • Raven/InitialNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch
    The number of items that will be indexed in a single batch. Larger batch size results in faster indexing, but higher memory usage.
    Default: 512 for 64-bit and 256 for 32-bit

  • Raven/AvailableMemoryForRaisingIndexBatchSizeLimit
    The minimum amount of memory available for us to double the size of InitialNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch if we need to.
    Default: 50% of total system memory
    Maximum: 768

  • Raven/ResetIndexOnUncleanShutdown
    When the database is shut down rudely, determine whether to reset the index or to check it. Note that checking the index may take some time on large databases.
    Default: false

  • Raven/MaxIndexingRunLatency
    What is the suggested max latency for a single indexing run that allows the database to increase the indexing batch size.
    Default: 5 minutes

  • Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeRunningIdleIndexes
    The time for which the server is waiting before running idle indexes.
    Default: 10 minutes

  • Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeMarkingAutoIndexAsIdle
    The time for which the server is waiting before marking auto index as idle.
    Default: 1 hour

  • Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeRunningAbandonedIndexes
    The time for which the server is waiting before running abandoned indexes.
    Default: 3 hours

  • Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeMarkingIdleIndexAsAbandoned
    The time for which the server is waiting before marking idle indexes as abandoned.
    Default: 72 hours

  • Raven/TaskScheduler
    The TaskScheduler type to use for executing indexing.

  • Raven/NewIndexInMemoryMaxMB
    The max size (in megabytes) of a new index held in memory. When the index exceeds that value, it will be using a disk rather than memory for indexing.
    Default: 64 MB
    Minimum: 1 MB
    Maximum: 1024 MB

  • Raven/CreateAutoIndexesForAdHocQueriesIfNeeded
    Whether we allow creation of auto indexes on dynamic queries.
    Default: true

  • Raven/SkipCreatingStudioIndexes
    Control whether the Studio default indexes will be created or not. These default indexes are only used by the UI, and are not required for RavenDB to operate.
    Default: false

  • Raven/LimitIndexesCapabilities
    Control whether RavenDB limits what the indexes can do (to avoid potentially destabilizing operations). Default: false

  • Raven/CompiledIndexCacheDirectory
    Path to a directory used by index compilator.
    Default: ~\CompiledIndexCach

  • Raven/NumberOfItemsToExecuteReduceInSingleStep
    The number that controls if single step reduce optimization is performed. If the count of mapped results is less than this value then the reduce is executed in a single step.
    Default: 1024

  • Raven/DisableDocumentPreFetchingForIndexing or Raven/DisableDocumentPreFetching Disables the document prefetcher. Default: false

  • Raven/MaxIndexCommitPointStoreTimeInterval
    Maximum time interval for storing commit points for map indexes when new items were added. The commit points are used to restore index if the unclean shutdown was detected.
    Default: 5 minutes

  • Raven/MaxNumberOfStoredCommitPoints
    Maximum number of kept commit points to restore map index after unclean shutdown.
    Default: 5

  • Raven/MinIndexingTimeIntervalToStoreCommitPoint
    Minimum interval between successive indexing that will allow storing a commit point.
    Default: 1 minute

  • Raven/DisableInMemoryIndexing
    Prevent all newly created indexes from being kept in memory. In order to set this option for an index you need to specify it in its IndexDefinition.
    Default: false

  • Raven/Indexing/FlushIndexToDiskSizeInMb
    Number of megabytes after which indexes are flushed to a disk.
    Default: 5

  • Raven/MaxSimpleIndexOutputsPerDocument
    Limits the number of map outputs that a simple index is allowed to create for a one source document. If a map operation applied to the one document produces more outputs than this number then an index definition will be considered as a suspicious, the indexing of this document will be skipped and the appropriate error message will be added to the indexing errors.
    Default: 15. In order to disable this check set value to -1.

  • Raven/MaxMapReduceIndexOutputsPerDocument
    Limits the number of map outputs that a map-reduce index is allowed to create for a one source document. If a map operation applied to the one document produces more outputs than this number then an index definition will be considered as a suspicious, the indexing of this document will be skipped and the appropriate error message will be added to the indexing errors.
    Default: 50. In order to disable this check set value to -1.

  • Raven/Indexing/MaxNumberOfItemsToProcessInTestIndexes
    Maximum number of items that will be passed to test indexes
    Default: 512

  • Raven/NewIndexInMemoryMaxTime
    Indicates how long can we keep the new index in memory before we have to flush it (timespan).
    Default: 15 minutes

  • Raven/ImplicitFetchFieldsFromDocumentMode
    How FieldsToFetch are extracted from the document. Values:
    - Enabled
    - DoNothing (fields are not fetched from the document)
    - Exception (an exception is thrown if we need to fetch fields from the document itself)
    Default: Enabled

  • Raven/MaxClauseCount
    Specifies the maximum number of available boolean clauses in an index query.
    Default: 1024

  • Raven/Indexing/UseLuceneASTParser
    Use RavenDB's own improved Lucene syntax parser. Default: true

  • Raven/Indexing/DisableIndexingFreeSpaceThreshold
    Threshold value of available space in megabytes on a disk where indexes are located. If there is less space than specified, it will disable the indexing completely (checks are made every 5 min). If there is just twice as much free space as specified, then a warning will become visible in the studio.
    Default: 2048. Negative value disables protective free space checks.

  • Raven/MaxPrecomputedBatchSizeForNewIndex
    Specifies the max number of results of Raven/DocumentsByEntityName index to create a precomputed batch used by a newly created index to speed up its calculation.
    Default: 32768

  • Raven/Indexing/SkipRecoveryOnStartup
    Disables the recovery mechanism of corrupted indexes on a database startup.
    Default: false

  • Raven/Indexing/MaxNumberOfStoredIndexingBatchInfoElements
    Indicates the max number of indexing batch info the server save for debug.
    Default: 512

  • Raven/Indexing/DisableMapReduceInMemoryTracking
    Disable map reduce tracking.
    Default: false

  • Raven/MaxPrecomputedBatchTotalDocumentSizeInBytes
    The maximum size in byte for precomputed batch.
    Default: 250MB

  • Raven/BulkImport/BatchTimeout
    The time for batch timeout.
    Default: 60000 MS Format: TimeSpan "00:00:00"

Data settings:

  • Raven/WorkingDir
    Base directory for all relative paths (e.g. Raven/DataDir, Raven/AssembliesDirectory, Raven/CompiledIndexCacheDirectory).
    APPDRIVE value can be used to point automatically to the drive where application lies e.g. APPDRIVE:\Raven\ may point to C:\Raven\ if your application is installed on drive C.
    By default, the web.config in distribution package have this value set to APPDRIVE:\Raven\ due to IIS restart issues.
    Default: ~/ (server's working directory).

  • Raven/RunInMemory
    Whether the database should run purely in memory. When running in memory, nothing is written on a disk and if the server is restarted, all data will be lost. Useful mostly for testing.
    Default: false

  • Raven/DataDir
    The path for the database directory. Can use ~\ as the root, in which case the path will start from the server base directory.
    Default: ~\Databases\System

  • Raven/DataDir/Legacy
    The path for the legacy database directory (prior 3.0). Can use ~\ as the root, in which case the path will start from the server base directory.
    Default: null

  • Raven/StorageEngine or Raven/StorageTypeName
    What storage type to use (see: Storage Engines)
    Allowed values: esent, voron
    Default: esent

  • Raven/TransactionJournalsPath
    The common setting for both storage engines used to specify the path for Esent logs or Voron journals. Useful if you want to store them on an another drive for performance reasons.
    Default: null - it means Esent logs will be placed into [database_data_dir]\Logs, while Voron journals will be located under [database_data_dir]

  • Raven/PreventSchemaUpdate
    Disabled the automatic storage schema updates for all resources.
    Default: false

  • Raven/TempPath
    The common setting that allows us to change the path where server is putting temporary files.
    Default: Path.GetTempPath() - In Windows The default value is C:\Users\{User-Name}\AppData\Local\Temp\

  • Raven/DatabaseOperationTimeout
    The time for database operation timeout.
    Default: 5 Min Format: TimeSpan "00:00:00"

  • Raven/MaxRecentTouchesToRemember
    The maximum number of recent things to remember.
    Default: 1024

Http settings

  • Raven/HostName
    The hostname to bind the embedded http server to, if we want to bind to a specific hostname, rather than all.
    Default: none, binds to all host names

  • Raven/Port
    The port to use when creating the http listener. Allowed: 1 - 65,536 or * (find first available port from 8080 and upward)
    Default: 8080

  • Raven/VirtualDirectory
    The virtual directory for the RavenDB server.
    Default: /

  • Raven/HttpCompression
    Whether http compression is enabled.
    Default: true

  • Raven/UseSsl
    Enable/disable SSL. Note: this only applies when RavenDB is run as a windows service.
    Default: false

  • Raven/IgnoreSslCertificateErrors
    When set to All, RavenDB will ignore all SSL certificate validation errors. More here.
    Default: None

  • Raven/AccessControlAllowOrigin
    Configures the server to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with the specified value. If this value isn't specified, all the access control settings are ignored.
    Allowed values: null (don't send the header), *,,
    Default: none (if this value isn't specified, all the access control settings are ignored)

  • Raven/AccessControlMaxAge
    Configures the server to send Access-Control-Max-Age header with the specified value.
    Default: 1728000 (20 days)

  • Raven/AccessControlAllowMethods
    Configures the server to send Access-Control-Allow-Methods header with the specified value.

  • Raven/AccessControlRequestHeaders
    Configures the server to send Access-Control-Request-Headers header with the specified value.
    Default: none

  • Raven/Headers/Ignore
    Semicolon separated list of the headers that server should ignore. e.g. Header-To-Ignore-1;Header-To-Ignore-2 Default: null

  • Raven/MaxConcurrentRequestsForDatabaseDuringLoad
    Maximum number of allowed request to databases that are being loaded before warning messages will be returned. Default: 50

  • Raven/MaxServicePointIdleTime
    If set, changes the ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime to given value.
    Default: null

Misc settings

  • Raven/License
    The full license string for RavenDB. If Raven/License is specified, it overrides the Raven/LicensePath configuration.

  • Raven/LicensePath
    The path to the license file for RavenDB.
    Default: ~\license.xml

  • Raven/Licensing/AllowAdminAnonymousAccessForCommercialUse
    Indicates if Raven/AnonymousAccess can be set to Admin when commercial license is registered.
    Default: false

  • Raven/ServerName
    Name of the server that will show up on /admin/stats endpoint.

  • Raven/AssembliesDirectory
    Path to directory where server will keep extracted assemblies.
    Default: ~\Assemblies

  • Raven/RejectClientsModeEnabled
    Enable / Disable reject client mode.
    Default: False


  • Raven/ActiveBundles
    Semicolon separated list of the bundles' names, such as: 'Replication;Versioning'. If the value is not specified, none of the bundles are installed.
    Default: none

  • Raven/BundlesSearchPattern
    Allows limiting the loaded plugins by specifying a search pattern, such as Raven.*.dll. Multiple values can be specified, separated by a semicolon (;).

  • Raven/PluginsDirectory
    The location of the plugins directory for this database.
    Default: ~\Plugins


  • Raven/WebDir
    The location of the web directory for the known files that make up the RavenDB internal website.
    Default: ~/Raven/WebUI

  • Raven/RedirectStudioUrl
    The url to redirect users to when they try to access the local Studio.

Esent settings

  • Raven/Esent/CacheSizeMax
    The size (in megabytes) of the Esent page cache, which is the default storage engine.
    Default: 256 for 32-bit and 25% of total system memory for 64-bit
    Minimum: 256 for 32-bit and 1024 for 64-bit

  • Raven/Esent/MaxVerPages
    The maximum size (in megabytes) of a version store (in memory modified data) available.
    Default: 512

  • Raven/Esent/PreferredVerPages
    The preferred size (in megabytes) of version store (in memory modified data) available. If the value exceed that level, optional background tasks data are removed from the version store.
    Default: 472

  • Raven/Esent/DbExtensionSize
    The size (in megabytes) that the database file will be enlarged to when the file is full. Lower values will result in smaller file size, but slower performance.
    Default: 8

  • Raven/Esent/LogFileSize
    The size (in megabytes) of the database log file.
    Default: 64

  • Raven/Esent/LogBuffers
    The size of the in memory buffer for transaction log.
    Default: 8192

  • Raven/Esent/MaxCursors
    The maximum number of the concurrently allowed cursors.
    Default: 2048

  • Raven/Esent/LogsPath
    The path for the esent logs. Useful if you want to store the logs on an another drive for performance reasons.
    Default: [database_data_dir]/Logs

  • Raven/Esent/CircularLog
    Whether circular logs will be used, it is true by default. If you want to use incremental backups, you need to turn this off, but logs will only be truncated on backup.
    Default: true

Voron settings

  • Raven/Voron/AllowIncrementalBackups
    If you want to use incremental backups, you need to turn this to true, but then journal files will not be deleted after applying them to the data file. They will be deleted only after a successful backup. Default: false.
    Default: false

  • Raven/Voron/TempPath
    You can use this setting to specify different paths to temporary files. By default it is empty, which means that temporary files will be created at the same location as data file.
    Default: null

  • Raven/Voron/MaxBufferPoolSize
    You can use this setting to specify the maximum buffer pool size that can be used for transactional storage (in gigabytes). By default it is 4. Minimum value is 2.
    Default: 4

  • Raven/Voron/InitialSize
    You can use this setting to specify an initial file size for data file (in bytes).

  • Raven/Voron/MaxScratchBufferSize
    The maximum scratch buffer (modified data by active transactions) size that can be used by Voron (in megabytes).
    Default: 6144

  • Raven/Voron/AllowOn32Bits
    Allows to use Voron storage on servers running in 32-bit mode.
    Default: false

  • Raven/Voron/ScratchBufferSizeNotificationThreshold
    The minimum number of megabytes after which each scratch buffer size increase will create a notification. Used for indexing batch size tuning.

    • 1024 when MaxScratchBufferSize > 1024
    • 512 when MaxScratchBufferSize > 512
    • -1 otherwise (disabled)


  • Raven/IncrementalBackup/AlertTimeoutHours
    Number of hours after which incremental backup alert will be issued. Default: 24

  • Raven/IncrementalBackup/RecurringAlertTimeoutDays
    Number of days after which incremental backup alert will be shown again. Default: 7


  • Raven/Tenants/MaxIdleTimeForTenantDatabase
    The time (in seconds) for which a tenant database is allowed to be idle.
    Default: 900

  • Raven/Tenants/FrequencyToCheckForIdleDatabases
    The time (in seconds) after which a check for an idle tenant database should be run.
    Default: 60

  • Raven/Tenants/MaxConcurrentResourceLoads
    The maximum number of resources (databases, file systems) to be loaded simultaneously.
    Default: 8

  • Raven/Tenants/ConcurrentResourceLoadTimeout
    The max time before a server will timeout if it doesn't get a free slot to load a resource (database or file systems) concurrently with other loading requests.
    Default: 00:00:15


  • Raven/Quotas/Size/HardLimitInKB
    The hard limit after which we refuse any additional writes.
    Default: none

  • Raven/Quotas/Size/SoftMarginInKB
    The soft limit before which we will warn about the quota.
    Default: 1024

  • Raven/Quotas/Documents/HardLimit
    The hard limit after which we refuse any additional documents.
    Default: Int64.MaxValue

  • Raven/Quotas/Documents/SoftLimit
    The soft limit before which we will warn about the document's limit quota.
    Default: Int64.MaxValue

JavaScript parser

  • Raven/MaxStepsForScript
    Maximum number of steps that javascripts functions can have (used for scripted patching).
    Default: 10000

  • Raven/AdditionalStepsForScriptBasedOnDocumentSize
    Number that will expand Raven/MaxStepsForScript, based on a document size. Formula is as follows: MaxStepsForScript = Raven/MaxStepsForScript + (documentSize * Raven/AdditionalStepsForScriptBasedOnDocumentSize) Default: 5

  • Raven/AllowScriptsToAdjustNumberOfSteps
    Value indicating if scripts can use IncreaseNumberOfAllowedStepsBy function in scripts (more about it here) to increase the maximum allowed number of steps in script.
    Default: false

  • Raven/TurnOffDiscoveryClient
    If True, turns off the discovery client.
    Default: false

Authorization & Authentication

  • Raven/AnonymousAccess
    Determines what actions an anonymous user can perform. None - allows access only to authenticated users,
    Admin - all (including administrative actions).
    Default: Admin


If your database instance does not have a valid license, then the Admin is the only available option to set. In a commercial system it should not be used. It is used only for testing and development purposes, since it grants administrative rights to ANY user.

  • Raven/OAuthTokenServer
    The url clients should use for authenticating when using OAuth mode.
    Default: http://RavenDB-Server-Url/OAuth/AccessToken - the internal OAuth server.

  • Raven/OAuthTokenCertificate
    The base 64 to the OAuth key use to communicate with the server.
    Default: null (if no key is specified, one will be automatically created).

  • Raven/ExposeConfigOverTheWire
    Allows to access /debug/config, /debug/request-tracing or /debug/info-package endpoints. Valid values are Open or AdminOnly.
    Default: Open


  • Raven/Encryption/Algorithm
    AssemblyQualifiedName value. Additionaly provided type must be a subclass of SymmetricAlgorithm from System.Security.Cryptography namespace and must not be an abstract class.
    Default: "System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged, System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"

  • Raven/Encryption/Key
    Key used for encryption purposes, with minimum length of 8 characters, base64 encoded.

  • Raven/Encryption/EncryptIndexes
    Boolean value indicating if the indexes should be encrypted.
    Default: True

  • Raven/Encryption/FIPS
    Use FIPS compliant encryption algorithms. Read more here. Default: False


  • Raven/Replication/FetchingFromDiskTimeout
    Number of seconds after which replication will stop reading documents/attachments from disk. Default: 30

  • Raven/Replication/ReplicationRequestTimeout
    Number of milliseconds before replication requests will timeout. Default: 60 * 1000

  • Raven/Replication/IndexAndTransformerReplicationLatency
    Amount of seconds between each indexes and transformer definition replication attempt (if such replication is allowed).
    Default: 600 seconds

  • Raven/Replication/MaxNumberOfItemsToReceiveInSingleBatch
    Maximum amount of items that can be send in replication batch to THIS database.
    Default: 512

  • Raven/Replication/ForceReplicationRequestBuffering
    Force buffering in replication requests (useful if using windows auth under certain scenarios).
    Default: false

  • Raven/Replication/ReplicationPropagationDelayInSeconds
    The replication propogation delay in seconds
    Default: 15


  • Raven/Prefetcher/FetchingDocumentsFromDiskTimeout
    Number of seconds after which prefetcher will stop reading documents from disk. Default: 5

  • Raven/Prefetcher/MaximumSizeAllowedToFetchFromStorage
    Maximum number of megabytes after which prefetcher will stop reading documents from disk. Default: 256


  • Raven/TombstoneRetentionTime
    Determines how long replication and periodic backup tombstones will be kept by a database. After the specified time they will be automatically purged on next database startup.
    Default: 14 days

File System

  • Raven/FileSystem/MaximumSynchronizationInterval
    The maximum number in seconds to synchronization interval.
    Default: 60 sec

  • Raven/FileSystem/IndexStoragePath
    The path for the indexes on a disk. Useful if you want to store the indexes on another HDD for performance reasons.
    Default: None

  • Raven/FileSystem/DataDir
    The directory for the RavenDB file system. You can use the ~\ prefix to refer to RavenDB's base directory.
    Default: ~\FileSystems

  • Raven/FileSystem/Storage
    What storage type to use in RavenFS (see: RavenFS Storage engines)
    Allowed values: esent, voron Default: esent


  • Raven/Counters/DataDir
    The directory for the RavenDB counters. You can use the ~\ prefix to refer to RavenDB's base directory.
    Default: ~\Counters

  • Raven/Counter/TombstoneRetentionTime
    Determines how long tombstones will be kept by a counter storage. After the specified time they will be automatically Purged on next counter storage startup.
    Default: 14 Days

  • Raven/Counter/DeletedTombstonesInBatch
    Number of tombstones to delete in a batch.
    Default: 1000

  • Raven/Counter/ReplicationLatency
    Time to wait due to replication latency.
    Default: 30 Sec

  • Raven/Counter/BatchTimeout
    The time for batch timeout.
    Default: 360 Sec

Time Series

  • Raven/TimeSeries/DataDir
    The path for the time series directory.
    Default: ~\TimeSeries

  • Raven/TimeSeries/ReplicationLatency
    Time to wait due to replication latency.
    Default: 30 Sec


  • Raven/Cluster/ElectionTimeout
    Number of milliseconds before cluster election will timeout.
    Default: 1200 MS

  • Raven/Cluster/HeartbeatTimeout
    Number of milliseconds before cluster heartbeat will timeout.
    Default: 300

  • Raven/Cluster/MaxLogLengthBeforeCompaction
    Maximun log length before doing compaction.
    Default: 32 * 1024

  • Raven/Cluster/MaxEntriesPerRequest
    Maximum number of entries per request.
    Default: 256

  • Raven/Cluster/MaxStepDownDrainTime
    The max time to step down from being a leader.
    Default: 15 Sec

  • Raven/Cluster/MaxReplicationLatency
    Maximum time to wait due to replication latency.
    Default: 2 Min


  • Raven/Monitoring/Snmp/Enabled
    Enable / Disable snmp Monitoring.
    Default: false

  • Raven/Monitoring/Snmp/Community
    Snmp provider.
    Default: ravendb

  • Raven/Monitoring/Snmp/Port
    Snmp port.
    Default: 161

Web Sockets

  • Raven/WebSockets/InitialBufferPoolSize
    Buffer pool size.
    Default: 128 * 1024

Availability of configuration options

Many of the configuration options described in the section above can be used both in global and per database context. If you want to set configuration per database, please refer to this page.

Configuration option Database Global
Raven/MaxPageSize Yes Yes
Raven/MemoryCacheExpiration Yes Yes
Raven/MemoryCacheLimitMegabytes Yes Yes
Raven/MemoryCacheLimitPercentage Yes Yes
Raven/MemoryCacheLimitCheckInterval Yes Yes
Raven/MemoryLimitForProcessing Yes Yes
Raven/MaxSecondsForTaskToWaitForDatabaseToLoad No Yes
Raven/DynamicLoadBalancing No Yes
Raven/CacheDocumentsInMemory Yes Yes
Raven/MaxConcurrentServerRequests No Yes
Raven/MaxConcurrentMultiGetRequests No Yes
Raven/IndexStoragePath Yes Yes
Raven/MaxIndexWritesBeforeRecreate Yes Yes
Raven/MaxNumberOfParallelIndexTasks Yes Yes
Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch Yes Yes
Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToReduceInSingleBatch Yes Yes
Raven/MaxNumberOfItemsToPreFetchForIndexing Yes Yes
Raven/InitialNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch Yes Yes
Raven/AvailableMemoryForRaisingIndexBatchSizeLimit Yes Yes
Raven/ResetIndexOnUncleanShutdown Yes Yes
Raven/MaxIndexingRunLatency Yes Yes
Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeRunningIdleIndexes Yes Yes
Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeMarkingAutoIndexAsIdle Yes Yes
Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeRunningAbandonedIndexes Yes Yes
Raven/TimeToWaitBeforeMarkingIdleIndexAsAbandoned Yes Yes
Raven/TaskScheduler Yes Yes
Raven/NewIndexInMemoryMaxMB Yes Yes
Raven/CreateAutoIndexesForAdHocQueriesIfNeeded Yes Yes
Raven/SkipCreatingStudioIndexes Yes Yes
Raven/LimitIndexesCapabilities Yes Yes
Raven/CompiledIndexCacheDirectory Yes Yes
Raven/NumberOfItemsToExecuteReduceInSingleStep Yes Yes
Raven/DisableDocumentPreFetchingForIndexing Yes Yes
Raven/DisableDocumentPreFetching Yes Yes
Raven/MaxIndexCommitPointStoreTimeInterval Yes Yes
Raven/MaxNumberOfStoredCommitPoints Yes Yes
Raven/MinIndexingTimeIntervalToStoreCommitPoint Yes Yes
Raven/DisableInMemoryIndexing Yes Yes
Raven/Indexing/FlushIndexToDiskSizeInMb Yes Yes
Raven/Indexing/MaxNumberOfItemsToProcessInTestIndexes Yes Yes
Raven/NewIndexInMemoryMaxTime Yes Yes
Raven/ImplicitFetchFieldsFromDocumentMode Yes Yes
Raven/Indexing/DisableMapReduceInMemoryTracking No Yes
Raven/MaxPrecomputedBatchTotalDocumentSizeInBytes Yes Yes
Raven/BulkImport/BatchTimeout Yes Yes
Raven/WorkingDir No Yes
Raven/RunInMemory Yes Yes
Raven/DataDir Yes Yes
Raven/StorageTypeName Yes Yes
Raven/DatabaseOperationTimeout Yes Yes
Raven/MaxRecentTouchesToRemember Yes Yes
Raven/HostName No Yes
Raven/Port No Yes
Raven/UseSSL No Yes
Raven/IgnoreSslCertificateErrors No Yes
Raven/VirtualDirectory No Yes
Raven/HttpCompression No Yes
Raven/AccessControlAllowOrigin No Yes
Raven/AccessControlMaxAge No Yes
Raven/AccessControlAllowMethods No Yes
Raven/AccessControlRequestHeaders No Yes
Raven/Headers/Ignore No Yes
Raven/MaxConcurrentRequestsForDatabaseDuringLoad No Yes
Raven/MaxServicePointIdleTime No Yes
Raven/License No Yes
Raven/LicensePath No Yes
Raven/Licensing/AllowAdminAnonymousAccessForCommercialUse No Yes
Raven/ServerName No Yes
Raven/AssembliesDirectory No Yes
Raven/RejectClientsModeEnabled No Yes
Raven/ActiveBundles Yes* Yes
Raven/BundlesSearchPattern No Yes
Raven/PluginsDirectory No Yes
Raven/Esent/CacheSizeMax Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/MaxVerPages Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/PreferredVerPages Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/DbExtensionSize Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/LogFileSize Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/LogBuffers Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/MaxCursors Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/LogsPath Yes Yes
Raven/Esent/CircularLog Yes Yes
Raven/Voron/AllowIncrementalBackups Yes Yes
Raven/Voron/TempPath Yes Yes
Raven/Voron/MaxBufferPoolSize Yes Yes
Raven/Voron/InitialSize Yes Yes
Raven/Voron/MaxScratchBufferSize Yes Yes
Raven/Voron/ScratchBufferSizeNotificationThreshold Yes Yes
Raven/IncrementalBackup/AlertTimeoutHours Yes Yes
Raven/IncrementalBackup/RecurringAlertTimeoutDays Yes Yes
Raven/Tenants/MaxIdleTimeForTenantDatabase No Yes
Raven/Tenants/FrequencyToCheckForIdleDatabases No Yes
Raven/Quotas/Size/HardLimitInKB Yes Yes
Raven/Quotas/Size/SoftMarginInKB Yes Yes
Raven/Quotas/Documents/HardLimit Yes Yes
Raven/Quotas/Documents/SoftLimit Yes Yes
Raven/MaxStepsForScript Yes Yes
Raven/AdditionalStepsForScriptBasedOnDocumentSize Yes Yes
Raven/TurnOffDiscoveryClient No Yes
Raven/AnonymousAccess Yes Yes
Raven/Authorization/Windows/RequiredGroups Yes Yes
Raven/Authorization/Windows/RequiredUsers Yes Yes
Raven/OAuthTokenServer Yes Yes
Raven/OAuthTokenCertificate Yes Yes
Raven/OAuthTokenCertificatePath Yes Yes
Raven/OAuthTokenCertificatePassword Yes Yes
Raven/ExposeConfigOverTheWire Yes Yes
Raven/Encryption/Algorithm Yes** Yes
Raven/Encryption/Key Yes** Yes
Raven/Encryption/EncryptIndexes Yes** Yes
Raven/Encryption/FIPS No Yes
Raven/Replication/FetchingFromDiskTimeout Yes Yes
Raven/Replication/ReplicationRequestTimeout Yes Yes
Raven/Replication/IndexAndTransformerReplicationLatency Yes Yes
Raven/Replication/MaxNumberOfItemsToReceiveInSingleBatch Yes Yes
Raven/Replication/ForceReplicationRequestBuffering Yes Yes
Raven/Replication/ReplicationPropagationDelayInSeconds Yes Yes
Raven/Prefetcher/FetchingDocumentsFromDiskTimeout Yes Yes
Raven/Prefetcher/MaximumSizeAllowedToFetchFromStorage Yes Yes
Raven/TombstoneRetentionTime Yes Yes
Raven/FileSystem/MaximumSynchronizationInterval No Yes
Raven/FileSystem/IndexStoragePath No Yes
Raven/FileSystem/DataDir No Yes
Raven/FileSystem/Storage No Yes
Raven/Counters/DataDir No Yes
Raven/Counter/TombstoneRetentionTimeh No Yes
Raven/Counter/DeletedTombstonesInBatch No Yes
Raven/Counter/ReplicationLatency No Yes
Raven/Counter/BatchTimeout No Yes
Raven/TimeSeries/DataDir No Yes
Raven/TimeSeries/ReplicationLatency No Yes
Raven/Cluster/ElectionTimeout No Yes
Raven/Cluster/HeartbeatTimeout No Yes
Raven/Cluster/MaxLogLengthBeforeCompaction No Yes
Raven/Cluster/MaxEntriesPerRequest No Yes
Raven/Cluster/MaxStepDownDrainTime No Yes
Raven/Cluster/MaxReplicationLatency No Yes
Raven/Monitoring/Snmp/Enabled No Yes
Raven/Monitoring/Snmp/Community No Yes
Raven/Monitoring/Snmp/Port No Yes
Raven/WebSockets/InitialBufferPoolSize No Yes


  • Raven/ActiveBundles can be changed after database has been created, but any changes may cause unexpected stability issues and are HIGHLY unrecommended. Please activate bundles only when creating new databases.
  • Raven/Encryption settings can only be provided when a database is being created. Changing them later will cause DB malfunction. More about Encryption bundle can be found here.


In the studio you can configure global behavior for all the bundles, read here for more information.